Download the PHP package dimitri/libphp-pgq without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package dimitri/libphp-pgq. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package libphp-pgq


== Introduction

This project provides PHP level API to use the PGQ SQL API.

Read more about PGQ here:[][]

It then provides several kinds of Consumer that you'll want to extends. All the consumer wants you to implement your own process_event(&$event) callback function, and will care about PGQ inner fonctionning.

PGQ is about producing events in a (work) queue and having one or more consumer get those events, in batches, and work on them. What the PHP class to be presented here do is fetching the batches and calling your own process_event() function for each event.

It's available on[].

== Tools

=== SimpleLogger

This class handles logging with a +loglevel+: only messages more important than current +loglevel+ are written to the logfile. The levels are, by increasing order of importance:

The +SimpleLogger+ offers a method for each +loglevel+, taking a format string then arguments, just like +sprintf()+ does. You have for example

$logger->debug("a message with a '%s' string", $str);

=== SystemDaemon

This class implements a System Daemon controlled with commands. The principle is to run in the background and loop forever, taking a +$this->delay+ rest whenever possible between two loops.

+SystemDaemon+ uses SimpleLogger in +$this->log+ instance, and have it reopens its logfile at +reload+ time. This means it plays well with logrotate, just don't forget to +reload+ the daemon at logrotate postprocess time.

The commands available for any +SystemDaemon+ are: +start+, +stop+, +kill+, +reload+, +restart+, +status+, +logless+, +logmore+.

The difference between +stop+ and +kill+ is that in the first case the daemon will terminate current processing and only stops at next opportunity to sleep for +$this->delay+, while +kill+ forces it into exiting (calling +$this->stop()+) first.

The +reload+ command will have the daemon call user defined +$this->reload()+ command at next sleep opportunity. This command could e.g. read a configuration file and change settings.

Commands +logless+ and +logmore+ are considered without delay and makes the used logger to get instantly more or less verbose by increasing or decreasing its +loglevel+. This is useful when you want to know exactly what a daemon is doing now, but can't afford to restart it.

When implementing a +SystemDaemon+, you get to just implement +$this->config()+ and +$this->process()+ functions, which will get called in the infinite looping. The former will only get called when a reload has been ordered (+SIGHUP+), and the latter in each and every loop.

The +SystemDaemon+ will also register its +SimpleLogger+ instance as the PHP error handler, and consider quitting when confronted to a PHP FATAL errors (one of +E_STRICT+, +E_PARSE+, +E_CORE_ERROR+, +E_CORE_WARNING+, +E_COMPILE_ERROR+, +E_COMPILE_WARNING+), and will call user defined +$this->php_error_hook()+ for PHP +E_ERROR+ or +E_USER_ERROR+ level errors.

=== PGQ

This class is abstract and has a +public static+ method for each SQL function that the PGQ SQL API offers. If PHP knew about namespaces or modules, this would be a module.

== Consumers

Those class are the one handling how PGQ really works. They will get batches from the queue, get events from them, allow you to process the event by calling user defined +$this->process_event(&$event)+ function, and call finish_batch() as appropriate.

The +$this->process_event()+ function should return one of those return codes:


When the event processing is satisfactory.


The event is tagged as failed with +$event->failed_reason+ reason, and when using +PGQEventRemoteConsumer+ the related processing done on remote database is rollbacked.


The event is tagged as retry and will get reinserted into main queue after a minimum delay of +$event->retry_delay+ seconds. When using +PGQEventRemoteConsumer+ the related processing done on the remote database is rollbacked.


All current batch processing is canceled, at both remote and queue database when using some sort of +RemoteConsumer+. The batch is not finished, so you'll get the events back at next run(s).

=== PGQConsumer

This is a +SystemDaemon+ which implements some more commands in order to install the queue and register the consumer.

When extending a +PGQConsumer+, you get to implement +$this->config()+ and +$this->process_event()+ functions, and you're done.

The constructor needs a queue name (+qname+), a consumer name (+cname+) and a database connection string.

The added commands are:

install:: Create the queue +qname+ and register a consumer +cname+.

uninstall:: Unregister the consumer +cname+ and drop the queue +qname+.

check:: True only if the queue +qname+ exists and the consumer +cname+ is registered.

create_queue:: Create the queue +qname+.

drop_queue:: Drop the queue +qname+.

register:: Register the consumer +cname+.

unregister:: Unregister the consumer +cname+.

failed:: Print out a list of failed events for queue +qname+ and consumer +cname+.

delete:: Delete given event id, or all failed events if given +all+ as an event id.

retry:: Retry given event id, or all failed events if given +all+ as an event id.

=== PGQInteractiveConsumer

This class assume the looping will get done elsewhere, at the calling site for example. It consumes all available events (up until next_batch() returns +null+).

The lag is not controlled by the implementer class but rather by the user of it.

Implementer have to call +$this->process()+, which will start consuming all available events and call the +$this->process_event(&$event)+ hook for each event.

Internal design note::

+PGQInteractiveRemoteConsumer+ needs to implement all PGQ methods for itself because of PHP limitation of extending from only one base class: +PGQConsumer+ could not extends both +SystemDaemon+ and +PGQClass+, where we should put the class abstraction over the API module.

=== PGQRemoteConsumer

+PGQRemoteConsumer+ is a +PGQConsumer+ controlling two PostgreSQL connections and which will handle +COMMIT+ and +ROLLBACK+ nicely on both of them.

This means you want to use +PGQRemoteConsumer+ when you're processing events from one database and apply changes to another one, the remote one. The +PGQRemoteConsumer+ takes advantage of the fact that the remote processing is transactionnal (happens on a database) to get sure any +COMMIT+ ed work on remote connection is associated with events properly consumed.

Any error in event consuming or remote processing will cause the current batch processing to be +ROLLBACK+ ed at both points, meaning the events will get consumed again later.

=== PGQEventRemoteConsumer

When you need to be able to +COMMIT+ or +ROLLBACK+ both transaction at event level, +PGQEventRemoteConsumer+ is what you're after. It will use a subtransaction (+SAVEPOINT+) for each event and will be able to +ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT+ on the remote side for any processing error related to a single event processing.

=== PGQCoopConsumer

This Consumer will share batches in between all its subconsumer processes. You need to register each of the subconsumer separately.

All versions of libphp-pgq with dependencies

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