Download the PHP package diegograssato/doctrine-data-fixture-module without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package diegograssato/doctrine-data-fixture-module. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download diegograssato/doctrine-data-fixture-module
More information about diegograssato/doctrine-data-fixture-module
Files in diegograssato/doctrine-data-fixture-module
Package doctrine-data-fixture-module
Short Description Zend Framework 2 Module that provides Doctrine Data-Fixture functionality
License MIT
Informations about the package doctrine-data-fixture-module
DoctrineDataFixture Module for Zend Framework 3
The DoctrineDataFixtureModule module intends to integrate Doctrine 2 data-fixture with Zend Framework 3 quickly and easily. The following features are intended to work out of the box:
- Doctrine ORM support
- Multiple ORM entity managers
- Multiple DBAL connections
- Support reuse existing PDO connections in DBAL
This module is designed to work with a typical ZF2 MVC application.
Installation of this module uses composer. For composer documentation, please refer to
Then open config/development.config.php
and DoctrineDataFixtureModule
to your modules
Registering Fixtures
To register fixtures with Doctrine module add the fixtures in your configuration.
or group configurator
To rotate the fixture use the terminal command:
The odm:fixture:load command loads data fixtures from your bundles:
You can also optionally specify the path to fixtures with the --fixtures option:
If you want to append the fixtures instead of flushing the database first you can use the --append option:
You can also optionally specify the group configuration:
You can also optionally list the fixtures:
All versions of doctrine-data-fixture-module with dependencies
doctrine/doctrine-module Version ^1.2
zendframework/zend-servicemanager Version ^2.7.6 || ^3.1
zendframework/zend-stdlib Version ^2.7.7 || ^3.0.1
doctrine/data-fixtures Version ^1.2
doctrine/doctrine-orm-module Version ^1.1