Download the PHP package devgeniem/acf-codifier without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package devgeniem/acf-codifier. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package acf-codifier
ACF Codifier
- Contributors: devgeniem / Nomafin
- Tags: wordpress, acf
- Requires at least: 4.6.0
- Tested up to: 5.6.3
- License: GPL-3.0 or later
- License URI:
A helper class to make defining ACF field groups and fields easier in the code.
A complete documentation of the classes can be found here.
The recommended way to install ACF Codifier is by Composer:
OR add it in your composer.json
Installing the plugin with Composer requires Bedrock's autoloader. It installs as an mu-plugin and doesn't need to be activated.
You can, however, install it also as an ordinary plugin. It can be done in two ways:
Clone this repository into your
directory and runcomposer install --no-dev
in the repository folder. - Download the latest release here and just extract the archive in your
All classes of the Codifier are under the namespace Geniem\ACF
. For easiness, it's better to put your declarations in separate file(s) and declare namespace Geniem\ACF;
on top of them. Rest of this ReadMe supposes you have done that.
Creating a field group.
Field groups live in a class called Group
. New group is thus created with:
This will create a new field group with Field Group
as its title and field-group
as the key.
If you want to define the key yourself, you can either give it as the second parameter to the constructor or use:
You can also change the title of the group later with set_title()
There are methods for defining all the other properties of a field group as well. All the field group commands can be chained. For example:
Very rarely anyone wants their field group to be shown in every edit screen of a WordPress installation. The visibility rules are handled with their own class RuleGroup
. A rule group is created and linked with a group like this:
You can add multiple rules to a rule group, and each rule within a group is considered an 'and'. If you add multiple rule groups to a field group, they are considered an 'or'.
Field group is registered to use with register
Obviously your new field group wouldn't have any fields at this point, but don't worry, we get to them later.
Comprehensive documentation of the class can be found here.
Creating fields
Like field groups, fields are also objects of their own. They live in classes named for their field types. For example a text field can be created with:
Now the $text
variable is populated with a text field with Text field
as its label and text-field
with both as its key and its name.
The key and the name can also be given to the constructor as its second and third parameters respectively. Obviously there are set_key()
and set_name()
methods also available like there were with the groups as well.
The plugin checks that the field key is unique within the project and triggers a notice if there is a collision.
Every property a field type has is defined with its own method. Like the field groups, they can be chained with the fields as well.
ACF's conditional logic groups work very similarly to groups' location rules. First you need to create an object from ConditionalLogicGroup
and add the rule there:
The logic between 'ands' and 'ors' is the same than it is with the groups' location rules.
Fields are added to field groups with the add_field
Normally add_field
adds the field to the end of the field group. If you want the field to be inserted first, append a second parameter with first
as its value:
You can also insert the field into the field group after or before another field with following methods:
You can use either the field key or the field object with both methods.
There are also methods like add_fields()
that can be used to add an array of fields at once, and add_fields_from()
that takes another groupable object (for example a field group, group field, repeater or a flexible layout) as its first parameter and copies its fields to the calling object.
List of all field types and their methods can be found here.
Grouping field types
There are several special field types that can have subfields within them.
Group and repeater
The group and the repeater fields are the simplest of the grouping field types. They are very straightforward:
Flexible content
Flexible content fields consist of layouts which contain the fields.
Like fields, layouts can also take key and name as their second and third parameters.
Clone field is a special case in that its class name is not the same than the field slug. Clone
is a reserved word in PHP so the class name of the field is CloneField
You can clone both fields and field groups, so the field's add_clone()
method can take both as a parameter. It can also be given just the key of the desired field or field group as a string.
Tab and Accordion
With ACF Codifier the tab and accordion field types are treated like they had subfields. Otherwise they works just the same as native ACF fields would.
Pseudo group
Pseudo group is like a group field, but it doesn't affect the data tree or the admin view. It only acts as a container for multiple fields, which then appear as independents fields when viewing the edit page or looking at the data tree.
Bidirectional relationships
Codifier supports bidirectional relationships for the field types ACF is supporting the feature (currently PostObject, Relationship, Taxonomy and User).
Codifier has a feature to register Gutenberg blocks using ACF's register block feature internally. It works in a very similar fashion than the basic field creation in Codifier as well.
Block's constructor takes two mandatory parameters: the title and the name (or key) of the block. The properties are then set for the block with appropriate methods.
The rendering of the block happens with a Renderer class. Codifier includes three renderers by default: CallableRenderer that uses a simple method for rendering; PHP that renders a normal PHP file with the given data and Dust that uses DustPHP templates for rendering.
The following uses the print_r()
method to output a list of the data from the fields.
The ACF fields themselves are added to the block as they would to any other groupable type object with methods like add_field()
and set_fields()
To register the block for Gutenberg, just use the register()
If you need, the abovementioned method returns the output of ACF's register_block()
Additional features
Prevent Flexible Content layouts from showing in some post types or page templates
If you want to prevent some Flexible Content layouts from showing in some post types or page templates, you can do so with exclude_post_type
or exclude_template
There are also set_exclude_post_types
and set_exclude_templates
methods with which you can set multiple excludes at once with an array.
Hide field label
With the Codifier you can hide a field's label on the admin side. It might be useful for example with flexible content fields or a group field.
You achieve this simply by calling hide_label()
for your field.
There are also show_label()
and get_label_visibility()
Additional field types
PHP field
The PHP field is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It allows the developer to run his own code within the field area in the admin side and print anything between the ordinary fields.
The field type shows up in the ACF admin as well, but there are no functionality that can be used from there.
Usage of the field type is very straightforward. You can just run your own code like this:
Multisite Relationship
The Multisite Relationship is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It is a clone of the original Relationship field but with the ability to define the blog from which the posts can be picked.
The usage is otherwise exactly the same as with the Relationship field, but there is a new set_blog_id()
The Multitaxonomy is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It is a clone of the original Taxonomy field but with the ability to define multiple taxonomies to select the terms from. It supports all features defined for the Taxonomy field except the ability to add a new term with the field input. It also has an additional feature for setting the field disabled, which is not possible with the original Taxonomy field.
Define the field and set the taxonomy slugs to enable selecting terms from multiple taxonomies.
To enable selecting multiple terms, change the field type to multi_select
Multisite Taxonomy
The Multisite Taxonomy is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It extends the abilities of the Multitaxonomy field by allowing the developer to set a multisite blog id from which the taxonomy terms can be chosen.
Extended Wysiwyg
The Extended Wysiwyg is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It extends the abilities of the Wysiwyg field by allowing the developer to set the height of the TinyMCE editor.
Multisite Post Object
The Multisite Post Object is an ACF field type that can only be used with the Codifier. It is a clone of the original Post Object field but with the ability to define the blog from which the post object can be picked.
The usage is similar to the Post Object field, but there is a new set_blog_id()
method for selecting the blog.
Support for external field types
There are also some field types that are created in the ACF Codifier that are not built-in in the ACF itself. These fields require a plugin to work. The plugins should be linked in the docblock comment of the field type class.
If you use some ACF field type plugin, you can either request it to be included in the Codifier by creating an issue on GitHub or creating the field type class yourself and filing a pull request for it.
List of included additional field types
Tips & Tricks
If translated strings are used as field labels, instructions etc., the Codifier declarations should be run inside an appropriate hook - for example init
is fine.