PHP code example of destruidorpt / laravel-sqrl-auth

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download destruidorpt/laravel-sqrl-auth library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


destruidorpt / laravel-sqrl-auth example snippets

php artisan migrate


$data = SQRLController::getNewQuestionNonce("https://sqrl.test/okbutton", "https://sqrl.test/cancelbutton", "Do you confirm 5$ tranfering?", "I accept", https://sqrl.test/iacceptbutton", "Cancel", https://sqrl.test/cancelbutton");
return view('LaravelSQRLAuthExemples.transfer', $data);

if(isset($user)){ //Check if the user exists
    if(!SQRLController::checkIfUserCanAuthByNormalLogin($user->id)) { //Check if the user can not be authentication by normal login authentication
        return redirect()->intended('login')->withErrors(['SQRL Only Allowed!!!']);//If returned false then the user only can authenticate by SQRL

if(isset($user)){ //Check if the user exists
    if(!SQRLController::checkIfUserCanUseRecoverPassword($user->id)) { //Check if the user can not recovery the password
        return redirect()->intended('resetpw')->withErrors(['SQRL not Allowed recovery account!!!']); //This means that the account as hardlocked by SQRL Client that not Allowed recovery password by email or personal questions

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="DestruidorPT\LaravelSQRLAuth\LaravelSQRLAuthServiceProvider"