Download the PHP package deefour/interactor without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package deefour/interactor. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package interactor


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Simple PHP Service Objects. Inspired by collectiveidea/interactor.

Getting Started

Run the following to add Interactor to your project's composer.json. See Packagist for specific versions.

>=PHP5.6.0 is required.

What is an Interactor

An interactor is a simple, single-purpose object.

Interactors are used to encapsulate your application's business logic. Each interactor represents one thing that your application does.

An interactor

  1. Extends Deefour\Interactor\Interactor
  2. Implements a call() method

As a simple example, the below interactor creates a new Car.


An interactor runs based on a given context. The context contains the information the interactor needs to do its work. An interactor may affect its passed context, providing data from within the interactor back to the caller.

All contexts extend the Deefour\Transformer\MutableTransformer from the deefour/transformer package. The MutableTransformer provides conveient access and mutation of the underlying data, including but not limited to implementations of ArrayAccess and JsonSerializable.

Accessing the Context

An interactor's context can be accessed via the context() method.

Modifying the the Context

An interactor can add or modify the context.

This can be very useful to provide data back to the caller.

Permitted Attributes

Performing safe mass assignment is easy thanks to the MutableTransformer's only() method.

Specific Context Requirements

The default context constructor expects a single array of attributes as key/value pairs.

An interactor often requires specific data from the provided context. For example, a CreateCar interactor might expect to assign an owner to the Car it creates. A context class should be created specifically for this Interactor requiring a user be provided during instantiation.

The CreateCar interactor should expect an instance of this new CarContext during instantiation

The Context Factory

While instantiating contexts manually is the norm, the ContextFactory is a useful alternative in certain circumstances. Pass a fully qualified name of the context to be instantiated along with a set of attributes/parameters to the create() method.

Explicitly specifying an 'attributes' parameter isn't necessary. Any keys in the array of source data passed to the factory that do not match the name of a parameter on the constructor will be pushed into an $attributes parameter. If you provide an 'attributes' parameter manually in addition to extra data, the extra data will be merged into the $attributes array.

Note: Taking advantage of this requires an $attributes parameter be available on the constructor of the context class being instantiated through the factory.


The state of an interactor is considered passing or failing. A context holds the current state in a $status proprerty. This library provides a Success and Error status. Contexts are given a Success status by default.

Failing the Context

An interactor can be considered a failure when something goes wrong during it's execution. This is done by marking the context as having failed.

A message can be provided to explain the reason for the failure.

Failing a context causes a Deefour\Interactor\Exception\Failure exception to be thrown.

If an exception is provided it will be thrown after copying it's message over to the Error status set on the context.

Checking the Status

You can ask if the state is currently successful/passing.


Within a controller, implementing the car creation through the CreateCar interactor might look like this.

Dispatching Interactors

A Deefour\Interactor\DispatchesInteractors trait can be included in any class to reduce the creation and execution of an interactor to a single method call. In the example below, this trait will

  1. Resolve a new CarContext instance using the provided User, 'make', and 'model'
  2. Instantiate a new CreateCar instance with the newly created CarContext
  3. Execute the call() method on the interactor
  4. Return the context


Complex scenarios may require the use of multiple interactors in sequence. If a registration form asks for a user's email, password, and VIN of their car, the submission might register a new user account and create a new vehicle for the user based on the VIN. These two actions are best broken up into CreateUser and CreateVehicle interactors. An organizer can be used to manage the execution of these interactors.

Combining Interactors via an Organizer

To create an organizer, extend Deefour\Interactor\Organizer and implement an organize() method that pushes interactors onto the queue. The call() method for an organizer is implemented by the library. Like a standard interactor, an organizer can require a specific context by type-hinting the constructor.

The enqueue() method accepts a callable which should return an interactor instance. The callables are executed in a first-in-first-out manner. Each callable receives the organizer's context along with the context of the previously executed interactor.

The deferred instantiation allows for information only available after the execution of a previous interactor to be used when creating the current interactor.

Executing an Organizer

An organizer is executed like any other interactor. Call the call() method to kick things off after instantiation.

Organizer Failure and Rollback

If a failure occurs during the execution of an organizer, rollback() will be called on each interactor that ran successfully prior to the failure, in reverse order. Override the empty rollback() method on Deefour\Interactor\Interactor to take advantage of this.

Note: The rollback() method is not called when an interactor is executed on it's own, though it can be called manually by testing for failure on the context.

Integration With Laravel 5

A job in Laravel 5 can be treated as in interactor or organizer. The handle() method on a job called through Laravel's job dispatcher supports dependency injection through the service container. An implementation of the CreateCar interactor that takes advantage of dependency injection and Laravel's job dispatcher might look like this:

Laravel needs to be told to to use it's own dispatch() method instead of the one provided by this library. This allows both interactors and vanilla Laravel jobs can be dispatched.

Note: Interactors can even implement Laravel's Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue to have execution deferred!



2.0.0 - January 26, 2017

1.2.0 - October 16, 2016

1.1.0 - October 19, 2015

1.0.0 - October 7, 2015

0.7.0 - June 21, 2015

0.6.2 - June 5, 2015

0.6.0 - May 30, 2015

0.5.0 - May 25, 2015

0.4.4 - February 20, 2015

0.4.0 - February 1, 2015

0.3.0 - January 3, 2015

0.2.0 - October 7, 2014

0.1.0 - October 2, 2014


Copyright (c) 2017 Jason Daly (deefour). Released under the MIT License.

All versions of interactor with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.5.0
deefour/transformer Version ^1.0.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package deefour/interactor contains the following files

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