Download the PHP package dcodegroup/page-builder without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package dcodegroup/page-builder. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package page-builder
Page Builder
This package provides functionality for a CMS like page builder in Laravel. This includes managing pages and their content.
The package is extendable on per-project basis: new components, templates and page layouts can be defined.
You can install the package via composer:
Then run the install command.
This will publish the configuration file and the migrations.
Then run the migrations:
Add as NPM dependency:
Install vite-plugin-static-copy
Install TinyMCE
Add to vite.config.js within plugins array after importing vite-plugin-static-copy:
Add as resolve alias:
Working config, if you'd like to put the routes into web.php:
Add these to the bottom of routes/web.php, these will publish the routes:
Most of configuration has been set the fair defaults. However you can review the configuration file at config/page-builder.php
and adjust as needed.
The configuration values are mostly used for adding middleware, prefixes and groups for the routes used by the admin and the site functionality.
The following routes are exposed by the package
Admin side:
Frontend side:
Components can be added or changed using the DI container in Laravel. These examples should be added to one of your ServiceProvider
will do).
New components can be registered with the following method:
Existing components can be overwritten with the following method:
Component templates
The available templates for a component can be defined in the component's PHP class by overwriting the availableTemplates()
method on the Module class. After this, the UI will show a select input where you can select which template do you want to use when rendering the page. The templates must be available as a view with the name of (e.g. for a Heading module):
. For example, in a specific project, this is located at: {$projectRoot}/resources/views/vendor/page-builder/modules/heading/my-template.blade.php
Layout templates
The layout templates are managed from the /admin/templates
page. First you have to create a new record with each added template. The key
field of the template will be used when searching for the Blade view. The templates must be available as a view with the name of page-builder::templates.{$key}
. E.g. in a specific project this can be at {$projectRoot}/resources/views/vendor/page-builder/templates/my-template.blade.php
. In this case the template key will be my-template
All versions of page-builder with dependencies
laravelcollective/html Version ^6.3
spatie/laravel-medialibrary Version ^10.0.0
dcodegroup/seo Version ^0.1.1