Download the PHP package dbeurive/gpg without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package dbeurive/gpg. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package gpg


This package implements a wrapper around the PGP command line tool.

Please note that the ambition of this wrapper is not to be "complete". This wrapper has been developed in order to automat the GPG processing of a large number of files. Therefore, only the basic GPG functionalities have been wrapped (signing, encryption, decryption and signature verification).


This code is published under the following license:

Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)

See the file LICENSE.TXT


From the command line:

composer require dbeurive/gpg

Or, from within the file composer.json:

"require": {
    "dbeurive/gpg": "*"


For a detailed description of the return codes, please consult this file.

Signing a document (using the private key)

To sign a document means: encrypt the document using the private key.

Command line


gpg --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.pgp --sign document

# For automation inside a script:

exec 3> /tmp/status; echo 'password' | gpg --batch --yes --always-trust --status-fd 3 --passphrase-fd 0 --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.pgp --sign document; echo $?; exec 3>&-

Then to decrypt the document (using the public key)

gpg --output document.decrypted --decrypt document.pgp
gpg --output - --decrypt document.pgp

Please note that you can use the sub key associated to the private key instead of the private key itself.



static function signFile($inAPath, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)
static function signString($inString, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)


static function decryptFile($inAbsolutePath, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptOutputFile=null)
static function decryptString($inString, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptOutputFile=null)

Clear signing a document (using the private key)

To "clear sign" a document means:

Command line


gpg --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.pgp --clearsign document

# For automation inside a script:

exec 3> /tmp/status; echo 'password' | gpg --batch --yes --always-trust --status-fd 3 --passphrase-fd 0 --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.pgp --clearsign document; echo $?; exec 3>&-

Verify the signature:

gpg --verify document.pgp



static function clearSignFile($inPath, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)
static function clearSignString($inString, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)

Verify the signature:

static function verifyClearSignedFile($inFilePath, &$outWarning)
static function verifyClearSignedString($inString, &$outWarning) {

Creating a detached signature (using the private key)

Creating a "detached signature" means:

Please note that a "detached signature" and a "clear signature" are identical. The difference between a "detached signature" and a "clear signature" is that the former is put into a separate file, whereas the latter is appended to the end of the signed document.

Command line


gpg --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.PGP --detach-sign document

# For automation inside a script:

exec 3> /tmp/status; echo 'password' | gpg --batch --yes --always-trust --status-fd 3 --passphrase-fd 0 --armor -u 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 --output document.pgp --detach-sign document; echo $?; exec 3>&-

Verify the signature:

gpg --verify document.pgp document



static function detachSignFile($inPath, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)
static function detachSignString($inString, $inPrivateKeyFingerPrint, $inPassword=null, $inOptSignaturePath=null)

Verify a signature:

static function verifyDetachedSignedFile($inSignatureFilePath, $inDocument, &$outWarning)
static function verifyDetachedSignedString($inSignature, $inDocument, &$outWarning)

Encrypting a document (using a public key)

Please note that in GPG lingo, encryption using a private key is called "signing" (which, technically speaking, is an encryption).

Command line


gpg --armor --output encrypted_file --encrypt --recipient 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 document

# For automation inside a script:

exec 3> /tmp/status; gpg --batch --yes --status-fd 3 --always-trust --armor --output document.pgp --encrypt --recipient 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 document; echo $?; exec 3>&-

Decrypt the file (using a private key):

gpg --output document --decrypt document.pgp


static function encryptAsymmetricFile($inInputPath, $inPublicKeyFingerPrint, $inOptOutputFile=null)
static function encryptAsymmetricString($inString, $inPublicKeyFingerPrint, $inOptOutputFile=null)

Decrypt a encrypted file

Please note that the document may have been encrypted using a public key or a secret key (that is, signed).

Command line


gpg --output document --decrypt document.pgp

For automation inside a script:

exec 3> /tmp/status; echo 'password' | gpg --batch --yes --status-fd 3 --passphrase-fd 0 --always-trust --output document --decrypt document.pgp; echo $?; exec 3>&-


static function decryptFile($inAbsolutePath, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptOutputFile=null)
static function decryptString($inString, $inOptPassword=null, $inOptOutputFile=null)

Key management

Except when calling the methods that returns the fingerprints (getPublicKeyFingerPrint and getPrivateKeyFingerPrint), the keys are identified by their fingerprints This ensures maximum security against "side effects" that may occur when specifying keys' IDs.


static function getPublicKeyFingerPrint($inPublicKey)
static function getPrivateKeyFingerPrint($inPrivateKey)
static function isPrivateKeyPresent($inPrivateKeyFingerPrint)
static function isPublicKeyPresent($inPublicKeyFingerPrint)
static function removePrivateKey($inPrivateKeyFingerPrint)
static function removePublicKey($inPublicKeyFingerPrint)
static function importPrivateKey($inPrivateKeyPath)
static function importPublicKey($inPublicKeyPath)

Other methods

static function version()
static function checkVersion()

Testing the package

This package contains two pairs of keys:

These keys are located in the directory tests/data:

Importing these keys

cd tests/data
gpg --import open.prv; gpg --import; gpg --import protected.prv; gpg --import

Getting IDs and fingerprints

For public keys:

gpg --batch --list-keys --fingerprint --with-colon

For private keys:

gpg --batch --list-secret-keys --fingerprint --with-colon

See this document for a detailed description of the output of the option --with-colon.

The Perl script may be used to print the list of public keys.

gpg --list-keys --with-colon --fingerprint | perl
gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colon --fingerprint | perl


gpg --list-secret-keys --with-colon --fingerprint | perl


6   sec E07D9D14954C8DC5 03DEC874738344206A1A7D31E07D9D14954C8DC5 0C185D728E760EC0 open key <>
6   sec 29A778386005B911 881C41F8B8FD138E86E7230929A778386005B911 6A492A01B27F4819 protected key <>


Column 1: the total number of columns for the current line.
Column 2: the type of key (pub: public, sec: secret).
Column 3: the UID of the key.
Column 4: the fingerprint of the key.
Column 5: the UID of the associated sub key.
Column 6: the ID of the key.

Please note that

Creating printed backups of private keys

You can produce graphical representations of your private keys. These representations can be printed on paper.

Please note that you should not need to produce graphical representations of your public keys. Indeed, public keys do not need to be protected. Therefore you can make copies of your public keys everywhere.

Install Data Matrix tools:

Generate a very long RSA keys:

Find the ID or the fingerprint of the generated keys:

By ID:

By fingerprint:

Then generate images that represent the private key:

The list of images that represents the private key is:

Regenerate keys from their graphical representations

Please note that you need the public key in order to regenerate the private key! The public key can be stored within the public keyring, or within a file.

Compare the restored key against the original:

If you try to import the restored private key:

Sign a document with the original private key:

Remove the original private key from its keyring:

Restore the secret key using the backup:

Then, make sure that the restored secret key works as expected:

Useful links

All versions of gpg with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
No informations.
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package dbeurive/gpg contains the following files

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