PHP code example of cydrickn / socketio

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cydrickn/socketio library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cydrickn / socketio example snippets

$server = new \Cydrickn\SocketIO\Server([
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 8000,
    'mode' => SWOOLE_PROCESS,
    'settings' => [
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_WORKER_NUM => swoole_cpu_num() * 2,
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_ENABLE_STATIC_HANDLER => true,

$server->on('Started', function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Server $server) {
    echo 'Websocket is now listening in ' . $server->getHost() . ':' . $server->getPort() . PHP_EOL;

$server->on('connection', function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket) {
    // ...


$server->on('connection', function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket) {
    $socket->emit('hello', 'world');

$socket->emit('hello', 'world', 1, 2, 3, 'more');

// BAD
$socket->emit('hi', json_encode(['name' => 'Juan']));

$socket->emit('hi', ['name' => 'Juan']);

$socket->broadcast()->emit('hi', ['name' => 'Juan']);

$socket->toAll()->emit('hi', ['name' => 'Juan']);

$socket->emit('hi', function () {

// timeout for 5 seconds
$socket->timeout(5000)->emit('hi', function (bool $err) {
    if ($err) {
        // the other side did not acknowledge the event in the given delay

// timeout for 5 seconds
$socket->timeout(5000, 'Juan')->emit('hi', function (bool $err, string $name) {
    var_dump($name); // if the other side did not acknowledge the event the $name will be 'Juan'
    if ($err) {
        // the other side did not acknowledge the event in the given delay

$server->on('hello', function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, string $world) {
    // ...

$server->on('hi', function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, array $name) {
    // ...


$socket->to('room1')->emit('hi', ['name' => 'Juan']);

$socket->to('room1')->to('room2')->emit('hi', ['name' => 'Juan']);


use Cydrickn\SocketIO\Message\Response;

$socket->on('private message', (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, $anotherSocketId, $msg) => {
    $socket->($anotherSocketId, Response::TO_TYPE_SID).emit('private message', $socket->sid, $msg);

$server->on(function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, callable $next) {
    // ...

$server->on(function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, callable $next) {
    // ...
    $next(new \Error('Something went wrong'));

$server->on(function (\Cydrickn\SocketIO\Socket $socket, \Swoole\Http\Response $response, callable $next) {
    // ...
}, true);


$session = $server->getSessionStorage()->get('123456'); // This will automatically created once it does not exists

class CustomeStorage implements SessionStorageInterface {
    // ...

$server = new \Cydrickn\SocketIO\Server([
    'host' => '',
    'port' => 8000,
    'mode' => SWOOLE_PROCESS,
    'serve_http' => true,
    'settings' => [
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_WORKER_NUM => swoole_cpu_num() * 2,
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_ENABLE_STATIC_HANDLER => true,
        \Swoole\Constant::OPTION_DOCUMENT_ROOT => dirname(__DIR__).'/examples'
], sessionStorage: new CustomeStorage());
socket.on('hi', (callback) => {