Download the PHP package crowd/ptt without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package crowd/ptt. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package ptt


Add the bundle Crowd\PttBundle to the folder src and register it in the AppKernel by adding this line in the $bundles array of the file:

In the composer.json of the project add the following libraries:

And run the command composer update.


Create the file app/config/ptt.yml


Add an array for the key bundles. It should contain an item for each bundle. Every item must have the keys bundle and controllerClassPrefix. This will create the routing for each controller subclass of PttController.

If the project have different languages you may add "_local" prefix to your routing controller URL with requirements. Follow this example:

Admin configuration

For the key admin create an array with the configuration properties of the backend. The sidebar array contains multiple items, and each item has its keys:

Both 'class' and 'parameters' are optional


Add a key/value array of languages (if needed) for the key languages. The key should be the ISO 639-1 code of the language. The value the label you want to display in the backend.


If you want to be able to uploads contents to an S3 Amazon Server you'll need to add the key s3 with all it's required parameters:

Force allows 'PttMediaController' to upload images inserted in the body of the contents to the S3.


Swift Mailer integrates into any web app written in PHP 5, offering a flexible and elegant object-oriented approach to sending emails with a multitude of features.

You should define the smtp server at parameters.yml:

With this code you can send an email in a controller. You may change the subject, email from, email to. You can define a twig template for the mail or add some plane html.


To use a PttController in a controller add a use statement and subclass it.

By default, the PttController has 3 methods.


It will list the entities with the same name as the controller. For example, a controller called FooController will list the entities called Foo.

By default the only field displayed in the list will be Title. You can change this by implementing the method fieldsToList in your new controller. This method must return a key/value array with the field/label to list.

Implement the method listTitle to override the default list title.

In the list, the entities will be sortered, by default, using the first element of this array. The user can change the sorting by clicking on the row title (if you use the default Ptt template).

Sortable list

To make a list sortable by drag and drop you should add _order field to the entity.


It will delete an entity. To decide if the deletion must continue implement the method continueWithDeletion. This method must return an array. The first element has to be a boolean indication if the deletion has to continue or not, and the second a string with the error message (or an empty string if there is not error).

Just before the deletion the method beforeDeletion is called. Implement it to delete related entities.


It displays the entity form and all its fields. Read the section Form to understand how to create a form.

Implement the method editTitle to override the default list title.


You can create your own listAction, editAction and cancelAction methods by implementing them in your controller.

To use a custom template create it inside the folder Resources/views/Foo/action.html.twig.

Implement the method entityInfo to return basic information about the entity different to the one by default.

The method userIsRole($role) returns a boolean indicating if the user has that role or not.

The method userRole() returns a string with the user role.

The method 'allowAccess($methodName, $entity = false)' is called before the listAction, editAction and deleteAction. It should return an array with two items: the first one, a boolean indicating if the access is allowed or not. The second one, the error message, if there's one.


This section covers the creation of the form and its configuration.

General methods

By default this is done in the PttController. That's why this is only needed if you implement the editAction method in your controller.

To create a form access to it as a service:

To add the entity use the method setEntity

The others methods available are:

How to create a form

Create an entity and make it a subclass of PttEntity. Remember to add the usestatement.

This class now has some extra properties. In case you want to create a translatable website this entity must only have the static properties in it. Create another entity with the same name but with the sufix Trans for the translatable properties, for example MyEntityTrans, and make it a subclass of PttTransEntity. Again, you'll need to use the use statement.

This will make this entity have some extra properties too.

Proceed to create a YAML file in the folder Form inside the same bundle. The file name must be the same name of the entity (in this case MyEntity.yml. Important: only one file is needed, even if the entity is translatable.

Inside this file, create a key called static, and another called trans if needed.

There are two other optional keys that you can override for each form: errorMessage, which is the error message that is displayed in case the form has errors, and successMessage, which is displayed if the form has no error and the content can be saved.

Input types

The way of creating inputs/fields works in the same way either if they're translatable or not. Just remember to add it to the static or trans array depending if they are inside the MyEntity entity or the MyEntityTrans entity.


Each field has this default properties always.

You can configure each of this properties. Options is the property that is more customized because is the one that allows us to configure the field. Of course, the type and name properties are also very important. The name must match the name in the entity.

By default, there are some available options.

The key label indicates the label of the field. The key attr is a key/value array where you can add whatever you want. The most famous attr will be class and custom data-something attributes.

It would look like:

These are the available validations:

Type Text

Set text as input type.

You can set the max length with the atribute maxLength in options

Type Autocomplete

Set autocomplete as input type.

In options you must add the entity (entity) and the column (searchfield) where data is collected.

You can filter or sort the list with the properties sortBy and filterBy. Both are key/value arrays that look, for example, like this. Any of both is required.

Type Url

Set url as input type.

An input type url doesn't require any extra configuration that the default one.

Type Hidden

Set hidden as input type.

An input type hidden doesn't require any extra configuration that the default one.

Type Number

Set number as input type.

An input number doesn't require any extra configuration that the default one.

Type Checkbox

Set checkbox as input type.

An input checkbox doesn't require any extra configuration that the default one.

Type Password

Set password as input type.

An input number text doesn't require any extra configuration that the default one.

You only should use it on actual password fields. If you add this field, you must add the salt property to your entity too. You don't need to add the salt entity to the form.

Type File

Set file as input type.

Inside the options array you must add the type property. The available types are:

Storage: Set the key s3 inside options to true to upload the file to the S3 server previously configured. Set the key cdn inside options to true to upload the file to the CDN server previously configured.

Editable Set the key delete inside options to false to disable image changes by user.


Add the property sizes and make it an array with the sizes. These sizes will be used to create images. Each subarray has the keys w for width and h for height. If both are set to 0 the image size will be free.

The name of the images will be w-h-randomNameStoredInTheProperty.jpg.


If you choose file it will upload the file and keep the extension intact. The name of the file will be randomNameStoredInTheProperty.jpg.

Type Legend

Set legend as input type.

The label property inside options is the legend displayed. There's no need to add validations but it is very important to set mapped to false.

Type Textarea

Set textarea as input type.

By default it will display a simple textarea. You can add the property typeinside the options array to configure it. The available options are:


It will display an advanced markdown editor. You should add the property data-height inside the attr property inside options to set the height of the textarea.

Type Multiple

Multiple its a sortable array of modules with different layouts. The modules should be declared as a entity with the prefix 'module'. Inside options you can declare a default value for the selector at empty parameter. You should put the different modules in modules tag inside options with the label that will be displayed at selector and the entity who referenced.

Type Gallery

Set gallery as input type.

You must set the showErrors and mapped to false

Inside options you must inform the entity that appears for each image loaded. That entity should have one image field named "image" with option type set to "gallery".

Image field from related entity example:

Gallery field example:

mapped : false

Type Select

Set select as input type.

It has an optional empty property that you can add to the options array. It will be the default option in the select.

Inside the options array you must add the type property. The available types are:


Add the a key/value array options inside the options array. These will be the key/value options displayed in the select. For example:


The standard configuration is adding the entity key inside the options array. Add only the name of the entity and make sure that the entity is in the same bundle. You will also have to add the method __toString inside the entity so the select can print its name.

This entity will be displayed in the list.

You can filter or sort the list with the properties sortBy and filterBy. Both are key/value arrays that look, for example, like this. Any of both is required.

In case you want to create a multiple relation you'll have to create the relating entity. This entity must have 2 fields, one for the current objectId and another for the relatedObjectId. The names are customizable. To enable that you'll have to add the multiple key to the options array.

Important: if the select is multiple you have to set the mapped option of the field to false.

The properties inside multiple are:

In case we're in a Event entity and want to relate it with multiple Artist entities, the YAML should look like.

If you want to display that same relation but in the Artist form you'll have to switch the values. In this example it'd look like this.

Type SelectMultiple

Are two selectors in the second depends on the first.

You must add two more fields to the entity: [field_name]_model and [field_name]_title (the last is optional).

At the YML you should define the number of returned entities and the entities of the first selector.

Type Entity

Set entity as input type.

Set showErrors and mapped to false. Inside options fill the property entity with the name of the relating entity. That entity must have a relatedId property.

Aditional Notes

For php 5.4 you need to specify the doctrine specific version on 2.3

All versions of ptt with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.6
smottt/wideimage Version dev-master
tpyo/amazon-s3-php-class Version dev-master
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package crowd/ptt contains the following files

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