Download the PHP package codelinered/twitch-chatbot without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package codelinered/twitch-chatbot. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package twitch-chatbot

Twitch Chatbot - CodelineRed

Visit screenshots for an inside look.

This application based on Vue Skeleton (1.x).

This software is meant to be installed on your local machine. If you want to install on a public web server, please secure public folder by .htpasswd or something similar.

Table of contents


Install Production Build (Recommended)


Open console on your OS and navigate to the place where you want to install the project.

With Composer


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


With GIT


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


With ZIP



Windows 10+


All OS


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


Generate tmiToken and click on "Connect".
If you need PHP, you have to go to Install with Docker.

Install Main/ Develop Build


Open 2 consoles on your OS and navigate to the place where you want to install the project.

With Composer


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


in 2nd console


With GIT


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


in 2nd console


With ZIP



Windows 10+


All OS


Add username, tmiToken, your channel and other channels to src/app/chatbot.json


in 2nd console

` Generate tmiToken and click on "Connect".
Open localhost:3000 for Web UI.

Install with Docker (optional)


Open console on your OS and navigate to the unzipped or cloned app folder.



Windows 10+


All OS


Login Web UI Adminer
Server localhost:3050
Username - -
Password - -
Database - ../data/chatbot.sqlite3

chatbot.js Options

Option Description
--help, -h Shows list of options
--version Show version number
--recordchat, --rc Record chat messages in database (default: true)
--showversion, --sv Display version text in console (default: true)
--intro, -i Display intro in console (default: true)

Project Commands

gulp watch files and start BrowserSync
gulp build executes following tasks: cleanUp, scss, scssLint, js, jsLint, jsRequire, json, img, font, svg, vue, vueLint, vueJs, vueJsLint
gulp lintAll executes following tasks: scssLint, jsLint, vueJsLint, vueLint, chatbotLint
gulp cleanUp clean up public folder
gulp font copy font files
gulp img copy and compress images
gulp js uglify, minify and concat js files
gulp jsLint checks js follows lint rules
gulp jsRequire copy, uglify and rename files for requirejs
gulp json copy and minify json files
gulp scss compile, minify and concat scss files
gulp scssLint checks scss follows lint rules
gulp svg copy and compress svg files
gulp vue transpile vue files
gulp vueLint checks vue follows lint rules
gulp vueJs transpile vue js files
gulp vueJsLint checks vue js follows lint rules
gulp chatbotLint checks chatbot js follows lint rules
gulp watch watch scss, js, json, vue, chatbot, img, font and svg files


3000 Web UI with HTML (BrowserSync)
3001 BrowserSync UI
3050 Web UI with PHP/ twitch-chatbot (Docker Container)
3060 Host for twitch-chatbot-videos-folder (Docker Container)
3100 Main Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)
3110 Chat Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)
3120 Player Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)
3130 Raffle Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)
3140 Poll Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)
3150 Counter Window (Skateboard Socket for Web UI)


username Required - Twitch User Name
tmiToken Required - Twitch TMI Token
clientIdToken Optional - Twitch Client ID Token (is presetted)
youtubeToken Optional - YouTube API Token
videosFolder Optional - Absolute path to videos folder with trailing slash
backup Optional - Daily backup yes or no
performance Optional - 0 = low / 1 = high
locale Required - German (de) and English (en) are presetted
channels Required - List of Channels to connect


browserSyncConfig Required - Defines which config is used for BrowserSync (default: browserSyncDev)
sourcePath Required - Path to raw files (default: src/)
publicPath Required - Path to transpiled files (default: public/)
env Required - Environment dev, test or prod (default: dev)

Chatbot Commands

Name Command
about !about, !chatbot, !cb, !bug, !bugs, !help
commands !commands, !cc
counter counter increased if users counts from 1 - X without interruption
diceDuel !dd6 @User or !dd56w6 @User - first digit can be from 1 - 99 and second from 1 - 9 (automatically removed after 120 sec)
diceDuelAccept !dda - accepting a dice duel request
playlistInfo !plan, !program, !playlist, !video
poll !vote 1 - X
raffle custom keyword (default: !raffle)
rollDice !d6 or !d56w6 - first digit can be from 1 - 99 and second from 1 - 9
customCommand wrapper for all custom commands
Mention User (NEW) !yourcommand @UserName

Chatbot Commands for Streamer and Moderators

Name Command
Custom Command (NEW) !yourcommand [Hello World!] [OPTIONS]
Bot List (NEW) !bots [BotName] [OPTIONS]
addBot (Deprecated) !addbot BotName
removeBot (Deprecated) !rmbot BotName
addCustomCommand (Deprecated) !addcc !command[@cooldown] lorem ipsum e.g. !addcc !hw@10 hello world
removeCustomCommand (Deprecated) !rmcc !command
toggleCustomCommand (Deprecated) !tglcc !command
updateCustomCommand (Deprecated) !updcc !command[@cooldown] lorem ipsum dolor e.g. !updcc !hw Hello World!

Custom Command Options for Streamer and Moderators

Option Description
--on Enable command for all users (default: true, if is a new command)
--off Disable command for all users, but not streamer and mods (default: false)
--cd 30 Cooldown for all users, but not streamer and mods (default: 30 seconds, if is a new command)
--st Show command status in chat (default: false)
--rm Remove command (default: false)

Bot List Options for Streamer and Moderators

Option Description
--tc Show bot list to chat (default: false)
--rm Remove bot (default: false)

Web UI Features



Custom Commands




Player Name Sub Name Duration
Local Yes1 (Parsed File Name) Yes (Modification Date) Yes
Twitch Clip Yes (Clip Title) Yes (Game/ Category) Yes
Twitch Video Yes (Video Title) Yes (Game/ Category) Yes
YouTube Video Yes (Video Title) Yes (First Video Tag) Yes

1 example_video-2020.mp4 parsed to Example Video - 2020





import-videos-folder.js Options

Option Description
--help, -h Shows list of options
--version Show version number
--backup, -b Optional - Create an additional backup (default: false)
--channel, -c Required - Channel name which owns the videos
--identity, -i Optional - Channel id / Room id. (required if channel is not in database)
--locale, -l Optional - Locale to use in date generation and log messages (default: en)
--log Optional - Show logs in CLI (default: true)
--subname, --sn Optional - Add date as sub name (default: true)

Example execution: node import-videos-folder.js -c CodelineRed

Import Requirements:

The Script only imports videos which are not in the database.

migration.js Options

Option Description
--help, -h Shows list of options
--version Show version number
--direction, -d Optional - Migration direction (default: up)
--file, -f Optional - Execute one specific migration file (e.g.: -f version-1.0.0)
--locale, -l Optional - Locale for log messages (default: en)
--log Optional - Show logs in CLI (default: true)

Example execution: node migration.js -d up



Audio Files

Known Issues

All versions of twitch-chatbot with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version ^7.4
vrana/adminer Version 4.6.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package codelinered/twitch-chatbot contains the following files

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