Download the PHP package cn-consult/filecloud-php without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package cn-consult/filecloud-php. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in cn-consult/filecloud-php
Package filecloud-php
Short Description The FileCloud API in an easy to use, swagger based PHP API.
License Apache-2.0
Informations about the package filecloud-php
The FileCloud APIs provide developers with the tools necessary to build a variety of apps and clients. This allows extensibility and integration of FileCloud with your existing enterprise systems and frameworks. FileCloud developer API is simple to use and integrate.
This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version:
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
PHP 5.5 and later
Installation & Usage
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActivityApi | getActivityStream | GET /core/getactivitystream | |
ActivityApi | getAuditGeoIpData | POST /core/getauditgeoipdata | |
ActivityApi | showHideActivity | POST /core/showhideactivity | |
CommentApi | addCommentForItem | POST /core/addcommentforitem | |
CommentApi | getCommentsForItem | GET /core/getcommentsforitem | |
CommentApi | removeCommentForItem | POST /core/removecommentforitem | |
FavoriteApi | addFavoriteList | POST /core/addfavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | clearFavoritesInNamedList | POST /core/clearfavoritesinnamedlist | |
FavoriteApi | getAllFavoriteLists | GET /core/getallfavoritelists | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoriteListForItem | GET /core/getfavoritelistforitem | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoritesInList | GET /core/getfavoritesinlist | |
FavoriteApi | getFavoritesInNamedList | GET /core/getfavoritesinnamedlist | |
FavoriteApi | removeFavoriteList | POST /core/removefavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | replaceFavoriteList | POST /core/replacefavoritelist | |
FavoriteApi | setFavorite | POST /core/setfavorite | |
FavoriteApi | unsetFavorite | POST /core/unsetfavorite | |
FavoriteApi | updateFavoriteList | POST /core/updatefavoritelist | |
FileApi | cancelSearch | POST /core/cancelsearch | |
FileApi | clearSavedSearchTerms | POST /core/clearsavedsearchterms | |
FileApi | copyFile | POST /core/copyfile | |
FileApi | createFolder | POST /app/explorer/createfolder | |
FileApi | deleteFile | POST /core/deletefile | |
FileApi | deletePartialUploads | POST /core/deletepartialuploads | |
FileApi | doSearch | POST /core/dosearch | |
FileApi | docEdit | POST /core/docedit | |
FileApi | downloadFile | GET /core/downloadfile | |
FileApi | downloadFileMulti | GET /core/downloadfilemulti | |
FileApi | emptyRecycleBin | POST /core/emptyrecyclebin | |
FileApi | fileExists | POST /core/fileexists | |
FileApi | fileInfo | POST /core/fileinfo | |
FileApi | getAccessDetailsForPath | GET /core/getaccessdetailsforpath | |
FileApi | getFileList | GET /core/getfilelist | |
FileApi | getFolderProperties | GET /core/getfolderproperties | |
FileApi | getWOpIEditUrl | GET /core/getwopiediturl | |
FileApi | renameFile | POST /core/renamefile | |
FileApi | renameOrMove | POST /core/renameormove | |
FileApi | search | POST /core/search | |
FileApi | searchExt | POST /app/searchext/ | |
FileApi | searchTermSearch | POST /core/searchtermsearch | |
FileApi | upload | POST /core/upload | |
ImageApi | getFsSlideImage | GET /core/getfsslideimage | |
ImageApi | rotateFsImage | GET /core/rotatefsimage | |
LockApi | getAllLocks | GET /core/getalllocks | |
LockApi | getFileLockInfo | GET /core/getfilelockinfo | |
LockApi | lock | POST /core/lock | |
LockApi | unlock | POST /core/unlock | |
LoginApi | 2FaLogin | POST /core/2falogin | |
LoginApi | get2FaGaSecret | GET /core/get2fagasecret | |
LoginApi | get2FaGaSecretQrCode | GET /core/get2fagasecretqrcode | |
LoginApi | lockSession | POST /core/locksession | |
LoginApi | resend2FaCode | POST /core/resend2facode | |
LoginApi | resetPassword | POST /core/resetpassword | |
LoginApi | verifyEmail | POST /core/verifyemail | |
MetadataApi | addSetToFileObject | POST /core/addsettofileobject | |
MetadataApi | getAvailableMetaDataSets | POST /core/getavailablemetadatasets | |
MetadataApi | getMetaDataSetsForSearch | POST /core/getmetadatasetsforsearch | |
MetadataApi | removeSetFromFileObject | POST /core/removesetfromfileobject | |
MetadataApi | saveAttributeValues | POST /core/saveattributevalues | |
NotificationApi | ackToasts | GET /core/acktoasts | |
NotificationApi | addNotificationFilter | POST /core/addnotificationfilter | |
NotificationApi | deleteToasts | GET /core/deletetoasts | |
NotificationApi | getNotificationStream | POST /core/getnotificationstream | |
NotificationApi | getToasts | GET /core/gettoasts | |
NotificationApi | isNotificationFilterSet | POST /core/isnotificationfilterset | |
NotificationApi | removeNotificationFilter | POST /core/removenotificationfilter | |
PrivacyApi | getAnonymousUserConsent | GET /core/getanonymoususerconsent | |
PrivacyApi | getUserConsent | GET /core/getuserconsent | |
PrivacyApi | privacyConsentAccept | GET /core/privacyconsentaccept | |
ProfileApi | beginProfileCreation | POST /core/beginprofilecreation | |
ProfileApi | changeLanguage | GET /core/changelanguage | |
ProfileApi | checkId | GET /core/checkid | |
ProfileApi | createProfile | GET /core/createprofile | |
ProfileApi | getProfileImage | GET /core/getprofileimage | |
ProfileApi | getProfileSettings | GET /core/getprofilesettings | |
ProfileApi | setDisplayName | GET /core/setdisplayname | |
ProfileApi | subscribe | POST /core/subscribe | |
ProfileApi | unsubscribe | POST /core/unsubscribe | |
ProfileApi | updatePassword | POST /core/updatepassword | |
RMCApi | ackrmcCommands | POST /core/ackrmccommands | |
RMCApi | approveDeviceAccess | POST /core/approvedeviceaccess | |
RMCApi | deleteDevice | POST /core/deletedevice | |
RMCApi | getRmcClients | GET /core/getrmcclients | |
RMCApi | getRmcCommands | GET /core/getrmccommands | |
RMCApi | loginGuest | POST /core/loginguest | |
RMCApi | requestDeviceAccess | POST /core/requestdeviceaccess | |
SecurityPermissionApi | addAclEntry | POST /core/addaclentry | |
SecurityPermissionApi | deleteAcl | POST /core/deleteacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | deleteAclEntry | POST /core/deleteaclentry | |
SecurityPermissionApi | getAcl | GET /core/getacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | getEffectiveAcl | GET /core/geteffectiveacl | |
SecurityPermissionApi | setAclInheritance | POST /core/setaclinheritance | |
ShareApi | addGroupToShare | POST /core/addgrouptoshare | |
ShareApi | addUserToShare | POST /core/addusertoshare | |
ShareApi | createProfileOnInvite | POST /core/createprofileoninvite | |
ShareApi | deleteGroupFromShare | POST /core/deletegroupfromshare | |
ShareApi | deleteShare | POST /core/deleteshare | |
ShareApi | deleteUserFromShare | POST /core/deleteuserfromshare | |
ShareApi | getEmailSubject | GET /core/getemailsubject | |
ShareApi | getEmailTemplate | GET /core/getemailtemplate | |
ShareApi | getGroupAccessForShare | GET /core/getgroupaccessforshare | |
ShareApi | getMostActiveShares | GET /core/getmostactiveshares | |
ShareApi | getPrivateUrlForEmail | GET /core/getprivateurlforemail | |
ShareApi | getPublicShareAuthInfo | GET /core/getpublicshareauthinfo | |
ShareApi | getRandomPassword | GET /core/getrandompassword | |
ShareApi | getRecentShareActivityForUser | GET /core/getrecentshareactivityforuser | |
ShareApi | getShareActivityForShare | POST /core/getshareactivityforshare | |
ShareApi | getShareForId | GET /core/getshareforid | |
ShareApi | getShareForPath | GET /core/getshareforpath | |
ShareApi | getSharePassword | GET /core/getsharepassword | |
ShareApi | getShares | GET /core/getshares | |
ShareApi | getSharesFilter | GET /core/getsharesfilter | |
ShareApi | getUploadForm | GET /core/getuploadform | |
ShareApi | getUrlForEmail | GET /core/geturlforemail | |
ShareApi | getUserAccessForShare | GET /core/getuseraccessforshare | |
ShareApi | getUsersForShare | GET /core/getusersforshare | |
ShareApi | leaveShare | GET /core/leaveshare | |
ShareApi | loginProtectedShare | POST /core/loginprotectedshare | |
ShareApi | quickShare | POST /core/quickshare | |
ShareApi | searchGroups | GET /core/searchgroups | |
ShareApi | searchProfile | GET /core/searchprofile | |
ShareApi | sendEmail | POST /core/sendemail | |
ShareApi | sendShareToEmail | POST /core/sendsharetoemail | |
ShareApi | setAllowPublicAccess | GET /core/setallowpublicaccess | |
ShareApi | setGroupAccessForShare | GET /core/setgroupaccessforshare | |
ShareApi | setUserAccessForShare | GET /core/setuseraccessforshare | |
ShareApi | share | POST /core/share | |
ShareApi | updateShare | POST /core/updateshare | |
ShareApi | updateShareLink | GET /core/updatesharelink | |
ShortcutsApi | addShortcut | GET /core/addshortcut | |
ShortcutsApi | deleteShortcut | GET /core/deleteshortcut | |
ShortcutsApi | getShortcuts | GET /core/getshortcuts | |
SystemApi | getAuthenticationInfo | GET /core/getauthenticationinfo | |
SystemApi | getDiskUsageDetails | GET /core/getdiskusagedetails | |
SystemApi | getLanguageList | GET /core/getlanguagelist | |
SystemApi | getSystemStatus | GET /core/getsystemstatus | |
VersioningApi | deleteAllVersions | POST /core/deleteallversions | |
VersioningApi | deleteVersion | POST /core/deleteversion | |
VersioningApi | downloadVersionedFile | POST /core/downloadversionedfile | |
VersioningApi | getVersions | GET /core/getversions | |
WebEditApi | getOOUrl | GET /core/getoourl | |
WebEditApi | verifyOOUrl | GET /core/verifyoourl |
Documentation For Models
- AckrmccommandsResponse
- AcktoastsResponse
- AddaclentryResponse
- AddcommentforitemResponse
- AddfavoritelistResponse
- AddgrouptoshareResponse
- AddnotificationfilterResponse
- AddsettofileobjectResponse
- AddshortcutResponse
- AddusertoshareResponse
- ApprovedeviceaccessResponse
- BeginprofilecreationResponse
- CancelsearchResponse
- ChangelanguageResponse
- CheckidResponse
- ClearfavoritesinnamedlistResponse
- ClearsavedsearchtermsResponse
- CopyfileResponse
- CreatefolderResponse
- CreateprofileResponse
- CreateprofileoninviteResponse
- DeleteaclResponse
- DeleteaclentryResponse
- DeleteallversionsResponse
- DeletedeviceResponse
- DeletefileResponse
- DeletegroupfromshareResponse
- DeletepartialuploadsResponse
- DeleteshareResponse
- DeleteshortcutResponse
- DeletetoastsResponse
- DeleteuserfromshareResponse
- DeleteversionResponse
- DosearchResponse
- EmptyrecyclebinResponse
- FileexistsResponse
- FileinfoResponse
- Get2fagasecretResponse
- GetAuthenticationInfoResponse
- GetDiskUsageDetailsResponse
- GetSystemStatusResponse
- GetaccessdetailsforpathResponse
- GetaclResponse
- GetactivitystreamResponse
- GetallfavoritelistsResponse
- GetalllocksResponse
- GetanonymoususerconsentResponse
- GetauditgeoipdataResponse
- GetavailablemetadatasetsResponse
- GetcommentsforitemResponse
- GeteffectiveaclResponse
- GetemailsubjectResponse
- GetfavoritelistforitemResponse
- GetfavoritesinlistResponse
- GetfavoritesinnamedlistResponse
- GetfilelistResponse
- GetfilelockinfoResponse
- GetfolderpropertiesResponse
- GetgroupaccessforshareResponse
- GetlanguagelistResponse
- GetmetadatasetsforsearchResponse
- GetmostactivesharesResponse
- GetnotificationstreamResponse
- GetoourlResponse
- GetprofilesettingsResponse
- GetpublicshareauthinfoResponse
- GetrandompasswordResponse
- GetrecentshareactivityforuserResponse
- GetrmcclientsResponse
- GetrmccommandsResponse
- GetshareactivityforshareResponse
- GetshareforidResponse
- GetshareforpathResponse
- GetsharepasswordResponse
- GetsharesResponse
- GetsharesfilterResponse
- GetshortcutsResponse
- GettoastsResponse
- GetuseraccessforshareResponse
- GetuserconsentResponse
- GetusersforshareResponse
- GetversionsResponse
- IsnotificationfiltersetResponse
- LeaveshareResponse
- LockResponse
- LocksessionResponse
- LoginguestResponse
- LoginprotectedshareResponse
- Model2faloginResponse
- PrivacyconsentacceptResponse
- QuickshareResponse
- RemovecommentforitemResponse
- RemovefavoritelistResponse
- RemovenotificationfilterResponse
- RemovesetfromfileobjectResponse
- RenamefileResponse
- RenameormoveResponse
- ReplacefavoritelistResponse
- RequestdeviceaccessResponse
- Resend2facodeResponse
- ResetpasswordResponse
- RotatefsimageResponse
- SaveattributevaluesResponse
- SearchResponse
- SearchcontentResponse
- SearchgroupsResponse
- SearchprofileResponse
- SearchtermsearchResponse
- SendemailResponse
- SetaclinheritanceResponse
- SetallowpublicaccessResponse
- SetdisplaynameResponse
- SetfavoriteResponse
- SetgroupaccessforshareResponse
- SetuseraccessforshareResponse
- ShowhideactivityResponse
- UnlockResponse
- UnsetfavoriteResponse
- UpdatefavoritelistResponse
- UpdatepasswordResponse
- UpdateshareResponse
- UpdatesharelinkResponse
- VerifyemailResponse
- VerifyoourlResponse
Documentation For Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.
All versions of filecloud-php with dependencies
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *
ext-mbstring Version *