Download the PHP package cloak/lcov-reporter without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package cloak/lcov-reporter. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Table of contents
Download cloak/lcov-reporter
More information about cloak/lcov-reporter
Files in cloak/lcov-reporter
Download cloak/lcov-reporter
More information about cloak/lcov-reporter
Files in cloak/lcov-reporter
Please rate this library. Is it a good library?
Informations about the package lcov-reporter
It has been merged into of cloak.
It is not maintenance now.
cloak-lcov-reporter is lcov reporter for cloak.
Please refer to the FILES section for lcov.
Composer setting
Cloak can be installed using Composer.
Please add a description to the composer.json in the configuration file.
"require-dev": {
"cloak/lcov-reporter": "1.1.4"
Please execute composer install command.
composer install
How to use
Setup for the report of code coverage
Setup is required to take a code coverage.
Run the configure method to be set up.
$analyzer = Analyzer::factory(function(ConfigurationBuilder $builder) {
$builder->reporter(new LcovReporter(__DIR__ . '/report.lcov'));
$builder->includeFile(function(File $file) {
return $file->matchPath('/src');
})->excludeFile(function(File $file) {
return $file->matchPath('/spec') || $file->matchPath('/vendor');
You can try with the following command.
vendor/bin/phake example:basic
All versions of lcov-reporter with dependencies
PHP Build Version
Package Version
The package cloak/lcov-reporter contains the following files
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