PHP code example of cliffordvickrey / crosstabs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cliffordvickrey/crosstabs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cliffordvickrey / crosstabs example snippets

// some data. If "n" is omitted, each row is treated as a single case
$rawData = [
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Chrome', 'Platform' => 'Linux', 'n' => '256'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Tablet', 'Browser' => 'Safari', 'Platform' => 'iOS', 'n' => '6'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Chrome', 'Platform' => 'MacOSX', 'n' => '227'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'IE', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '35'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Chrome', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '221'], 
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Firefox', 'Platform' => 'MacOSX', 'n' => '38'], 
    ['Device Type' => 'Mobile Device', 'Browser' => 'Safari', 'Platform' => 'iOS', 'n' => '21'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Netscape', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '21'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Safari', 'Platform' => 'MacOSX', 'n' => '38'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Mobile Device', 'Browser' => 'Edge', 'Platform' => 'iOS', 'n' => '72'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Safari', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '15'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Firefox', 'Platform' => 'Linux', 'n' => '27'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Firefox', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '12'],
    ['Device Type' => 'Desktop', 'Browser' => 'Edge', 'Platform' => 'Windows', 'n' => '11']

// the builder does exactly what it says. Set a bunch of options and call the "build" method
$builder = new \CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\CrosstabBuilder();
$builder->setTitle('Browser Usage by Platform');

$crosstab = $builder->build();

// display the crosstab as HTML (see example output below)
echo $crosstab->write();

// if you use a Bootstrap layout and want a table with all the fancy utility classes, etc., you can override the default
// writer like so:
echo $crosstab->write(writer: new \CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Writer\CrosstabBootstrapHtmlWriter());

// some inferential stats. Degrees of freedom are equal to the number of columns (minus 1) multiplied by the number of
// rows (minus 1). Chi-squared is a test statistic, comparing actual values with ones we'd expect if no relationship
// existed between the row and column variables
var_dump($crosstab->getDegreesOfFreedom()); // 15
var_dump($crosstab->getChiSquared()); // 598.35 (clearly significant!)

// now: let's add third dimension: device type
$builder->setTitle('Browser Usage by Platform by Device Type');
$builder->addLayer('Device Type');
// percentages will be of columns within each layer category; great for visualizing the effects of control variables
$crosstab = $builder->build();
echo $crosstab->write();

// want a simpler display? Let's just show a frequency distribution of browsers
$builder = new \CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\CrosstabBuilder();
$builder->setTitle('Browser Usage');
echo $crosstab->write();