Download the PHP package cliffordvickrey/crosstabs without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package cliffordvickrey/crosstabs. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
Some PHP packages are not free to download and because of that hosted in private repositories. In this case some credentials are needed to access such packages. Please use the auth.json textarea to insert credentials, if a package is coming from a private repository. You can look here for more information.

  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package crosstabs


Highly customizable abstraction for generating SPSS-like tabulations, cross-tabulations (also known as crosstabs or contingency tables), and layered cross-tabulations in PHP. These are useful in showing the relationship between two or more categorical variables.

Build Status


Suggested Requirements

Ensure that the intl and bcmath extensions are installed for, respectively, international number formatting and better mathematical precision.


Run the following to install this library:

Basic usage

Here, we generate a crosstab that shows the browsers of a website's visitors, as well as client operating system.

Class API

The builder: \CliffordVickrey\Crosstab\CrosstabBuilder

The builder is used to configure and create the desired table. When configuring, you're always going to want to set rawData and rowVariableName. In most cases, you'll also want to set colVariableName (if you're visualizing two or more categorical variables).

@build(): void

Builds the table. Throws \CliffordVickrey\Crosstab\Exception\CrosstabInvalidArgumentException when the options are invalid

@addLayer(CrosstabVariable|array|string $layer, ?string $description = null, ?array $categories = []): void

Adds a layer variable to the crosstab

@addLayers(CrosstabVariableCollection|iterable $layers): void

Adds multiple layer variables

@setColVariableDescription(?string $colVariableDescription): void

Sets the label of a column variable. If none is set, use the name

@setColVariableName(?string $colVariableName): void

Sets the name of the column variable in the raw data

@setColVariableCategories(array $colVariableCategories): void

Explicitly defines the categories of the column variable in the raw data; otherwise, they are inferred. Useful for relabeling/recoding categorical values

@setKeyFrequency(?string $keyFrequency): void

Sets the key in the source data representing the number of cases in a row. If this information is absent, each row will be treated as a single case. Defaults to "n"

@setKeyWeightedFrequency(?string $keyWeightedFrequency): void

Sets the key in the source data representing row weight. If this information is absent, each row will be weighed equally. Defaults to "weight"

@setLayers(CrosstabVariableCollection|iterable $layers = []): void

Sets multiple layer variables

@setLocale(string $locale): void

Sets the locale used for number formatting. Defaults to "en_US." See the intl extension documentation

@setMathematicalScale(int $mathematicalScale): void

Sets the scale used for floating point math. Defaults to "16," roughly the precision of floats in most builds of PHP

@setMessageExpectedFrequency(string $messageExpectedFrequency): void

Sets the label to use for the expected frequency table cell. Defaults to "Frequency (Expected)"

@setMessageExpectedPercent(string $messageExpectedPercent): void

Sets the label to use for the expected percentage table cell. Defaults to "% (Expected)"

@setMessageFrequency(string $messageFrequency): void

Sets the label to use for the frequency table cell. Defaults to "Frequency"

@setMessageNil(string $messageNil): void

Sets the label to use for NULL values in the table. Defaults to "-"

@setMessageNoData(string $messageNoData): void

Sets the label to use for empty tables. Defaults to "There is no data to display"

@setMessagePercent(string $messagePercent): void

Sets the label to use for percentage cells. Defaults to "%"

@setMessageTotal(string $messageTotal): void

Sets the label to use for total cells. Defaults to "Total"

@setMessageWeightedExpectedFrequency(string $messageWeightedExpectedFrequency): void

Sets the label to use for weighted expected percentage cells. Defaults to "Expected Frequency (Weighted)"

@setMessageWeightedExpectedPercent(string $messageWeightedExpectedPercent): void

Sets the label to use for weighted expected percentage cells. Defaults to "Expected % (Weighted)"

@setMessageWeightedFrequency(string $messageWeightedFrequency): void

Sets the label to use for weighted frequency cells. Defaults to "Frequency (Weighted)"

@setMessageWeightedPercent(string $messageWeightedPercent): void

Sets the label to use for weighted percentage cells. Defaults to "% (Weighted)

@setPercentType(CrosstabPercentType $percentType): void

Sets the percent type (row, column, total, etc.). See the \CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Options\CrosstabPercentType enum for a list of allowable options. Defaults to CrosstabPercentType::Total

@setRawData(iterable $rawData): void

The raw data to tabulate. Should be an iterable of iterables (rows). Rows are cast to arrays. The "n" and "weight" keys in each array are optionally used in computation, should you need to represent more than one case per row or capture survey weighting

@setrowVariableDescription(?string $rowVariableDescription): void

Sets the label of a row variable. If none is set, use the name

@setrowVariableName(?string $rowVariableName): void

Sets the name of the row variable in the raw data

@setrowVariableCategories(array $rowVariableCategories): void

Explicitly defines the categories of the row variable in the raw data; otherwise, they are inferred. Useful for relabeling/recoding categorical values

@setScaleDecimal(int $scaleDecimal): void

Sets the scale of formatted decimal values in the table. Defaults to 2

@setScalePercent(int $scalePercent): void

Sets the scale of formatted percentage values in the table. Defaults to 2

@setShowExpectedFrequency(bool $showExpectedFrequency): void

Sets whether to display expected frequencies (e.g., the values we'd expect if no relationship existed between X and Y) in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowExpectedPercent(bool $showExpectedPercent): void

Sets whether to display expected percentages (e.g., the values we'd expect if no relationship existed between X and Y) in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowFrequency(bool $showFrequency): void

Sets whether to display frequencies in the table. Defaults to TRUE

@setShowPercent(bool $showPercent): void

Sets whether to display percentages in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowWeightedExpectedFrequency(bool $showWeightedExpectedFrequency): void

Sets whether to display weighted expected frequencies (e.g., the values we'd expect if no relationship existed between X and Y) in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowWeightedExpectedPercent(bool $showWeightedExpectedPercent): void

Sets whether to display weighted expected percentages (e.g., the values we'd expect if no relationship existed between X and Y) in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowWeightedFrequency(bool $showWeightedFrequency): void

Sets whether to display weighted frequencies in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setShowWeightedPercent(bool $showWeightedPercent): void

Sets whether to display weighted frequencies in the table. Defaults to FALSE

@setTitle(?string $title): void

Sets an optional title to appear in the table header. Defaults to NULL (i.e., display no title)

The crosstab: CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Crosstab

Encapsulates the data and presentation elements of a crosstab. Implements \Traversable; traversal will return row objects (CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Crosstab\CrosstabRow), which themselves provide cell objects (CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Crosstab\CrosstabRow) when traversed. These cells contain the table's presentation data, whereas the matrix (exposed by a getter) contains the tabulated data.

@getCell(int $x, int $y): ?CrosstabCell

Returns a cell at specified Cartesian coordinates. If none exists, returns NULL

@getDegreesOfFreedom(): int

Gets the number of independent values used to compute a chi-squared test statistic, etc. The more degrees there are, the harder it is for a test statistic to achieve significance. Formula is (rowCount - 1) * (colCount - 1)

@getChiSquared(bool $weighted = false, ?int $scale = null): float

Gets the chi-squared test statistic. The higher the value, and the lower the number of cells used as factors to compute the statistic, the more likely there is to be a relationship between the population parameters of the row and column variables

@getMatrix(): array

Gets a rectangular matrix of value objects, representing data within the crosstab

@write(array $options = [], ?CrosstabWriterInterface $writer = null): string

Convenience method for writing a crosstab to a string. If no writer provided, the default HTML writer (CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Writer\CrosstabHtmlWriter) will be used. See the class constants of the method for output options. Returns the string output

@writeToFile(array $options = [], ?CrosstabWriterInterface $writer = null): string

Convenience method for writing a crosstab to a file. If no writer provided, the default HTML writer (CliffordVickrey\Crosstabs\Writer\CrosstabHtmlWriter) will be used. See the class constants of the method for output options. If no filename is provided, a temporary file will be created. Returns the filename written to

All versions of crosstabs with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=8.2
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package cliffordvickrey/crosstabs contains the following files

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