PHP code example of cheprasov / php-memcached-tags

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cheprasov/php-memcached-tags library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cheprasov / php-memcached-tags example snippets

// php code
MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('London', ['user1', 'user2']);

// php code
MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('male', ['user1', 'user3']);
MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('female', 'user2');


// Example 1. Create new Instance

$Memcached = new \Memcached();
$Memcached->addServer('', '11211');

$MemcachedTags = new MemcachedTags($Memcached);

// Example 2. Adding some tags to key

// some test data
$Memcached->set('user:1', '{"name": "Alexander", "sex": "m", "country": "UK",     "city": "London"}');
$Memcached->set('user:2', '{"name": "Irina",     "sex": "f", "country": "UK",     "city": "London"}');
$Memcached->set('user:3', '{"name": "Ilya",      "sex": "m", "country": "Russia", "city": "Petersburg"}');
$Memcached->set('user:4', '{"name": "Dima",      "sex": "m", "country": "Russia", "city": "Murmansk"}');
$Memcached->set('user:5', '{"name": "Dom",       "sex": "m", "country": "UK",     "city": "London"}');

// Add tags to keys

$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['city:London', 'country:UK'], ['user:1', 'user:2', 'user:5']);
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['city:Murmansk', 'country:Russia'], 'user:4');
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['city:Petersburg', 'country:Russia'], 'user:3');

$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('sex:m', ['user:1', 'user:3', 'user:4', 'user:5']);
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('sex:f', 'user:2');

$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys('all', ['user:1','user:2', 'user:3', 'user:4', 'user:5']);

// or you can create key with tags

$MemcachedTags->setKeyWithTags('user:1', 'Alexander', ['country:UK', 'city:London', 'sex:m', 'all']);

// Example 3. Get keys by tags

// Get users with tag <all>
//    array(2) {
//      [0]=> string(6) "user:1"
//      [1]=> string(6) "user:2"
//      [2]=> string(6) "user:3"
//      [3]=> string(6) "user:4"
//      [4]=> string(6) "user:5"
//    }

// Get users with tag <country:UK>
//    array(2) {
//      [0]=> string(6) "user:1"
//      [1]=> string(6) "user:2"
//      [2]=> string(6) "user:5"
//    }

// Get users with tag <city:Petersburg> OR <city:Murmansk>
    $MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['city:Petersburg', 'city:Murmansk'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_OR)
//    array(2) {
//      [0]=> string(6) "user:3"
//      [1]=> string(6) "user:4"
//    }

// Get users with tags <country:UK> AND <sex:m>
    $MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['country:UK', 'sex:m'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_AND)
//    array(3) {
//      [0]=> string(6) "user:1"
//      [1]=> string(6) "user:5"
//    }

// Get users with tag <country:UK> AND WITHOUT <sex:m>
    $MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['country:UK', 'sex:m'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR)
//    array(3) {
//      [0]=> string(6) "user:2"
//    }

// Example 4. Delete keys by tags

// Delete keys with tag <city:Murmansk>
// int(1) - Count of deleted keys

// Delete keys with tag <city:London> WITHOUT <sex:f>
    $MemcachedTags->deleteKeysByTags(['city:London', 'sex:f'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR)
// int(2) - Count of deleted keys

$Lock = new MemcachedTags($Memcached);
// or
$Lock = new MemcachedTags($Memcached, [
    'prefix' => 'myTag',
    'separator' => '<;>',

$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['city:London', 'country:UK'], ['user:1', 'user:2', 'user:5']);
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['city:Murmansk', 'country:Russia'], 'user:4');
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['big', 'red'], 'apple');
$MemcachedTags->addTagsToKeys(['green', 'tasty'], 'orange');


$MemcachedTags->deleteKey(['user:1', 'user:2']);


$MemcachedTags->deleteTags(['big', 'tasty', 'old']);

// or

// Delete all apples and oranges
$MemcachedTags->deleteKeysByTags(['apple', 'oranges']);

// Delete only big oranges
$MemcachedTags->deleteKeysByTags(['big', 'oranges'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_AND);

// Delete all orange expect big oranges
$MemcachedTags->deleteKeysByTags(['oranges', 'big'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR);

// or

// Get all apples and oranges
$MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['apple', 'oranges']);

// Get all apples or oranges
$MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['apple', 'oranges'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_OR);

// Get only big oranges
$MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['big', 'oranges'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_AND);

// Get all orange expect big oranges
$MemcachedTags->getKeysByTags(['oranges', 'big'], MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR);


$MemcachedTags->setKeyWithTags('user:1', 'Alexander', ['sex:m', 'city:London']);

$MemcachedTags->setKeysWithTags(['user:1' => 'Alexander', 'user:2' => 'Irina'], 'city:London');