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Package php-memcached-tags
Short Description MemcachedTags for PHP is a mechanism for adding tags to keys in Memcached. It is very useful, if you need to select or delete some keys by tags. And tags are really useful for group invalidation.
License MIT
Informations about the package php-memcached-tags
MemcachedTags v1.0.5 for PHP >= 5.5
MemcachedTags for PHP is a mechanism for adding tags to keys in Memcached. It is very useful, if you need to select or delete some keys by tags. And tags are really useful for group invalidation.
Main features
- Data modification functions such as delete/add/set use Locks to prevent losing data.
- MemcachedTags does not affect original keys. It creates own keys for service tags.
How it works
I will try to explain a mechanism, how memcached stores tags.
Imagine, you have some 3 keys in memcached (user1, user2, user3):
Now, lets add tag 'London' to users:
And, as result, the memcached will contain:
And, lets add tags 'male' and 'female' to users:
And, as result, the memcached will contain:
MemcachedTags :: __construct ( \Memcached
$Memcached , array
$config = null )
Create a new instance of MemcachedTags.
Method Parameters
- \Memcached $Memcached - Instance of Memcached
- array $config, default = null
- is a prefix for service keys in Memcached storage, like namespace.separator
- special char(s) that , by default||
. It is service parameter for the gluing of tags to the Memcached. This value should not use in the name tags or keys.
MemcachedTags :: addTagsToKeys ( string|string[]
$tags , string|string[]
$keys )
Adds each key specified tags. Returns true
on success or false
on failure.
Method Parameters
- string|string[] $tags - Tag or list of tags that will be added to each key.
- string|string[] $keys - Existing keys in Memcached for tags
MemcachedTags :: deleteKey ( string
$key )
Delete key and update dependent tags. Returns count of deleted keys (0 or 1).
Method Parameters
- string $key - Name of key.
MemcachedTags :: deleteKeys ( string[]
$keys )
Delete keys and update dependent tags. Returns count of deleted keys.
Method Parameters
- string[] $keys - List of keys.
MemcachedTags :: deleteTag ( string
$tag )
Delete tag. Keys will be not affected. Returns count of deleted tags. (0 or 1)
Method Parameters
- string $tag - Name of tag.
MemcachedTags :: deleteTags ( string[]
$tags )
Delete several tags. Keys will be not affected. Returns count of deleted tags.
Method Parameters
- string[] $tags - List of tags
MemcachedTags :: deleteKeysByTag ( string
$tag )
Delete keys by tag. Returns count of deleted keys.
Method Parameters
- string tag - Name of tag.
MemcachedTags :: deleteKeysByTags ( string[]
$tags [, int
$compilation = MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL] )
Delete keys by several tags. Returns count of deleted keys.
Method Parameters
- string[] tags - List of tags
- int $compilation, default = MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL - The method of combining tags.
- The same as MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_OR.MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_AND
- Delete keys that have every tags.MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_OR
- Delete keys that have any tags.MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR
- Delete keys containing tag1 that are not have any of the other tags.
MemcachedTags :: getKeysByTag ( string
$tag )
Returns a list of keys with tag.
Method Parameters
- string tag - Name of tag.
MemcachedTags :: getKeysByTags ( string[]
$tags [, int
$compilation = MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL] )
Returns a list of keys by several tags.
Method Parameters
- string[] tags - List of tags.
- int $compilation, default = MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL - The method of combining tags.
- MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL - Returns array with keys for every tag.
array(tag1 => [key1, key2], ...)
- MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_AND - Returns a list of keys that have every tags.
- MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_OR - Returns a list of keys that have any tags.
- MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_XOR - Returns a list of keys containing tag1 that are not have any of the other tags.
- MemcachedTags::COMPILATION_ALL - Returns array with keys for every tag.
MemcachedTags :: getTagsByKey ( string
$key )
Returns list of tags or empty list.
Method Parameters
- string $key - Key in Memcached.
MemcachedTags :: setKeyWithTags ( string
$key , string
$value , string|string[]
$tags )
Set value and tags to key. Returns result as bool
Method Parameters
- string $key - The key under which to store the value.
- string $value - The value to store.
- string|string[] $tags - Tag or list of tags for the key.
MemcachedTags :: setKeysWithTags ( array
$items , string|string[]
$tags )
Set values and tags to several keys. Returns result as bool
Method Parameters
- string $items - An array of key/value pairs to store on the server.
- string|string[] $tags - Tag or list of tags for the items.
Download composer:
wget -nc
and add dependency to your project:
php composer.phar require cheprasov/php-memcached-tags
Running tests
To run tests type in console:
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./test/
Something doesn't work
Feel free to fork project, fix bugs and finally request for pull