Download the PHP package caiovilanova/cvil-responsive-menu without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package caiovilanova/cvil-responsive-menu. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in caiovilanova/cvil-responsive-menu
Package cvil-responsive-menu
Short Description This feature is a set of html, css and js files that create a responsive menu navbar useful for most websites.
License MIT
Informations about the package cvil-responsive-menu
Cvil Responsive Menu @caiovilanova
[EN-US] This feature is a set of html, css and js files that create a responsive menu navbar useful for most websites.
[PT-BR] Esta ferramenta é um conjunto de arquivos html, css e js que criam uma navbar com menu responsivo útil para a maioria dos websites.
[EN-US] CVIL Responsive Menu is available via Composer:
[PT-BR] CVIL Menu Responsivo está disponível via Composer:
"caiovilanova/cvil-responsive-menu": "1.0.*"
or run
composer require caiovilanova/cvil-responsive-menu
CSS cvil-menu.css
[EN-US] This file uses media query to set the screen resolution that adapts desktop to mobile design. It is easily possible to customize the menu by changing the color variables. The navbar is defined with position:absolute but can easily be changed to position:fixed without changing the behavior of the menu.
[PT-BR] Este arquivo utiliza media query para definir a resolução de tela que adpata o design de desktop para mobile. É facilmente possível personalizar o menu alterando as variáveis de cor. A navbar está definida com position:absolute mas pode facilmente ser trocado por position:fixed sem alterar o comportamento do menu.
JAVASCRIPT cvil-menu.js
[EN-US] This file listens for the menu button and, if enabled, applies styles that (1) remove scrolling from the page; (2) apply a background color to the transparent navbar and (3) Display the list of links filling the entire screen.
[PT-BR] Este arquivo ouve o botão do menu e, se ativado, aplica estilos que (1) removem o scrolling da página; (2) aplica uma cor de fundo na navbar transparente e (3) Exibe a lista de links preenchendo todo display.
const navbar = document.querySelector('.navbar');
const menuButton = document.querySelector('.navbar-button');
const menuList = document.querySelector('.navbar-list');
menuButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
[EN-US] Deployment in HTML:
[PT-BR] Implantação no HTML:
<nav class="navbar" id="navbar">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="">
<div class="navbar-menu">
<a href="javascript:;" class="navbar-button" aria-label="Open menu">
<svg viewBox="0 0 40 40" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true">
<rect class="navbar-button-rect1" x="8" y="10" width="24" height="3" aria-hidden="true"></rect>
<rect class="navbar-button-rect2" x="8" y="16" width="24" height="3" aria-hidden="true"></rect>
<rect class="navbar-button-rect3" x="8" y="22" width="24" height="3" aria-hidden="true"></rect>
<ul class="navbar-list">
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Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited. We accept contributions via Pull Requests on Github. Important: Create topic branches, One pull request per feature
- Caio Vilanova (Developer)
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.