Download the PHP package bulton-fr/dependency-tree without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package bulton-fr/dependency-tree. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download bulton-fr/dependency-tree
More information about bulton-fr/dependency-tree
Files in bulton-fr/dependency-tree
Package dependency-tree
Short Description Lib to generate a tree of dependencies with PHP
License LGPL-3.0
Informations about the package dependency-tree
Lib for generate a dependency tree.
The Principle is to have a tree who contains lines. For each lines, there is a tree who contains lines too.
The first lines is for the package which loaded at the same times. But, for the same line, its package may have dependencies between them. So each lines contain a tree where packages are sorted for have their dependencies of the same line loaded before them.
Install with composer
Download composer
Add call-curl repository to you composer.json
Execute the command
Use in your code
Basic usage
The generatedTree
contains :
Advanced usage
The generatedTree
contains :
In a graphic representation :
At left we see the first tree with the list of package at their time loader. At right, we see the tree for the second line, with packages sorted to be loaded in the correct order.
Note : The package "package4" is declared to be loaded in the first line. But its dependencies are declared to be loaded in the second line. So the "package4" has be moved to be loaded in the same line as its dependencies