1. Go to this page and download the library: Download budgetinvoice/easyinvoice library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
budgetinvoice / easyinvoice example snippets
use BudgetInvoice\EasyInvoice
// Set the data you wish to see on your invoice
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"product": [
"quantity" => 2,
"description" => "Product 1",
"tax-rate" => 6,
"price" => 33.87
// Sample code to test the library
$invoice = EasyInvoice::create($invoiceData);
// The invoice['pdf'] variable wil contain a base64 PDF string
echo $invoice['pdf'];
// Save the file locally as PDF
$fileName = 'invoice';
EasyInvoice::save($invoice['pdf'], $fileName);
use BudgetInvoice\EasyInvoice
//Set the data you wish to see on your invoice
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"images" => [
// The logo on top of your invoice
"logo" => "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/logo_en_original.png",
// The invoice background
"background" => "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/watermark-draft.jpg"
// Your own data
"sender" => [
"company" => "Sample Corp",
"address" => "Sample Street 123",
"zip" => "1234 AB",
"city" => "Sampletown",
"country" => "Samplecountry"
//"custom1" => "custom value 1",
//"custom2" => "custom value 2",
//"custom3" => "custom value 3"
// Your recipient
"client" => [
"company" => "Client Corp",
"address" => "Clientstreet 456",
"zip" => "4567 CD",
"city" => "Clientcity",
"country" => "Clientcountry"
// "custom1" => "custom value 1",
// "custom2" => "custom value 2",
// "custom3" => "custom value 3"
"information" => [
// Invoice number
"number" => "2021.0001",
// Invoice data
"date" => "12-12-2021",
// Invoice due date
"dueDate" => "31-12-2021"
// The products you would like to see on your invoice
// Total values are being calculated automatically
"products" => [
"quantity" => 2,
"description" => "Product 1",
"taxRate" => 6,
"price" => 33.87
"quantity" => 4.1,
"description" => "Product 2",
"taxRate" => 6,
"price" => 12.34
"quantity" => 4.5678,
"description" => "Product 3",
"taxRate" => 21,
"price" => 6324.453456
// The message you would like to display on the bottom of your invoice
"bottomNotice" => "Kindly pay your invoice within 15 days.",
// Settings to customize your invoice
"settings" => [
"currency" => "USD", // See documentation 'Locales and Currency' for more info. Leave empty for no currency.
// "locale" => "nl-NL", // Defaults to en-US, used for number formatting (See documentation 'Locales and Currency')
// "marginTop" => 25, // Defaults to '25'
// "marginRight" => 25, // Defaults to '25'
// "marginLeft" => 25, // Defaults to '25'
// "marginBottom" => 25, // Defaults to '25'
// "format" => "A4", // Defaults to A4, options => A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid
// "height" => "1000px", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px
// "width" => "500px", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px
// "orientation" => "landscape" // portrait or landscape, defaults to portrait
// Translate your invoice to your preferred language
"translate" => [
// "invoice" => "FACTUUR", // Default to 'INVOICE'
// "number" => "Nummer", // Defaults to 'Number'
// "date" => "Datum", // Default to 'Date'
// "dueDate" => "Verloopdatum", // Defaults to 'Due Date'
// "subtotal" => "Subtotaal", // Defaults to 'Subtotal'
// "products" => "Producten", // Defaults to 'Products'
// "quantity" => "Aantal", // Default to 'Quantity'
// "price" => "Prijs", // Defaults to 'Price'
// "productTotal" => "Totaal", // Defaults to 'Total'
// "total" => "Totaal" // Defaults to 'Total',
// "taxNotation" => "btw", // Defaults to 'vat'
// Customize enables you to provide your own templates
// Please review the documentation for instructions and examples
// "customize" => [
// "template" => base64_encode("<p>Hello World</p>"); // Must be base64 encoded html
// ],
//Sample code to test the library
$invoice = EasyInvoice::create($invoiceData);
//The invoice object wil contain a base64 PDF string
echo $invoice['pdf'];
// Save the file locally as PDF
$fileName = 'invoice';
EasyInvoice::save($invoice['pdf'], $fileName);
use BudgetInvoice\EasyInvoice
// Set the data you wish to see on your invoice
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"product": [
"quantity" => 2,
"description" => "Product 1",
"tax-rate" => 6,
"price" => 33.87
try {
// Sample code to test the library
$invoice = EasyInvoice::create($invoiceData);
// The invoice['pdf'] variable wil contain a base64 PDF string
echo $invoice['pdf'];
// Save the file locally as PDF
$fileName = 'invoice';
EasyInvoice::save($invoice['pdf'], $fileName);
} catch (Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
//E.g. for Germany, prices would look like 123.456,78 €
$data = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"settings" => [
"locale" => "de-DE",
"currency" => "EUR"
//E.g. for US, prices would look like $123,456.78
$data = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"settings" => [
"locale" => "en-US",
"currency" => "USD"
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"images" => [
"logo" => "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/logo_en_original.png",
"background" => "https://public.easyinvoice.cloud/img/watermark_draft.jpg"
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
//Note: Sample base64 string
//Please use the link below to convert your image to base64
// You are able to provide your own html template
$html = "<p>Hello world! This is invoice number %number%</p>";
$invoiceData = [
"apiKey" => "free", // Please register to receive a production apiKey: https://app.budgetinvoice.com/register
"mode" => "development", // Production or development, defaults to production
"customize" => [
"template" => base64_encode($html) // Your template must be base64 encoded
"information" => [
"number" => "2022.0001"
$invoice = EasyInvoice::create($invoiceData);
// This will return a pdf with the following content
// Hello world! This is invoice number 2022.0001
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