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Package php-stories
Short Description PHP-Library for create stories using images, text and animation. Use GD-Library
License MIT
Informations about the package php-stories
PHP Stories
PHP-Library for create video-stories (MP4) using images, text and animations for them. Dependence of the GD-library. This library create stories frame by frame and after that create video using ffmpeg. ffmpeg should be installed on your server!
Quick Start
Install the library using composer:
composer require borodin-vasiliy/php-stories
On examples dir you can found 2 samples how to use this library, below i will show how to create stories.
Create object of the library
How you can see, args of library is array with some params. Which params you can use:
- "width" - width in px of stories layout
- "height" - height in px of stories layout
- "duration" - duration of stories in seconds
- "fps" - frame per second - how many frames will be created for each second of the video
All params are not required. If not set than, library will use default values 720x1280px, 5 seconds, 30 fps.
Now your future stories is ready for adding some elements to the video. In current moment you can add image, text, rectangle, ellipse with animation for them.
Add objects to stories
Library has methods for adding each type of objects. Every time args of method - array of params. All object-types has general params:
- "top" - position of image from top
- "left" - position of image from left
- "opacity" - like css opacity - opacity of element [0 .. 1]
- "rotate" - rotation of element [0 .. 359]
- "z-index" - like css z-index - at first on layer will be added elements with less z-index
- "start" - second, when element will be added to video
- "end" - second, when element should be removed from video
And objects has additional params for this type. Lets learn, how to add each type of object to video and which params we can use.
Add image to stories
Additional params for images:
- "path" - required - required param with path and filename of image, ex. DIR."image/cat.jpg"
- "scale" - 1 default - scale of element, we dont have width and height params, just scale
Add text to stories
Additional params for text:
- "text" - required - Text, that you wanna add
- "path" - required - path to font .ttf file
- "size" - required - like css font-size
- "color" - like css color, ex "#ffffff"
- "width" - not required, if you use this param, text will be automatically splited to lines with setted width
- "align" - like css align [left, center, right]
- "shadow" - array of params, if you set them, this text will have shadow:
- "color" - color of this shadow
- "top" - offset from main text
- "left" - offset from main text
Add rectangle to stories
Additional params for rectangle:
- width - required - width of this rectangle
- height - required - height of this rectangle
- color - like css color of this rectangle
Add ellipse to stories
Additional params for ellipse:
- width - required - width of this ellipse
- height - required - height of this ellipse
- color - like css color of this ellipse
Each object on video can be animated. Animation is change some param from start-value to animated value. Count of animations not limited. Each animation has own duration. Duration can be less then life-time of this element. When animation is done, animated param will be set like final point.
All types of objects has general params for animation:
- "start" - Second, when this animation should start
- "duration" - duration of animation (You can set or "duration", or "end" param)
- "end" - Second, when this animation should be finished
- "top" - To which position move this object
- "left" - To which position move this object
- "opacity" - To which opacity move this object
- "rotate" - Degree to rotate this element
And additional (just for this type):
- "scale" - for images
- "width" - for rectangle and ellipse
- "height" - for rectangle and ellipse
This library use Fluent Interface. That mean, you add element, after that can add animation for this element:
Generate stories
When you add all elements to your stories and set animation, you ready for generate animation and result video.
As arg of function - path to temporary dir, where will be saved frames and result video-file (MP4). As result of method generate() you will receive filename of result video in temporary dir. Generated frames will be automatically removed.