Download the PHP package bkstar123/laravel-ckfinder without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package bkstar123/laravel-ckfinder. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Package laravel-ckfinder
Short Description CKFinder 3 package for Laravel
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-ckfinder
CKFinder 3 Package for Laravel 5.5+ 
This is a minor customization of repository.
This repository contains the CKFinder 3 Package for Laravel 5.5+.
Add a Composer dependency and install the package.
Run the command to download the CKFinder code.
After installing the Laravel package you need to download CKFinder code. It is not shipped with the package due to different license terms. To install it, run the following
command:It will download the required code and place it inside an appropriate directory of the package (
). -
Publish the CKFinder connector configuration and assets.
This will publish CKFinder assets to
, and the CKFinder connector configuration toconfig/ckfinder.php
. - Create a directory for CKFinder files and allow for write access to it. By default CKFinder expects the files to be placed in
(this can be altered in the configuration).
NOTE: Since usually setting permissions to 0777
is insecure, it is advisable to change the group ownership of the directory to the same user as Apache and add group write permissions instead. Please contact your system administrator in case of any doubts.
At this point you should see the connector JSON response after navigating to the <APP BASE URL>/ckfinder/connector?command=Init
Authentication for CKFinder is not configured yet, so you will see an error response saying that CKFinder is not enabled.
Configuring Authentication
CKFinder connector authentication is handled by middleware class or alias. To create the custom middleware class, use the artisan command:
The new middleware class will appear in app/Http/Middleware/CustomCKFinderAuth.php
. Change the authentication
option in config/ckfinder.php
The handle
method in CustomCKFinderAuth
class allows to authenticate CKFinder users. A basic implementation that returns true
from the authentication
callable (which is obviously not secure) can look like below:
Please have a look at the CKFinder for PHP connector documentation to find out more about this option.
- Alternatively, You can set the configuration option in . Then, copy the routes in to your application routes such as to protect them with your Laravel auth middleware. You must also prefix the controller namespace with backward slash so that Laravel will not prepend the default .
For example:
- Disable Laravel CSRF protection for routes, as follows:
In app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php, add:
The CkFinder connector has its own CSRF protection mechanism. You will also need to tell Laravel to not encrypt CKfinder's ckCsrfToken cookie, as follows:
In app/Http/Middleware/EncryptCookies.php:
Configuration Options
The CKFinder connector configuration is taken from the config/ckfinder.php
To find out more about possible connector configuration options please refer to the CKFinder for PHP connector documentation.
The package code contains a couple of usage examples that you may find useful. To enable them, uncomment the ckfinder_examples
route in vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-laravel-package/src/routes.php
After that you can navigate to the <APP BASE URL>/ckfinder/examples
path and have a look at the list of available examples.
To find out about the code behind them, check the views/samples
directory in the package (vendor/ckfinder/ckfinder-laravel-package/views/samples/
Including the Main CKFinder JavaScript File in Templates
To be able to use CKFinder on a web page you have to include the main CKFinder JavaScript file. The preferred way to do that is to include the CKFinder setup template, as shown below:
The included template renders the required script
tags and configures a valid connector path.
Useful Links
All versions of laravel-ckfinder with dependencies
laravel/framework Version ^5.5|~6.0|~7.0
pimple/pimple Version ~3.0
league/flysystem Version ^1.0.45
league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 Version ^1.0.13
league/flysystem-cached-adapter Version ^1.0.6
spatie/flysystem-dropbox Version ^1.0