Download the PHP package bitexpert/sulu-securitytxt-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package bitexpert/sulu-securitytxt-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download bitexpert/sulu-securitytxt-bundle
More information about bitexpert/sulu-securitytxt-bundle
Files in bitexpert/sulu-securitytxt-bundle
Package sulu-securitytxt-bundle
Short Description Sulu bundle for managing security.txt configuration
License MIT
Informations about the package sulu-securitytxt-bundle
This is a Sulu Bundle to manage security.txt files for your Sulu webspaces.
According to the main purpose of security.txt is to help make things easier for companies and security researchers when trying to secure platforms. Thanks to security.txt, security researchers can easily get in touch with companies about security issues.
Register the bundle in the file
- Configure the routing as follows:
Create file config/routes/securitytxt_admin.yaml
Create file config/routes/securitytxt_website.yaml
- Run Doctrine Schema Update
Once installed, this bundle adds a tab called "Security.txt" to the webspaces configuration which allows you to create new security.txt entries for the different webspaces. For each webspace only one security.txt configuration can be saved.
Since 0.5.0: Only users with the Securitytxt permissions can view, add, edit or delete the security.txt entries.
Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new features and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and adapt the documentation.
Want To Contribute?
If you feel that you have something to share, then we’d love to have you. Check out the contributing guide to find out how, as well as what we expect from you.
Sulu Security.txt Bundle is released under the MIT License.
All versions of sulu-securitytxt-bundle with dependencies
sulu/sulu Version ^2.6
symfony/dependency-injection Version ^6.0
symfony/framework-bundle Version ^6.0
symfony/http-foundation Version ^6.0
symfony/http-kernel Version ^6.0
symfony/routing Version ^6.0