Download the PHP package benallfree/laravel-stapler-images without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package benallfree/laravel-stapler-images. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
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  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
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Informations about the package laravel-stapler-images

Laravel Stapler Images

This Laravel 5 package builds upon codesleeve/laravel-stapler and takes a different approach to attachment storage by storing attachments in a single table. Besides this normalized approach to attachment storage, it also handles images and image sizes.

There are several benefits to storing your attachments in a single table:



composer require benallfree/laravel-stapler-images

Add the service providers to config/app.php


Optionally add an alias for the \Image and \Attachment classes in config/app.php

'Image' => BenAllfree\LaravelStaplerImages\Image::class,
'Attachment' => BenAllfree\LaravelStaplerImages\Attachment::class,

Publish the config

php artisan vendor:publish

Take a look at the config files in config/laravel-stapler. If you're not familiar with the config files, see the basic Stapler config docs. I add images.php where you can control settings for this package. In particular, if you want to adjust the name of the table and the sizes of images created, you can do it here.

I like this setting for config/laravel-stapler/filesystem.php

'url' => '/i/:id_partition/:style/:filename',

Don't forget to migrate:

php artisan migrate

Basic Usage

Super easy. Let's add an avatar to our User model.

First, create a migration. In this case, let's do a simple belongsTo relationship.

Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {

I named it avatar_image_id because we want the field to be treated as an BenAllfree\LaravelStaplerImages\Image object so image processing happens. This gives us extra features like processing various image sizes. If we didn't need that, we could have named it avatar_file_id and it would be a BenAllfree\LaravelStaplerImages\Attachment instead.

Now, add it to the User table

use BenAllfree\LaravelStaplerImages\AttachmentTrait;

class User
  use AttachmentTrait;

Great. Now we can rock and roll. Saving will generate and save all the images on the spot.

// Create an image
$url = "";
$user->avatar_image_path = $url;

The $url can be a file path too.

Next, we can recall a processed image URL. The MIME type is always image/jpg for these.

// Use an image
echo $user->avatar_image->url('thumb');

The following sizes exist by default:

'large' => '640x640#',
'featured' => '585x585#',
'medium' => '400x400#',
'thumb' => '180x180#',
'admin' => '100x100#',
'tiny' => '75x75#',

Forms and Input

Given a field named avatar_image like above...

In the view

In the controller

Magic Getters and Setters

Given a database field <name>_file_id

<name>_file - A getter that returns an Attachment object for the given underlying ID <name>_file_path() - A setter mutator that accepts a file path or URL and creates an Attachment object from it. If it can't find the file with the path specified, it will look in the la_path config setting, then in la_path(), then in root_path().

Likewise, a database field <name>_image_id will do the same thing for Image, except it will add image processing when the objects are created.

<name>_image - A getter that returns an Image object for the given underlying ID <name>_image_path() - A setter mutator that accepts a file path or URL and creates an Attachment object from it. If it can't find the file with the path specified, it will look in the la_path config setting, then in la_path(), then in root_path().

Image is NOT a subclass of Attachment, so these should not be used interchangeably.

Caching and Performance

By default, Image::from_url($url) will check $url against the original_file_name column in the images table and will only fetch the image the first time it has to. If you want to force it, use from_url($url, true).

Custom Image Sizes

No problem, just go into config/laravel-stapler-images.php and make whatever sizes you want.

Reprocessing Images

If you change sizes of images, you will need to reprocess existing images.

php artisan images:reprocess

Securing Images

If you want your images to be served from within secure routes instead of directly available from the public folder, make these modifications:

Create the following file:


In config/laravel-stapler/filesystem.php to change where the images are stored (outside the webroot):

'path' => ':app_root/storage/uploads:url',

Then, create a route like this and add whatever security you need:

Route::get('/images/{id}/{size}', function($id,$size) {
  $image = \Image::find($id);

  $response = Response::make(
  return $response;

Advanced Usage (Working directly with attachments)

If you have a pivot table or some other need to work directly with attachments:

$image = Image::from_url($url);
$att = Attachment::from_url($url);

Integrating with Laravel Administrator

Do you love Laravel Administrator as much as I do? Sweet. Here's how you do it.

First, familiarize yourself with the [location]( attribute of upload fields in Laravel Administrator.

Step 1: Choose ONE location where Laravel Administrator will upload your files.

In config/laravel-stapler/images.php, there is an la_path that can be configured. The default is fine, but if you want to change it you may. Use the same location for ALL models in Laravel Administrator. Laravel Stapler Images will look in this config path for any uploads being saved. I suggest adding a .gitkeep to the path.

Step 2: Configure your Laravel Administrator model, being careful to use the config() path you chose in Step 1.

Configure config/administrator/<your model>.php as follows:


return array(

  'title' => 'Users',

  'single' => 'User',

  'model' => 'App\User',

   * The display columns
  'columns' => array(
    'avatar_image_id' => array(
      'title' => 'Avatar',
      'output'=>function($id) {
        if(!$id) return '';
        $i = \Image::find($id);
        return "<img src='{$i->url('admin')}?r={$i->updated_at->timestamp}' width=50/>";

   * The editable fields
  'edit_fields' => array(



Step 3: Add extra JSON attributes to your Eloquent model via $appends.

Recall our User model above contained an avatar_image_id field, and that we can use $user->avatar_image to access it.

class User
  use AttachmentTrait;

To make sure Laravel Administrator sees it, we must modify the model just a bit:

class User
  use AttachmentTrait;

  protected $appends = ['avatar_image_la'];

The _la suffix indicates that this is a Laravel Administrator file attachment field.

That's it! Now you have images from Laravel Administrator!

Workarounds and bugfixes

The core codesleeve/stapler package has a couple bugs that may be important to you. To use my forked version of Stapler with the bugs fixed, do the following:

In your composer.json:

"repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "[email protected]:benallfree/stapler.git"
"require": {
    "codesleeve/stapler": "dev-master as 1.2.0",

Hashtag and long URL name fixes

Two problems:

  1. If a URL containing a # (hash) is fetched, it will fail to use the proper file extension, this creating MIME type problems.
  2. If a URL is too long, it will faile to write to the file system. I fixed this by using shorter names.

curl/open_basedir bug

If you are on shared hosting, you may find that open_basedir is set and curl will fail to fetch URLs. To fix that, we have included a patch file with this package.

rename bug

codesleeve/stapler renames files as part of processing URL downloads and using temporary files. If your temporary files are stored on a different volume, there is a known PHP issue that will cause a Laravel exception. To fix it, @rename should be used.

All versions of laravel-stapler-images with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.5.0
laravel/framework Version 5.*
illuminate/support Version 5.*
codesleeve/laravel-stapler Version 1.0.*
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package benallfree/laravel-stapler-images contains the following files

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