Download the PHP package bblstudio/bblstudio without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package bblstudio/bblstudio. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
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Files in bblstudio/bblstudio
Download bblstudio/bblstudio
More information about bblstudio/bblstudio
Files in bblstudio/bblstudio
Vendor bblstudio
Package bblstudio
Short Description The BblStudio package is a versatile file editing tool designed for laravel bootstrap to streamline content management and editing within web applications
License MIT
Package bblstudio
Short Description The BblStudio package is a versatile file editing tool designed for laravel bootstrap to streamline content management and editing within web applications
License MIT
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Informations about the package bblstudio
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BBL Studio

BBL Studio is a powerful tool for managing and editing your application views. This configuration file sets up the VEDITOR mode and various options for customizing how the editor operates within your Laravel application.
- Laravel: Minimum version 8 - PHP: Minimum version 8
1. Run the following command to install BBL Studio: composer require bblstudio/bblstudio 2. Publish the package assets(if not run auto!): php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-assets --ansi --force 3. Publish the package views: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-views --ansi --force 4. Publish the package config: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --ansi --force
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BBL Studio Configuration .env file
Mode Options
# - AUTO: Automatic configuration. # - CONFIG: Manual configuration. # - AUTO + CONFIG: Automatic with additional configurations. VEDITOR = "AUTO" # Required for AUTO mode.
Path Configuration
VEDITOR_FOLDER_VIEWS_PATH = "user_page/auth" # Required for AUTO mode or Default =Views.
URL and Routing
VEDITOR_URL = "bblstudio" # Required for AUTO + CONFIG. VEDITOR_ROUTE_NAME = "bblstudio" # Required for AUTO + CONFIG.
Save Configuration
# Options: origin / copy / fun # - origin: Save directly to the original file. # - copy: Save a copy of the file. # - fun: Use a custom function to save. VEDITOR_SAVE = "origin" # Required for AUTO {origin / copy / fun} + CONFIG {fun}.
Custom Save Function Configuration
# Required if VEDITOR_SAVE is set to "fun". VEDITOR_SAVE_DATA_FUN_CONTROLLER_NAME = "" # Controller name for the custom save function. VEDITOR_SAVE_DATA_FUN_METHOD_NAME = "" # Method name for the custom save function. # The function signature should be: fun($filePath or $fileName, $newContent).
Content Retrieval Configuration
# Required for CONFIG mode. VEDITOR_GET_CONTENT_BY_NAME_CONTROLLER_NAME = "" # Controller name for retrieving content by name. VEDITOR_GET_CONTENT_BY_NAME_METHOD_NAME = "" # Method name for retrieving content by name. # The function signature should be: fun($fileName).
Structure Listing Configuration
# Required for CONFIG mode. VEDITOR_LIST_STRUCTER_CONTROLLER_NAME = "" # Controller name for listing the structure. VEDITOR_LIST_STRUCTER_METHOD_NAME = "" # Method name for listing the structure. # The structure format should be: [[fileName => string (unique), folderName => string], [...]].
Additional Configuration
VEDITOR_SHOW_PHP = true # Enable or disable PHP code display in the editor. VEDITOR_MIDDLEWARE_ALIAS = "" # Middleware alias used for routing if needed.