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Download bastman/php7-arrayly
More information about bastman/php7-arrayly
Files in bastman/php7-arrayly
Vendor bastman
Package php7-arrayly
Short Description a simple port of Kotlin Collections to php
License MIT
Package php7-arrayly
Short Description a simple port of Kotlin Collections to php
License MIT
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Informations about the package php7-arrayly
- ArrayMap (eager): decorates php array with immutable HashMap-style methods similar to Java Streams / Kotlin Collections
- ArrayList (eager): decorates php array_values($array) with immutable List-style methods
- Sequence (lazy-ish, consume-once): provides fluid interface to php generators & iterators
- Flow (lazy-ish, consume-rewindable, FBP): kind of flow-based-programming-style (FBP) for replayable transformation pipelines
inspired by
- nikic/iter:
- Kotlin Collections:
- Java Stream API:
- Stringy (OO-Style decorator for strings):
Alternative Concepts
- Transducers:
- Pipeline, e.g.:
$ composer require bastman/php7-arrayly 0.2.1
- Beta. Happy Testing ;)
- MIT. Do whatever you like with that code.
Design Principles
- functional programming
- immutability
- strictly strong typing
- composition over inheritance hell
- filter, map, flatMap, reduce, groupBy, find, sort, chunk, take, drop, ...
Alternative PHP Collection Frameworks
- knapsak:
- functional-php:
- laravel:
- cake:
- hhvm/hack:
Examples (ArrayMap)
see: tests/examples/arrayly
mapOfIterable($cities) ->map(function ($item) {return $item["country"];}) ->filter(function ($country) {return $country == 'Germany';}) ->sortByDescending(function ($a, $b) {return strcasecmp($a, $b);}) ->drop(1) ->take(2) ->toArray();
mapOfIterable($cities) ->groupBy(function (array $item):string { return $item["country"]; }) ->flatMap(function (array $itemGroup):array { return $itemGroup; }) ->reverse() ->reduce('', function (string $acc, array $item):string { return $acc . ':' . $item["city"]; });
Examples (ArrayList)
listOf("a1", "a2", "b1", "a3") ->map(function ($value) {return strtoupper($value);}) ->filter(function ($value) {return fnmatch("*A*", $value);}) ->sortByDescending(function ($a, $b) {return strcasecmp($a, $b);}) ->drop(1) ->take(2) ->toArray();
listOfIterable($cities) ->groupBy(function (array $item):string { return $item["country"]; }) ->flatMap(function (array $itemGroup):array { return $itemGroup; }) ->reverse() ->reduce('', function (string $acc, array $item):string { return $acc . ':' . $item["city"]; });
Examples (Sequence) - uses generators approach
see: tests/examples/sequence
sequenceOfIterable($cities) ->filter(function (array $v):bool { return $v['country']==='Germany'; }) ->map(function(array $v):array{ return $v; }) ->groupBy(function (array $v):string { return $v['country']; }) ->flatMap(function (array $itemGroup):array { return $itemGroup; }) ->pipe(function(iterable $iterable){ foreach ($iterable as $k=>$v) { yield $k=>$v; } }) ->collect() ->toArray();
Examples (Flow) - Flow Based Programming (FBP)
- see: tests/examples/flow 1. // define the re-usable flow $flow = Flow::create() ->filter(function (array $v): bool { return $v['country'] === 'Germany'; }) ->map(function (array $v): array { return $v; }) ->groupBy(function (array $v): string { return $v['country']; }) ->flatMap(function (array $itemGroup): array { return $itemGroup; }); 2. // run the flow with a given producer $cities = self::createCities(); $sink = $flow->withProducerOfIterable($cities) ->collect() ->toArray();
3. // derive a new flow by applying a different producer // note: the old flow will not be affected by this. immutability rockz :)
$derivedFlow = $flow->withProducerOfIteratorSupplier(
function():\Generator {
yield from self::createCities();
// run the derived flow $sink = $derivedFlow ->collect() ->toArray();
// and re-run the derived flow - because we can ;) $sink = $derivedFlow ->collect() ->toArray();
Api (Source: top-level-functions)
function listOf(...$values):ArrayList
function listOfIterable(iterable $iterable):ArrayList
function mapOfIterable(iterable $iterable):ArrayMap
function sequenceOfIterable(iterable $iterable):Sequence
function sequenceOfIteratorSupplier(\Closure $supplier):Sequence
function sequenceOfRewindableIteratorSupplier(\Closure $supplier):Sequence
Api (Sink)
public function toArray(): array;
public function toGenerator(): \Generator;
public function toSequence(): Sequence;
public function toMap(): ArrayMap;
public function toList(): ArrayList;
public function getIterator(): \Generator;
public function toIteratorSupplier(): \Closure;
Api (ArrayMap)
public function collect(): Sink;
public function toArray(): array;
public function getIterator(): \Generator;
public function copy(): ArrayMap;
public function withData(array $data): ArrayMap;
public function withKey($key, $value): ArrayMap;
public function keys(bool $strict = true): ArrayMap;
public function values(): ArrayMap;
public function flip(): ArrayMap;
public function shuffle(int $times): ArrayMap;
public function count(): int;
public function reverse(): ArrayMap;
public function hasKey($key): bool;
public function firstOrNull();
public function firstOrDefault($defaultValue);
public function firstOrElse(\Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function getOrElse($key, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function getOrNull($key);
public function getOrDefault($key, $defaultValue);
public function findOrNull(\Closure $predicate);
public function findOrDefault(\Closure $predicate, $defaultValue);
public function findOrElse(\Closure $predicate, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function findIndexedOrNull(\Closure $predicate);
public function findIndexedOrDefault(\Closure $predicate, $defaultValue);
public function findIndexedOrElse(\Closure $predicate, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function onEach(\Closure $callback): ArrayMap;
public function onEachIndexed(\Closure $callback): ArrayMap;
public function filter(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function filterIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function filterNot(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function filterNotIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function filterNotNull(): ArrayMap;
public function map(\Closure $transform): ArrayMap;
public function mapIndexed(\Closure $transform): ArrayMap;
public function mapKeysByValue(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function mapKeysByValueIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function flatMap(\Closure $transform): ArrayMap;
public function flatMapIndexed(\Closure $transform): ArrayMap;
public function groupBy(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function groupByIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function reduce($initialValue, \Closure $reducer);
public function reduceIndexed($initialValue, \Closure $reducer);
public function sortedBy(\Closure $comparator, bool $descending): ArrayMap;
public function sortBy(\Closure $comparator): ArrayMap;
public function sortByDescending(\Closure $comparator): ArrayMap;
public function take(int $amount): ArrayMap;
public function takeWhile(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function takeWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function takeLast(int $amount): ArrayMap;
public function drop(int $amount): ArrayMap;
public function dropWhile(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function dropWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayMap;
public function chunk(int $batchSize): ArrayMap;
public function slice(? $startIndex, ? $stopIndexExclusive, int $step = 1): ArrayMap;
public function sliceByOffsetAndLimit(int $offset, ? $limit, int $step = 1): ArrayMap;
Api (ArrayList)
public function collect(): Sink;
public function toArray(): array;
public function getIterator(): \Generator;
public function copy(): ArrayList;
public function withData(array $data): ArrayList;
public function keys(bool $strict = true): ArrayList;
public function values(): ArrayList;
public function flip(): ArrayList;
public function shuffle(int $times): ArrayList;
public function count(): int;
public function reverse(): ArrayList;
public function hasElementAt(int $index): bool;
public function firstOrNull();
public function firstOrDefault($defaultValue);
public function firstOrElse(\Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function getOrElse(int $index, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function getOrNull(int $index);
public function getOrDefault(int $index, $defaultValue);
public function findOrNull(\Closure $predicate);
public function findOrDefault(\Closure $predicate, $defaultValue);
public function findOrElse(\Closure $predicate, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function findIndexedOrNull(\Closure $predicate);
public function findIndexedOrDefault(\Closure $predicate, $defaultValue);
public function findIndexedOrElse(\Closure $predicate, \Closure $defaultValueSupplier);
public function onEach(\Closure $callback): ArrayList;
public function onEachIndexed(\Closure $callback): ArrayList;
public function filter(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function filterIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function filterNot(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function filterNotIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function filterNotNull(): ArrayList;
public function map(\Closure $transform): ArrayList;
public function mapIndexed(\Closure $transform): ArrayList;
public function flatMap(\Closure $transform): ArrayList;
public function flatMapIndexed(\Closure $transform): ArrayList;
public function groupBy(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function groupByIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): ArrayMap;
public function reduce($initialValue, \Closure $reducer);
public function reduceIndexed($initialValue, \Closure $reducer);
public function sortedBy(\Closure $comparator, bool $descending): ArrayList;
public function sortBy(\Closure $comparator): ArrayList;
public function sortByDescending(\Closure $comparator): ArrayList;
public function take(int $amount): ArrayList;
public function takeWhile(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function takeWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function takeLast(int $amount): ArrayList;
public function drop(int $amount): ArrayList;
public function dropWhile(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function dropWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): ArrayList;
public function chunk(int $batchSize): ArrayList;
public function slice(? $startIndex, ? $stopIndexExclusive, int $step = 1): ArrayList;
public function sliceByOffsetAndLimit(int $offset, ? $limit, int $step = 1): ArrayList;
Api (Sequence)
public static function ofIteratorSupplier(\Closure $supplier): Sequence;
public function withData(iterable $data): Sequence;
public function collect(): Sink;
public function forEachRemaining(\Closure $callback): Void;
public function reducing($initialValue, \Closure $reducer): Sequence;
public function reducingIndexed($initialValue, \Closure $reducer): Sequence;
public function pipe(\Closure $transform): Sequence;
public function keys(): Sequence;
public function values(): Sequence;
public function flip(): Sequence;
public function reverse(): Sequence;
public function onEach(\Closure $callback): Sequence;
public function onEachIndexed(\Closure $callback): Sequence;
public function map(\Closure $transform): Sequence;
public function mapIndexed(\Closure $transform): Sequence;
public function mapKeysByValue(\Closure $keySelector): Sequence;
public function mapKeysByValueIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): Sequence;
public function filter(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function filterIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function filterNot(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function filterNotIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function filterNotNull(): Sequence;
public function flatMap(\Closure $transform): Sequence;
public function flatMapIndexed(\Closure $transform): Sequence;
public function groupBy(\Closure $keySelector): Sequence;
public function groupByIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): Sequence;
public function take(int $amount): Sequence;
public function takeWhile(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function takeWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function takeLast(int $amount): Sequence;
public function drop(int $amount): Sequence;
public function dropWhile(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function dropWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Sequence;
public function sortedBy(bool $descending, \Closure $comparator): Sequence;
public function sortBy(\Closure $comparator): Sequence;
public function sortByDescending(\Closure $comparator): Sequence;
public function chunk(int $batchSize): Sequence;
public function slice(? $startIndex, ? $stopIndexExclusive, int $step = 1): Sequence;
public function sliceByOffsetAndLimit(int $offset, ? $limit, int $step = 1): Sequence;
Api (Flow)
public static function create(): Flow;
public static function ofRewindableIteratorSupplier(\Closure $supplier): Flow;
public function copy(): Flow;
public function withoutProducer(): Flow;
public function withProducer(RewindableProducer $producer): Flow;
public function withProducerOfIterable(iterable $iterable): Flow;
public function withProducerOfIteratorSupplier(\Closure $iteratorSupplier): Flow;
public function collect(): Sink;
public function reducing($initialValue, \Closure $reducer): Flow;
public function reducingIndexed($initialValue, \Closure $reducer): Flow;
public function pipe(\Closure $transform): Flow;
public function keys(): Flow;
public function values(): Flow;
public function flip(): Flow;
public function reverse(): Flow;
public function onEach(\Closure $callback): Flow;
public function onEachIndexed(\Closure $callback): Flow;
public function map(\Closure $transform): Flow;
public function mapIndexed(\Closure $transform): Flow;
public function mapKeysByValue(\Closure $keySelector): Flow;
public function mapKeysByValueIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): Flow;
public function filter(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function filterIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function filterNot(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function filterNotIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function filterNotNull(): Flow;
public function flatMap(\Closure $transform): Flow;
public function flatMapIndexed(\Closure $transform): Flow;
public function groupBy(\Closure $keySelector): Flow;
public function groupByIndexed(\Closure $keySelector): Flow;
public function take(int $amount): Flow;
public function takeWhile(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function takeWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function takeLast(int $amount): Flow;
public function drop(int $amount): Flow;
public function dropWhile(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function dropWhileIndexed(\Closure $predicate): Flow;
public function sortedBy(bool $descending, \Closure $comparator): Flow;
public function sortBy(\Closure $comparator): Flow;
public function sortByDescending(\Closure $comparator): Flow;
public function chunk(int $batchSize): Flow;
public function slice(? $startIndex, ? $stopIndexExclusive, int $step = 1): Flow;
public function sliceByOffsetAndLimit(int $offset, ? $limit, int $step = 1): Flow;
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