Download the PHP package bartaakos/yii-skeleton without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package bartaakos/yii-skeleton. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download bartaakos/yii-skeleton
More information about bartaakos/yii-skeleton
Files in bartaakos/yii-skeleton
Package yii-skeleton
Short Description Basic Yii skeleton
License MIT
Informations about the package yii-skeleton
This is a basic skeleton for Yii applications enhanced with composer.
For project initialization you can run simply the command below:
$ composer create-project bartaakos/yii-skeleton MyNewProject
Keep in mind that you need to create the two configuration files (custom.php
, params.php
Static files
/web/assets /vendor /runtime /config/custom.php /config/params.php
The files listed above are ignored and you should handle them as static content.
This is a very convenient tool for high-level site maintenance.
For installation please check nDeploy's readme. The final
should look like something like this:
;-- deploy basedir -- basedir=/home/my-new-project ;-- application -- application.framework=yii ;application.deploydir=/home/my-new-project/current ;application.repositorydir=/home/my-new-project/src/my-new-project ;application.releasesdir=/home/my-new-project/releases application.releaseskept=10 ;-- scm properties -- scm.type=git scm.repository=repository-of-my-new-project.git ;scm.branch=master ;scm.git.extra.path.pull= ;-- shared files -- shared.files=config/custom.php,config/params.php,runtime,web/assets,vendor ;-- vendor -- vendor=composer vendor.command=update ;-- yii framework properties -- application.framework.extra.migrate.command=./yiic application.framework.extra.migrate=true application.framework.extra.migrate.ask=false ;-- maintenance -- ;maintenance=false ;maintenance.source= ;maintenance.destination= ;maintenance.remove=true ;-- hash -- ;hash=true ;hash.file= ;-- lock -- ;lock=true ;lock.file= ;-- ndpeloy build target's basedir -- ndeploy.basedir=/home/ndeploy/current
Note that I removed the yiic migration
after composer update/install
because we do that with nDeploy as you can see. If you need to get that back simply uncomment those lines in the params in console/console.php
and set application.framework.extra.migrate
to false
All versions of yii-skeleton with dependencies
yiisoft/yii Version 1.1.*
yiiext/migrate-command Version @dev
yiiext/status-behavior Version dev-master
yiiext/imperavi-redactor-widget Version dev-master
assisrafael/giix Version dev-master
swiftmailer/swiftmailer Version dev-master
bartaakos/cserializebehavior Version dev-master
bartaakos/np-yii-console-command Version dev-master
bartaakos/yii-simple-queue Version dev-master