Download the PHP package b2pweb/bdf-form without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package b2pweb/bdf-form. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

If you use only one package a project is not needed. But if you use more then one package, without a project it is not possible to import the classes with use statements.

In general, it is recommended to use always a project to download your libraries. In an application normally there is more than one library needed.
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  • Some hosting areas are not accessible by a terminal or SSH. Then it is not possible to use Composer.
  • To use Composer is sometimes complicated. Especially for beginners.
  • Composer needs much resources. Sometimes they are not available on a simple webspace.
  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
  • Simplify your Composer build process. Use our own command line tool to download the vendor folder as binary. This makes your build process faster and you don't need to expose your credentials for private repositories.
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Informations about the package bdf-form

BDF Form

Library for handle form, and request validation.

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Table of content

Installation using composer

Basic usage

To create a form, simply extends the class CustomForm and implements method CustomForm::configure() :

To display the form, call the ElementInterface::view() method on the form object, and use the view object :

Now, you can submit data to the form, and perform validation :

Handle entities

The form system can be use to import, create or fill an entity using accessors :

Declaration :

Usage :

Transformation process

Here a description, step by step, of the transformation process, from HTTP value to model value. This process is reversible to generate HTTP value from model.

Note: This example is for leaf element contained into a form. For an embedded for or array, simply replace the leaf element process by the form process.

1 - Submit to buttons (scope: RootForm)

The first step perform by the RootForm is to check the submit buttons. If the HTTP data contains the button name, and the value match with the configured one, the button is marked as clicked.

Note: in reverse process, the clicked button value will be added to HTTP value

See :

2 - Call transformers of the form (scope: Form)

Transformers of the container form are called. There are used to normalize input HTTP data to usable array value.

Note: the transformers are called in reverse order (i.e. last registered is first executed) when transform from HTTP to PHP and called in order for PHP to HTTP transformation


3 - Extract the HTTP field value (scope: Child)

At this step, the normalized HTTP value is passed to the child, and the current field value is extracted. If the value is not available, null is returned.

There is two extraction strategy :


4 - Apply filters (scope: Child)

Once the field value is extracted, filters are applied. There are used for normalize and remove illegal values. It's a destructive operation by definition (cannot be reversed), unlike transformers. There can be used for perform trim or array_filter.

Note: Unlike transformers, filters are only applied during transformation from HTTP to PHP. Do not use if it's a "view" operation, like decoding a string.


5 - Set default value (scope: Child)

Set the default value is the filtered field value is considered as empty and a default value is provided. A value is empty is it's an empty string '' or array [], or it's null. 0, 0.0 or false are not considered as empty. If not default value is given, the filtered value will be used.

Note: To set a default value, you should call ChildBuilderInterface::default() with PHP value


6 - Call element transformers (scope: Element)

Works like Form transformers (step 2), but on the element value. If a transformer throws an exception, the submit process will be stopped, the raw HTTP value will be kept, and the element will be marked as invalid with the exception message as error.

The transformer exception behavior can be changed on the ElementBuilder. If the exception is ignored by calling ignoreTransformerException() on the builder, the validation process will be performed on the raw HTTP value.


7 - Cast to PHP value (scope: Element)

The value is converted from HTTP value to usable PHP value, like a cast to int on IntegerElement.

Note: this step is only performed on LeafElement implementations


8 - Validation (scope: Element)

Validate the PHP value of the element, using constraints.


9 - Generate the form value (scope: Form)

Create the entity to fill by form values.


10 - Apply model transformer (scope: Child)

Call the model transformer, for transform input data to model data.


11 - Call accessor (scope: Child)

The accessor is used to fill the entity (in case of HTTP to PHP), or form import from entity (in case of PHP to form).


12 - Validate the form value (scope: Form)

Once the value is hydrated, it will be validated by the form constraints.


Embedded and array

Complex form structure can be created using embedded form and generic array element. Embedded form is useful for reuse a form into another.

This form will handle data like :

Or in HTTP format :

To improve readability and reusability, each embedded form can be declared in its own class :

You can also "flatten" the HTTP fields by using ChildBuilderInterface::prefix(). The embedded form will use a prefix instead of a sub-array.

Using prefix, the new data format is :

Or in HTTP format :

Field path and dependencies

In some cases, a field value should be validated or transformed using another field value. It's for this goal that field dependencies are added : when a field depends on other, you can declare it using ChildBuilderInterface::depends(). Field path are used to access to the specific field.

Note: dependencies add complexity to the form, it's advisable to use a constraint on the parent form if possible.

To create a field path (and access to the desired field), you should use FieldPath::parse(), or FieldFinderTrait.

The format works like unix file system path, with / as field separator, . for the current field, and .. for the parent. Use / at the start will define path as absolute. Unlike unix path, by default, the path starts from the parent of the field (i.e. equivalent to ../).


With :


The FieldPath can also be used outside the form, and with embedded forms :


Choice system is use to allow only a set of values, like with HTML <selecte> element. To define a choice, simply call choice() on the element builder, if supported. A label can be defined using the key of associative array for the list of available values.

Once defined, the view system will automatically transform simple input elements to <select>. To render manually the choice, you can also call FieldViewInterface::choices() to get choices array :


Submit button can be defined to handle multiple action on the same form.

The form :

The view :

The controller :




String element with Email constraint


String element with Url constraint




Handle boolean value, like a checkbox. The value will be considered as true if it's present, and is equals to the defined one (by default 1).

Note: in HTTP a falsy value is an absent value, so a default value cannot be defined on a boolean element. To define a "view default" value, use ElementBuilderInterface::value() instead of ChildElementBuilder::default()

The default renderer will render a <input type="checkbox" /> with the defined http value and checked state.



Handle phone number. The package giggsey/libphonenumber-for-php is required to use this element. This element will not return a string but a PhoneNumber instance.


This element allows to mitigate CSRF. The package symfony/security-csrf is required for this element. Some element methods are disallowed, like import(), any constraints, transformer or default. The view will be rendered as <input type="hidden" />.


An element for handle any value types. This is useful for create an inline custom element. But it's strongly discouraged : prefer use one of the native element, or create a custom one.

Create a custom element

You can declare custom elements to handle complex types, and reuse into any forms. The examples bellow are for declare an element to handle UriInterface objects, created using PSR-17 UriFactoryInterface

Using custom form

You can use a CustomForm to declare an element. The advantage of this method is that it don't need to implements low level interfaces, and require only to extends the CustomForm class. But it has the consequence of using more resources, has a lower flexibility, and cannot define a custom builder.

Using LeafElement

If declaring an element using the CustomForm is not enough, or if you want to optimise this element, you can use the low level class LeafElement to declare a custom element.


To use the custom element, simply call FormBuilderInterface::add() with the element class name as second parameter :

Custom child builder

In some case, defining a custom child builder can be relevant, like for register model transformers. To declare the child, simply extends ChildBuilder class, and register to the Registry :

Error Handling

When an error occurs on the form, a FormError object is created with all errors.

Simple usage

If an error is on a child, use FormError::children() to get the error. If there is no error on children, but on the parent element, use FormError::global() instead. To get a simple string representation of errors, cast the errors to string. To get an array representation in form [fieldName => error], use FormError::toArray().


To format errors with reusable way, a FormErrorPrinterInterface can be implemented.

All versions of bdf-form with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.4
symfony/property-access Version ~4.3|~5.0|~6.0|~7.0
symfony/validator Version ~4.3|~5.0|~6.0|~7.0
symfony/polyfill-php80 Version ~1.22
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package b2pweb/bdf-form contains the following files

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