Download the PHP package avanzu/admin-theme-bundle without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package avanzu/admin-theme-bundle. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package admin-theme-bundle
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony. This bundle integrates several commonly used javascripts and the awesome AdminLTE Template.
Installation using composer is really easy: this command will add "avanzu/admin-theme-bundle": "~1.3"
to your composer.json
and will download the bundle:
Notice: if you prefer to stay with the AdminLTE theme v1.x, manually reference "avanzu/admin-theme-bundle": "~1.1"
in composer.json "require"
part and run php composer.phar update
For unstable releases (based in master branch) use:
Enable the bundle in your kernel:
If you use 2.x branch or dev-master version of this bundle you need additionally:
Install assets (preferably using symlink method but hardcopy works as well)...
Or symfony 3.x/4.x version:
... and fetch vendors:
Or symfony 3.x/4.x version:
Additionaly, you can trigger fetch the vendor in each install or update of this bundle, for that edit your archive composer.json and add:
Symfony 2.8 notice
This bundle requires assetic, but it isn't shipped with symfony anymore since version 2.8. To install assetic, follow these steps:
php composer.phar require symfony/assetic-bundle
Enable the bundle in your kernel:
Add the following lines at app/config/config_dev.yml
Changing default values from templates
If you want to change any default value as for example admin_skin
all you need to do is define the same at app/config/config.yml
under [twig]
section. See example below:
You could also define those values at app/config/parameters.yml
and then use as follow in app/config/config.yml
AdminLTE skins are: skin-blue (default for this bundle), skin-blue-light, skin-yellow, skin-yellow-light, skin-green, skin-green-light, skin-purple, skin-purple-light, skin-red, skin-red-light, skin-black and skin-black-light. If you want to know more then go ahead and check docs for AdminLTE here.
There are a few values you could change for sure without need to touch anything at bundle, just take a look under Resources/views
. That's all.
Upgrade notice
Version >= 1.3 comes with pre packaged asset files located under Resources/public/static/[prod|dev]
. So, there is no
longer a strict requirement for bower and/or assetic. The assetic groups hovever, are still there and should work as usual.
If the assetic bundle is installed but you don't want the AdminThemeBundle to use it you can add following lines to config.yml
Next Steps
- Using the layout
- Rebuilding the assets
- Using the ThemeManager
- Components
- Navbar User
- Navbar Tasks
- Navbar Messages
- Navbar Notifications
- Sidebar User
- Sidebar Navigation
- Breadcrumb Menu
- Form theme
All versions of admin-theme-bundle with dependencies
symfony/http-foundation Version >=2.3
symfony/http-kernel Version >=2.3
symfony/event-dispatcher Version >=2.3
symfony/assetic-bundle Version >=2.3
symfony/twig-bundle Version >=2.3