Download the PHP package asz/generator without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package asz/generator. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download asz/generator
More information about asz/generator
Files in asz/generator
Package generator
Short Description Generate MVC with Routes , Requests and Create MigrationFile With Creating Table and More Features
License MIT
Informations about the package generator
Laravel generator package

This is a Laravel package to generate your code :
all DB data type and keys is added
- when you fill out the table form the packege will generate Model , Controller , Requests , Routes and Migration files with all fields that's added in form
Installation :
You can install asz/generator
via Composer by adding "asz/generator": "^1.1"
as requirement to your composer.json.
OR :
- Then :
Service Provider:
go to your config/app.php file and add :
Publishing Config file :
Now visit yourdomain/generator to start generate your code with multiable options
- also you can change default route and put middleware from config/generator.php
this packege will generate :
Migration file with data type columns Here is example when Generate TestingTable :
Model with specific table name and fillable all table columns . continue with same example when Generate TestTable :
Request File with default required validation. continue with same example when Generate TestTable :
generate controller with default methods. continue with same example when Generate TestTable :
- Routes Generates and can choose your middleware "default null"