Download the PHP package asbiin/laravel-webauthn without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package asbiin/laravel-webauthn. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


After the download, you have to make one include require_once('vendor/autoload.php');. After that you have to import the classes with use statements.

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  • If you are using private repositories you don't need to share your credentials. You can set up everything on our site and then you provide a simple download link to your team member.
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Informations about the package laravel-webauthn

Webauthn adapter for Laravel

Latest Version Downloads Workflow Status Quality Gate Coverage Status

LaravelWebauthn is the adapter to use Webauthn as 2FA (two-factor authentication) or as passwordless authentication on Laravel.

Try this now on the demo application.



Install this package with:


You can publish LaravelWebauthn configuration in a file named config/webauthn.php, and resources using the vendor:publish command:

Next, you should migrate your database:

Set Up

Option 1: add LaravelWebauthn middleware

The Webauthn middleware will force the user to authenticate their webauthn key for certain routes.

Assign the middleware to a route or a group of routes:

The Webauthn middleware will redirect the user to the webauthn login page when required.

Login via remember

When session expires, but the user have set the remember cookie, you can revalidate webauthn session by subscribing to the LaravelWebauthn\Listeners\LoginViaRemember listener:

Option 2: Passwordless authentication

You can use Webauthn to authenticate a user without a password, using only a webauthn key authentication.

To enable passwordless authentication, first add the webauthn user provider: update your config/auth.php file and change the users provider:

Then allow your login page to initiate a webauthn login with an email identifier.

You can call webauthn.auth.options route with a POST request and an email input to get the challenge data. See authentication section for more details.

Disabling Views

By default LaravelWebauthn defines routes that are intended to return views for authentication and register key.

However, if you are building a JavaScript driven single-page application, you may not need these routes. For that reason, you may disable these routes entirely by setting the views configuration value within your application's config/webauthn.php configuration file to false:


Note this package uses the cache to store the challenge data between the server request and the browser response. You'll need to setup a real cache driver from your config/cache.php file, and thus you can't use the array or null driver.


You will find an example of usage on asbiin/laravel-webauthn-example. You can try it right now on the demo application.


To authenticate with a webauthn key, the workflow is the following:

  1. Open the webauthn.login login page. You can customize the login page view by calling Webauthn::loginViewResponseUsing. See View response

    The default behavior will open the webauthn::authenticate page. You can also change the value of webauthn.views.authenticate in the configuration file.

  2. Or: Get the publicKey challenge by calling webauthn.auth.options (if not provided).

  3. Start the webauthn browser authentication. You can use the webauthn.js library to do this.

    Send the signed data to webauthn.auth route.

  4. The POST response will be:
    • a redirect response
    • or a json response with a callback data.


If the authentication is successful, the server will use the webauthn.redirects.login configuration:

Register a new key

To register a new webauthn key, the workflow is the following:

  1. Open the webauthn.register page. You can customize the register page view by calling Webauthn::registerViewResponseUsing. See View response

    The default behavior will open the webauthn::register page. You can also change the value of webauthn.views.register in the configuration file.

  2. Or: Get the publicKey challenge by calling (if not provided).

  3. Start the webauthn browser registration. You can use the webauthn.js library to do this.

    Send the signed data to route. The data should contain a name field with the webauthn key name.

  4. The POST response will be:
    • a redirect response
    • or a json response with a callback data.


If the registration is successful, the server will use the webauthn.redirects.register configuration:


These routes are defined:

Request Route Description
GET /webauthn/auth webauthn.login The login page.
POST /webauthn/auth/options webauthn.auth.options Get the publicKey and challenge to initiate a WebAuthn login.
POST /webauthn/auth webauthn.auth Post data after a WebAuthn login validate.
GET /webauthn/keys/create webauthn.create The register key page.
POST /webauthn/keys/options Get the publicKeys and challenge to initiate a WebAuthn registration.
POST /webauthn/keys Post data after a WebAuthn register check.
DELETE /webauthn/keys/{id} webauthn.destroy Delete an existing key.
PUT /webauthn/keys/{id} webauthn.update Update key properties (name, ...).

You can customize the first part of the url by setting prefix value in the config file.

Ignore route creation

You can disable the routes creation by adding this in your AppServiceProvider:

Customizing The Authentication Pipeline

The Laravel Webauthn authentication pipeline is highly inspired by the Fortify pipeline.

If you would like, you may define a custom pipeline of classes that login requests should be piped through. Each class should have an __invoke method which receives the incoming Illuminate\Http\Request instance and, like middleware, a $next variable that is invoked in order to pass the request to the next class in the pipeline.

To define your custom pipeline, you may use the Webauthn::authenticateThrough method. This method accepts a closure which should return the array of classes to pipe the login request through. Typically, this method should be called from the boot method of your App\Providers\FortifyServiceProvider class.

The example below contains the default pipeline definition that you may use as a starting point when making your own modifications:

Rate Limiter

By default, Laravel Webauthn will throttle logins to five requests per minute for every email and IP address combination. You may specify a custom rate limiter with other specifications.

First define a custom rate limiter. Follow Laravel rate limiter documentation to create a new RateLimiter within the boot method of your application's App\Providers\AppServiceProvider class.

Then use this new custom rate limiter in your webauthn.limiters.login configuration:


Events are dispatched by LaravelWebauthn:

View response

You can easily change the view responses with the Webauthn service.

For instance, call Webauthn::loginViewResponseUsing in your App\Providers\AppServiceProvider class:

With a LoginViewResponse class:

List of methods and their expected response contracts:

Webauthn static methods \LaravelWebauthn\Contracts
loginViewResponseUsing LoginViewResponseContract
loginSuccessResponseUsing LoginSuccessResponseContract
registerViewResponseUsing RegisterViewResponseContract
registerSuccessResponseUsing RegisterSuccessResponseContract
destroyViewResponseUsing DestroyResponseContract
updateViewResponseUsing UpdateResponseContract


Laravel compatibility

This package has the following Laravel compatibility:

Laravel asbiin/laravel-webauthn
5.8-8.x <= 1.2.0
7.x-8.x 2.0.1
>= 9.x >= 3.0.0

Browser compatibility

Most of the browsers support Webauthn.

However, your browser will refuse to negotiate a relay to your security device without the following:


If you are a Laravel Homestead user, the default is to forward ports. You can switch from NAT/port forwarding to a private network with similar Homestead.yaml options:

Re-provisioning vagrant will inform your virtual machine of the new network and install self-signed SSL/TLS certificates automatically: vagrant reload --provision

If you haven't done so already, describe your site domain and network in your hosts file:


Author: Alexis Saettler

Copyright © 2019–2024.

Licensed under the MIT License. View license.

All versions of laravel-webauthn with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=8.1
illuminate/support Version ^9.0 || ^10.0 || ^11.0
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock Version ^5.3
psr/http-factory-implementation Version 1.0
symfony/property-access Version ^6.4 || ^7.0
symfony/property-info Version ^6.4 || ^7.0
symfony/serializer Version ^6.4 || ^7.0
web-auth/cose-lib Version ^4.0
web-auth/webauthn-lib Version ^4.8
web-token/jwt-library Version ^3.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package asbiin/laravel-webauthn contains the following files

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