Download the PHP package apantle/laravel-notification-apn-http2 without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package apantle/laravel-notification-apn-http2. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Download apantle/laravel-notification-apn-http2
More information about apantle/laravel-notification-apn-http2
Files in apantle/laravel-notification-apn-http2
Package laravel-notification-apn-http2
Short Description Dependency free Apple Push Notifications provider, configurable for multiple apps
License MIT
Informations about the package laravel-notification-apn-http2
Dependency free Apple Push Notifications for Laravel
This package doesn't require 3rd party dependencies, and it allows sending of pushes to multiple apps, using differente PEM certificates and Apple Bundle Ids.
You can install the package via composer:
Store your certificates in directory certificates
(sibling to directory app
Implement toApn
method in your notification class:
Implement method routeNotificationForApn()
in your notifiable models,
returning a single device token or an array of tokens:
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
Laravel Package Boilerplate
This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.
All versions of laravel-notification-apn-http2 with dependencies
illuminate/support Version ^6.0 | ^7.0 | ^8.0
illuminate/notifications Version ^6.0 | ^7.0 | ^8.0
ext-curl Version *
ext-json Version *