PHP code example of admhome / badoo-jira-client-modified

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download admhome/badoo-jira-client-modified library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


admhome / badoo-jira-client-modified example snippets

$Jira = \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client::instance();
    ->setAuth('user', 'token/password');

$Request = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue\CreateRequest('SMPL', 'Task');

    ->setSummary('Awesome issue!')
    ->setDescription('description of issue created by Badoo JIRA PHP client')
    ->setLabels(['hey', 'it_works!'])

$Issue = $Request->send();

        'key'           => $Issue->getKey(),
        'summary'       => $Issue->getSummary(),
        'description'   => $Issue->getDescription(),

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');

        'key'           => $Issue->getKey(),
        'summary'       => $Issue->getSummary(),
        'description'   => $Issue->getDescription(),

    ->setSummary('Awesome issue!')
    ->setDescription('Yor new description for issue')
    ->edit('customfield_12345', <value for field>);


$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');

$RawClient = new \Badoo\Jira\REST\ClientRaw('');
$RawClient->setAuth('user', 'token/password');

$fields = $RawClient->get('/field');

$Client = new \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client('');
$Client->setAuth('user', 'password/token');

$FieldInfo = $Client->field()->get('summary');

$Client = \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client::instance();
$response = $Client->getRawClient()->get('/method/you/wat/to/request', [<parameters]);

$Client = \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client::instance();

    ->setAuth('user', 'password/token');

$Prod = new \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client('');
$Prod->setAuth('user', 'password/token');

$Staging = new \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client('');
$Staging->setAuth('user', 'password/token');

$ProdIssue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1', $Prod);
$StagingIssue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1', $Staging);

// ...

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');

$Client = \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client::instance();
$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1', $Client);

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');
    ->setSummary('new summary')
    ->setDescription('new description')
    ->edit('customfield_12345', 'new custom field value');

$Issue->getSummary(); // will return old issue summary, not the one you tried to set 3 lines of code ago

$Issue->save(); // makes API request to JIRA, updates all 3 fields you planned

$Issue->getSummary(); // will return new issue summary, as expected

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');
if ($Issue->isEditable('summary')) {
    // we can edit summary
} else {
    // we can't edit summary

// Consider you get this data from your database:
$db_data = [
    'key' => 'SMPL-1',
    'summary' => 'summary of example issue',
    'description' => 'description of example issue',

// First, create an \stdClass object to mimic API response:
$IssueInfo = new \stdClass();
$IssueInfo->key = $db_data['key'];

$IssueInfo->fields = new \stdClass();
$IssueInfo->fields->summary = $db_data['summary'];
$IssueInfo->fields->description = $db_data['description'];

// Now we can create an issue object. It will store key, summary and description field values in internal cache
// When you need some additional data, e.g. creation time or assignee - object will still load it from API on demand.
$Issue = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::fromStdClass($IssueInfo, ['key', 'summary', 'description']);

$MyCustomField = \Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField::forIssue('SMPL-1'); // get field value from JIRA API

$field_value = $MyCustomField->getValue();
$field_is_empty = $Value->isEmpty(); // true when field has no value

if ($Value->isEditable()) {
    $MyCustomField->setValue($MyCustomField::VALUE_AWESOME); // consider this is a select field
    $MyCustomField->save(); // send API request to update field value in JIRA

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');

$MyCustomField1 = new \Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField1($Issue);
$MyCustomField2 = new \Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField2($Issue);

$MyCustomField1->setValue('value of first field');
$MyCustomField2->setValue('value of second field');


$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1');

$History = $Issue->getHistory();

$History = \Badoo\Jira\Issue\History::forIssue('SMPL-1');

$User = new \Badoo\Jira\User(<user name>);

$User = \Badoo\Jira\User::byEmail(<user email>);

$users = \Badoo\Jira\User::search(<pattern>); // looks for all users with login, email or display name similar to pattern
$Version = \Badoo\Jira\Version::byName(<project>, <version name>); // looks for version with specific name in project
$components = \Badoo\Jira\Component::forProject(<project>); // lists all components available in project

  $PriorityInfo = \Badoo\Jira\REST\ClientRaw::instance()->get('priority/<priority ID>');
  $Priority = \Badoo\Jira\Issue\Priority::fromStdClass($PriorityInfo);

$Issue = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue('SMPL-1'); // no request to API here, just an empty object is returned
$Issue->getSummary(); // causes request to JIRA API

$Issue = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::byKey('SMPL-1'); // causes request to JIRA API
$Issue->getSummary(); // no request here, object already has all the data on issue

// load only summary and description for the latest 1000 issues in project 'SMPL'.
$issues = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::search('project = SMPL ORDER BY issuekey DESC', ['summary', 'description']);

foreach($issues as $Issue) {
    $Issue->getDescription(); // this will not make \Badoo\Jira\Issue to silently request JIRA API in background

    $Issue->getPriority(); // but this - will. $Issue object has no status information in cache.

// load latest 100 issues from project 'SMPL'
$issues = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::search(
    'project = SMPL ORDER BY issuekey DESC',

foreach ($issues as $Issue) {
    $description = $Issue->getDescription(); // this will not cause API request
    $status_changes = $Issue->getHistory()->trackField('status'); // this will not cause API request too!

$MyCustomField = \Example\CustomFields\MyJIRACustomField::forIssue('SMPL-1');

// The example above is equivalent to:
$Issue = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::byKey('SMPL-1', ['key', \Example\CustomFields\MyJIRACustomField::ID]);
$MyCustomField = new \Example\CustomFields\MyJIRACustomField($Issue);

$MyCustomField1 = \Example\CustomFields\MyFirstCustomField::forIssue('SMPL-1');
$MyCustomField2 = \Example\CustomFields\MySecondCustomField::forIssue('SMPL-1');

$Issue = \Badoo\Jira\Issue::byKey('SMPL-1'); // causes API request to get all issue fields

$MyCustomField1 = new \Example\CustomFields\MyFirstCustomField($Issue);
$MyCustomField2 = new \Example\CustomFields\MySecondCustomField($Issue);
// other custom fields initialization

$MyCustomField1->setValue('new value'); // no API requests here. Field value in JIRA remains the same
$MyCustomField2->setValue($MyCustomField2::VALUE_CHANGED); // no API requests here too.
// other custom fields changes

$Issue->save(); // API request to JIRA with field updates

// Now JIRA issue has new field values and one new changelog record.
// You can also use $MyCustomField2->save(); - it is the same,
// but with $Issue->save(); it is more clear what is happening

$Status = new \Badoo\Jira\Issue\Status(<status ID>); // no request to API here
$Status->getName(); // requests API in background. This is where exception will be thrown on errors.

// ...

$Status = \Badoo\Jira\Issue\Status::get(<status ID>); // request to API here. This is where exception will be thrown on errors.

namespace Example;

class Issue extends \Badoo\Jira\Issue {
    public function markDone() : Issue

        return $this;

// ...

$Issue = new \Example\Issue('SMPL-1');

namespace Example;

class CreateRequest extends \Badoo\Jira\Issue\CreateRequest {
    public function create() : \Badoo\Jira\Issue
        $Issue = parent::create();

        $IssueInfo = new \stdClass();
        $IssueInfo->id = $Issue->getId();
        $IssueInfo->key = $Issue->getKey();

        return \Example\Issue::fromStdClass($IssueInfo, ['id', 'key']);

namespace Example;

class Issue extends \Badoo\Jira\Issue {
    public function getSomeDataFromRawApiResponse()
        /** @var \stdClass $IssueInfo - contains an issue data obtained from JIRA API,
                                        returned from \Badoo\Jira\ClientRaw 'as-is'. */
        $IssueInfo = $this->getBaseIssue();

        $issue_key = $IssueInfo->key;
        $issue_id = $IssueInfo->id;
        $self_link = $IssueInfo->self;
        $summary = $IssueInfo->fields->summary;
        // ...

    public function getFieldUsingCache() : \stdClass
        return $this->getFieldValue('customfield_12345');
        // this is equivalent to
        //  $this->getBaseIssue()->fields->customfield_12345;
        // but will not cause API request when you use partial field inititialization

    public function getMyCustomField() : \Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField
        return $this->getCustomField(\Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField::class);
        // this will also not cause API request when you use partial field initialization, but also return you
        // the same object of \Example\CustomFields\MyCustomField each time you use the method