Download the PHP package admhome/badoo-jira-client-modified without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package admhome/badoo-jira-client-modified. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package badoo-jira-client-modified


This is Badoo JIRA REST Client. It contains a bunch of wrapper classes for most common API objects: Issues, Components and so on.

This makes code easier to write because of autocompletion your IDE will provide you.

You can also generate lots of classes for custom fields to get the documentation for your own JIRA installation right in PHP code.

Quick start


Initialize the client

Create new issue

Get the issue

Update the issue

Delete the issue


NOTE: all examples in this documentation related to any interaction with JIRA consider you configured 'global' client object.

Read Configure the client section above to know how to do that.

Client and ClientRaw

The client to JIRA API is split into two parts:

The simplest interface to API: \Badoo\Jira\REST\ClientRaw

It can request API and parse responses. Throws an \Badoo\Jira\REST\Exception for API errors or parsed response data when everything went OK.

That's all, it has no other complex logic inside: you decide what URI to request, which type of HTTP request to send (GET, POST, etc.) and what parameters to send.

Consider ClientRaw as a smart wrapper for PHP curl.

Structured client \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client

It is split into several sections, one for each prefix of API methods: e.g. /issue, /field, /project and so on. Each section has bindings to the most popular API methods with parameters it accepts.

The idea is free you from remembering URIs and HTTP request types for common actions. It enables your IDE to give you a hint about available API methods and the options you can provide to each.

Some of sections also cache API responses and have special 'synthetic' methods for most common actions. For example, you can't get info on particular field by its ID using only API. You have also search through the response. But with \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client you can do this

When you can't find something in structured client, you still can access Raw client inside it to do everything you need:

The structured client also has a 'global' client object. This object can be accessed via instance() static method:

Under the hood is 'new \Badoo\Jira\REST\Client()', but ::instance() will always return you the same object for all calls to method.

Almost all wrapper classes inside \Badoo\Jira library require a configured API client to work. It is always received as the last parameter of any static method or constructor of wrapper and it always defaults to 'global' client when the value was not provided.

Once you configured the global client you don't need to give API client to all wrappers you initialize. They will get it by themselves.

NOTE: all following examples in documentation, related to any interaction with JIRA, consider you configured 'global' client object. That is why we don't pass initialized JIRA API Client to all Issue, CustomField and other objects.

The only reason we left the way to provide API client to all wrappers as a parameter is to enable you to interact with several JIRA installations from one piece of code. For example, if you want to work with your staging and production instances at the same time:

\Badoo\Jira\Issue class

Getting \Badoo\Jira\Issue instances

To get an issue object you can create it providing only an issue key.

This is equivalent to:

If you want, you can instantiate another API client and provide it to \Badoo\Jira\Issue constructor. This might be useful when you have several JIRA instances and want to work with them from single piece of code. Look at Client and ClientRaw section of documentation to see how to configure instance of API client.

Updating the issue

\Badoo\Jira\Issue object accumulates changes for fields in internal properties. This means, none of changes you did with your $Issue object will be applied to real JIRA issue until you call ->save(). This allows you to update issue in compact way, putting several field changes into a single API request. $Issue object will also continue to return old field values until you send changes to JIRA with ->save().

Checking if we can edit the field

Not all fields can be changed even if you have them displayed in fields list. This can be caused by project permissions or issue edit screen configuration. To check if current user can update field through API, use ->isEditable();

Initializing \Badoo\Jira\Issue object on partial fields data

You also can create \Badoo\Jira\Issue object on data that contains only some fields. For example, you store in your DB some issues info for your own reasons: key, summary, and description. You can create \Badoo\Jira\Issue object on this data without breaking the object logic: it still will load data from API when you need it.

Custom fields

You can generate a custom field with special generator stored in this repositroy. For more information follow CFGenerator subdirectory and open file. You will find both quickstart and detailed documentation on generator there.

In this section we consider you already created a class for regular custom field, available out of the box in JIRA: 'Checkboxes', 'Number Field', 'Radio Buttons', 'Select List (single choice)' and so on.

Let's consider you created custom field class (or classes) inside \Example\CustomField namespace.

Field value: get, check, set

Several custom fields on single issue

When you need to work with several custom fields of the same issue, it is a better practice to use single $Issue object for it:

Issue changelog

Changelog of issue has the following structure:

There is a special \Badoo\Jira\History class designed to work with this data. It uses its own wrappers for each piece of information from changelog:

Getting issue's history of changes

If you already have an issue object to work with, just use ->getHistory() method:

When you have none, just create an object using static method:

History class has some useful methods to help you solve most common tasks:

Discover it's methods using your IDE autocompletion, they might be useful!

Other instances of the Badoo JIRA API Client

Most of the wrapper classes, e.g. User, Status, Priority and so on, have ability to transparently load data from API on demand.

As for CustomFields and Issue objects, you have 2 ways of initialization: with static methods (e.g. ::get()) and regular constructor:

Most of them have shorthand static methods:

Names of this methods have similar structure. For convenience we decided to follow next convention:

The classes who work as active records and know not only how to load data from API, but also how to set it, use the same behaviour as \Badoo\Jira\Issue uses: they accumulate changes within object and push them to API only on ->save() method call.

Advanced topics

Managing API requests

Once $Issue object is created with 'new' instruction - it has only issue key and client inside. It will load data only when you try to get some field for the first time:

When $Issue object loads data from API by himself, it does not select the fields to load. This increases API response time and loads lots of data which is not required 'right now' for getting issue's summary, but \Badoo\Jira\Issue has no idea how many additional ->get() calls it will get, so it is better to load all info once, than ask API many times, when you need the summary, then the description, status, priority and so on.

We compared the time it takes the JIRA to load the data and send it to the client (see examples/measure-load-time.php). It may vary from installation to installation, but almost always (as far as we know - always) the 'get all fields' request will be more effective than 3 'get single field' requests and frequently it will be more effective than 2 ones.

You can make it do the API call immediately after new instance creation by using one of class' static methods:

The only thing \Badoo\Jira\Issue manages inside is 'expand'. JIRA API allows you to request various portions of information for issue, controlled by 'expand' parameter. E.g. in most cases you don't need rendered HTML code of fields, or issue changelog. This data will not be loaded by \Badoo\Jira\Issue by default when you call ->get(). Only default data provided by JIRA API will be loaded.

When you need an issue history, \Badoo\Jira\Issue object has to request API once again to get it. It will also provide object with updated fields information and you will get updated summary, description and so on if they changed since the last call to API.

In most cases, when you work with a single issue, you don't need to bother yourself with this internal logic of \Badoo\Jira\Issue class, but understanding is required to manage API requests in an effective way when you start to work with lots of issues at the same time: you can choose several ways of Issue objects initialization and this will have different side effects on API requests amount and effectiveness.

For example, if you know you need only summary and description for lots of issues, you can request only them. This will dramatically reduce the time of API response:

Issue history can be quite hard to load for JIRA. It affects API response time significantly, especially when you have long changelogs. This is the thing you also can optimize by telling \Badoo\Jira\Issue what do you need:

Unfortunately, you can't use both $fields and $expand parameters at the same time. This is because of internal logic of \Badoo\Jira\Issue cache, that will be broken by such combination. We will fix this issue in the future if it show up itself as problematic.

Managing API requests with custom fields

You can instantiate a custom field object in several ways. As for \Badoo\Jira\Issue instantiation, they differ in API requests required for initialization and values update.

In both examples CustomField object we creted has \Badoo\Jira\Issue object under the hood. The difference reveals when you start to work with several custom fields of one issue.

Initialization with static method ::forIssue() will always create new \Badoo\Jira\Issue object under the hood. This means that fields:

will have different \Badoo\Jira\Issue objects, even though they are refer to the single JIRA issue.

All custom fields use \Badoo\Jira\Issue as instrument to manage their values: they load data through it and edit themselves using interface Issue provides.

When you call $CustomField->setValue(), it actually is simillar to $Issue->edit(<custom field id>, <new field value>);.

That means you are able to 'stack' several custom field changes in one $Issue object to send updates to API only once, making interaction with API more optimal.

Managing API requests with other classes

Other classes, like Status, Priority and User, have special ::get static method which duplicates a regular constructor but has effect on requests to API.

Extending \Badoo\Jira\Issue

\Badoo\Jira\Issue is about abstract JIRA instance. It has no idea about custom fields you oftenly use, statuses you frequently transition to, and so on. It is much more convenient to have your own shortcuts for actions you do often

To do this, we recomment to craete you own Issue class to extend \Badoo\Jira\Issue functionality with your own methods.

For example, you might want to easily close issue with one call, setting resolution to some special value. Here is the receipt:

You would probably want to extend \Badoo\Jira\Issue\CreateRequest to return your Issue object instead of original one:

Methods to use in child class

Here is just a piece of code with examples. They are much more informative than lost of words.

Writing your own custom field base class

All custom fields should be inherited from \Badoo\Jira\Issue\CustomFields\CustomField class or one of its children The simplest examples of custom field base classes are \Badoo\Jira\CustomFields\TextField and \Badoo\Jira\CustomFields\NumberField.

There are some additional special methods you should know about:

getOriginalObject() method requests bound Issue object for current field value. It caches value inside current object, it is safe to call it multiple times in a row. This will not cause several API requests. We expect you to always use this method instead of $this->Issue->getFieldValue() when you write your own wrapper inherited directly from \Badoo\Jira\Issue\CustomFields\CustomField.

dropCache() method is intended to drop all data about field value cached internally in object. If you plan to use internal properties in your custom class, don't forget to redefine dropCache() method so it clears values of your fields.

dropCache() method is called by bound Issue object once it loads data from API. This is a way to notify all existing bound custom field objects that field value might have been updated.

All versions of badoo-jira-client-modified with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=7.2
ext-json Version *
ext-curl Version *
psr/log Version >1.0
symfony/yaml Version >4.2
league/climate Version ^3.5
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package admhome/badoo-jira-client-modified contains the following files

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