Download the PHP package abduqayum/laravel-starter-kit without Composer
On this page you can find all versions of the php package abduqayum/laravel-starter-kit. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.
Informations about the package laravel-starter-kit
Api Starter Kit
Starter kit for API with Laravel, Doctrine, Maker Bundle, Migrations Bundle, Api-Platform and JWT-auth.
Kit has also already created User entity with all crud routes
Kit has 3 docker containers: php, nginx and mysql
Download the project
Go to the project directory
Run docker containers
Install composer scripts:
Give permission to bootstrap cache and storage
To install project run command:
Run the migration
Done! You can open http://localhost:8052 via browser. By the way, you can change this port by changing variable in .env file.
For enter to php container run
For enter to mysql container run
For enter to nginx container run
You can change containers prefix by changing variable in .env file.
Also, you can change public ports of nginx and mysql by changing and
Database allows connections only from localhost. Because of this when you use the project on production and want to connect to database from your computer you should connect via ssh bridge.
You can use docker/php/cron-file for cron jobs.
After you must re-build php container by running command:
You can change project name and description on swagger by editing file config/packages/api_platform.yaml
Git Hook
If you don't use any deploying system you can do
In this way git always executes command . You can change this command in the file src/Command/AskDeployCommand.php. This command will install requirements via composer, clear caches, change owner of ./var and ./public/media folders to www-data, will run migrations.
JWT keys
For use Json Web Token system you must create private and public keys.
They are have already created when you install project. You can re-create them with: