Download the PHP package abcarroll/simple-ansi-escape without Composer

On this page you can find all versions of the php package abcarroll/simple-ansi-escape. It is possible to download/install these versions without Composer. Possible dependencies are resolved automatically.


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Informations about the package simple-ansi-escape

Simple ANSI Escape

Using ANSI escape codes, you can add color and formatting to terminals used by php5-cli. Simple-Ansi-Escape is a simple class to turn the arcane ANSI escape codes into friendly aliases that are easy to remember.

Simple-Ansi-Escape tries to be intuitive as possible and is very flexible in its parameters. As the name implies, it is also very simple. There is only one class definition that contains one static public method, ansiEscape(). Simple-Ansi-Escape supports most standard ANSI escape codes and some nonstandard ones. It does not, however, support xterm-256 extensions (yet).

Simple Usage

A separate, more in-depth and hands-on tutorial is distributed with the repository, see extras/tutorial.php. Run it, and read the source code.

There is a single class, SimpleAnsiEscape that defines one static public function, SimpleAnsiEscape::ansiEscape(). If you are using a PSR-4 compatible auto-loader, you can get started with some gaudy yellow blinking text with just two lines:

The full prototype is, in namespace SimpleAnsiEscape:

::ansiEscape() tries to be very flexible in what you pass it. The first parameter can be either an array with one or more array elements, or a string. In its array form, each array element should correspond to a single escape alias such as "color/yellow" in the previous example. In its string form, you can pass comma-, space- or semicolon-delimited escape aliases. Examples:

With no parameters, it is synonymous with `::ansiEscape('reset')`` and will reset all open-ended formatting.

You can also use ::ansiEscape() with a single parameter to output only the escape codes. When called with a single parameter, no ANSI reset is called automatically. While you need to call reset yourself (by calling ::ansiEscape() with no parameters), but it makes nesting a lot easier:

Note that you cannot nest within the same function call, but it's easy to nest using a couple of extra calls:

Always reset

A final note: when using ANSI escape codes, you are sending tiny textual sequences that are interpreted by your terminal. The terminal has no knowledge of when php5-cli terminates; therefore, you must ensure you do not have any open-ended escape codes, or your formatting will spill out into the terminal, even after your script terminates.

If you have a colorful PS1 shell environmental variable, you may not notice this, so please be mindful. During development, if you make a mess of your terminal, simply run the reset shell command to start over fresh.

Formatting Syntax, Names

You can use the characters ~, ! or ^ for negate. For example ~bold, !bold and ^bold are all equivalent in that they remove bold formatting. Not all sequences can be negated. Background and text use 'bg/default', and 'color/default' to reset back to defaults. For those that do not have a negate syntax, you must simply send an ANSI reset.

Escape Aliases

Escape aliases are the heart of AnsiEscape. There is a supplied script, in extras/printEscAliases.php which will print a table much like the ones below, and show demo typeset instead so you can test your terminal's capabilities.

Most important (compatible) escape aliases are seen in the table below.

Escape Alias Notes
reset All formatting reset to baseline.
text/default Change text (foreground) color to default. Negate any previously set color.
text/black Change text (foreground) color to black. Alias color/black.
text/blue Change text (foreground) color to blue. Alias color/blue.
text/cyan Change text (foreground) color to cyan. Alias color/cyan, color/lightblue.
text/green Change text (foreground) color to green. Alias color/green.
text/magenta Change text (foreground) color to magenta. Alias color/magenta, color/pink.
text/red Change text (foreground) color to red.
text/white Change text (foreground) color to white.
text/yellow Change text (foreground) color to yellow.
bg/default Change text (foreground) color default. Negate any previously set background color.
bg/black Change background color to black.
bg/blue Change background color to blue.
bg/cyan Change background color to cyan. Alias bg/lightblue.
bg/green Change background color to green.
bg/magenta Change background color to magenta. Alias bg/pink.
bg/red Change background color to red.
bg/white Change background color to white.
bg/yellow Change background color to yellow.
blink Sets the text to a blink. xterm and many terminals support this, but not all.
~blink Blink off.
bold Sets the text to bold typeface.
~bold Returns the text to normal intensity. Same code as ~faint.
conceal Conceals text. Sets text and background to the same as used by terminal.
~conceal Reveals text. Alias for '~reveal'.
reveal Reveals text. Alias for '~conceal'.
~reveal Conceals text. Alias for 'conceal'.
crossed Strike-through text. Well supported.
~crossed Not strike-through text.
faint Faint / dim text.
~faint Returns to the text to normal intensity. Same code as ~bold.
italic Italics typeface. Not as well supported as most, but supported by xterm.
~italic Not italics or fraktor. Same code as ~fraktor.
negative Inverts background and foreground (text) color.
~positive Alias for negative - negate positive.
~negative Alias for positive - negate negative.
positive Returns background from inversion.
overline Overline over text. Not as well supported.
~overline Not overlined.
underline Underline text.
~underline Not underline or double underline. Use to negate double underline as well.

Lesser Supported and Non-Standard Escape Codes

These are escape codes that I've never seen work in a modern terminal. You may have better luck.

Escape Alias Notes
blinkslow In xterm, this will cause a blink but at the exact same rate as standard blink.
~~bold This is a variant for bold off (21) which isn't as widely supported.
font/0 I've never seen any of these fonts work in xterm.
font/default Resets font to default, if you could get it to change to begin with.
fraktur I had this work on one terminal before, it's a gothic style font. Alias for gothic.
~fraktur Not fraktor, alias for ~gothic. Also will stop italics.


The code is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license.

All versions of simple-ansi-escape with dependencies

PHP Build Version
Package Version
Requires php Version >=5.5.0
Composer command for our command line client (download client) This client runs in each environment. You don't need a specific PHP version etc. The first 20 API calls are free. Standard composer command

The package abcarroll/simple-ansi-escape contains the following files

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