Libraries tagged by user security


0 Favers

Laravel Secure is a comprehensive security package designed to strengthen the security of Laravel applications. It provides multiple layers of protection to guard your project against common vulnerabilities and threats. With built-in tools for securing data, monitoring threats, and managing user access, Secure ensures your Laravel project stays secure without compromising on performance.

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1 Favers

The OpenBuckets web-based tool is a powerful utility that allows users to quickly locate open buckets in cloud storage systems through a simple query. In addition, it provides a convenient way to search for various file types across these open buckets, making it an essential tool for security professionals, researchers, and anyone interested in discovering exposed data. This Postman collection aims to showcase the capabilities of OpenBuckets by providing a set of API requests that demonstrate how to leverage its features. By following this collection, you'll learn how to utilize OpenBuckets to identify open buckets and search for specific file types within them.

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Testimonials Extension by MageINIC, Display dynamic testimonials in a captivating slider format, complete with star ratings for added credibility. Empower users to submit testimonials effortlessly through a user-friendly form. Seamlessly integrate with social networks, bolster security with reCAPTCHA, and enjoy widget functionality for an improved user experience.

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0 Favers

Documentation of the Billbee REST API to connect a Billbee account to external aplications. ## Endpoint The Billbee API endpoint base url is ## Activation You have to enable the API in the settings of your Billbee account. In addition you need a Billbee API Key identifying the application you develop. To get an API key, send a mail to [email protected] and send us a short note about what you are building. ## Authorization & security Because you can access private data with the Billbee API, every request has to be sent over https and must * Contain a valid API Key identifying the application/developer. It has to be sent as the HTTP header X-Billbee-Api-Key * Contain a valid user login with billbee username and api password in form of a basic auth HTTP header ## Throttling 50 calls per second for each API Key. 10 calls per second for each API Key in combination with Billbee user. Besides that each endpoint has a throttle of max 2 requests per second per combination of API Key and Billbee user. When you exceed the throttle threshold, the API will return a HTTP 429 status code and a Retry-After-Header indicating how many seconds you will have to wait before you can call the API again.

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0 Favers

A small SilverStripe module that allows assigning a page to a security group, forcing redirection to that page upon login for users in that group.

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1 Favers

# Summary The **NextGenPSD2** *Framework Version 1.3.6* (with errata) offers a modern, open, harmonised and interoperable set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the safest and most efficient way to provide data securely. The NextGenPSD2 Framework reduces XS2A complexity and costs, addresses the problem of multiple competing standards in Europe and, aligned with the goals of the Euro Retail Payments Board, enables European banking customers to benefit from innovative products and services ('Banking as a Service') by granting TPPs safe and secure (authenticated and authorised) access to their bank accounts and financial data. The possible Approaches are: * Redirect SCA Approach * OAuth SCA Approach * Decoupled SCA Approach * Embedded SCA Approach without SCA method * Embedded SCA Approach with only one SCA method available * Embedded SCA Approach with Selection of a SCA method Not every message defined in this API definition is necessary for all approaches. Furthermore this API definition does not differ between methods which are mandatory, conditional, or optional. Therefore for a particular implementation of a Berlin Group PSD2 compliant API it is only necessary to support a certain subset of the methods defined in this API definition. **Please have a look at the implementation guidelines if you are not sure which message has to be used for the approach you are going to use.** ## Some General Remarks Related to this version of the OpenAPI Specification: * **This API definition is based on the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API.** It is not a replacement in any sense. The main specification is (at the moment) always the Implementation Guidelines of the Berlin Group PSD2 API. * **This API definition contains the REST-API for requests from the PISP to the ASPSP.** * **This API definition contains the messages for all different approaches defined in the Implementation Guidelines.** * According to the OpenAPI-Specification [] "If in is "header" and the name field is "Accept", "Content-Type" or "Authorization", the parameter definition SHALL be ignored." The element "Accept" will not be defined in this file at any place. The elements "Content-Type" and "Authorization" are implicitly defined by the OpenApi tags "content" and "security". * There are several predefined types which might occur in payment initiation messages, but are not used in the standard JSON messages in the Implementation Guidelines. Therefore they are not used in the corresponding messages in this file either. We added them for the convenience of the user. If there is a payment product, which needs these fields, one can easily use the predefined types. But the ASPSP need not to accept them in general. * **We omit the definition of all standard HTTP header elements (mandatory/optional/conditional) except they are mentioned in the Implementation Guidelines.** Therefore the implementer might add these in his own realisation of a PSD2 comlient API in addition to the elements defined in this file. ## General Remarks on Data Types The Berlin Group definition of UTF-8 strings in context of the PSD2 API has to support at least the following characters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 / - ? : ( ) . , ' + Space

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2 Favers

A bundle which allows users to log in using Facebook, Twitter, Google and Raven (Cambridge University). A bridge between acts/social-api-bundle and the Symfony2 security component.

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422 Favers

A PHP class aiming to make the use of browser security features more accessible.

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497 Favers

Two-factor authentication for Symfony applications (please use scheb/2fa-bundle to install)

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26 Favers

Security Core Is A Wrapper Of voku/anti-xss For General Use

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742 Favers

Easy-to-use database abstraction

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89 Favers

The NzoUrlEncryptorBundle is a Symfony Bundle used to Encrypt and Decrypt data and variables in the Web application or passed through URL

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6 Favers

A TOTP authenticator for use with silverstripe/mfa

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28 Favers

Implementation of the zxcvbn project by @dropbox for Laravel. Uses zxcvbn-php by @bjeavons.

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12 Favers

An HTML/XHTML filter written in PHP. Checks on attribute values. Can be used to avoid Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Buffer Overflows and Denial of Service attacks, among other things.

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