PHP code example of zxyfaxcn / nacos

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zxyfaxcn/nacos library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zxyfaxcn / nacos example snippets

// config/autoload/server.php

return [
    // ...other
    'callbacks' => [
        // ...other
        SwooleEvent::ON_SHUTDOWN => [Hyperf\Framework\Bootstrap\ShutdownCallback::class, 'onShutdown']

$instance = new ThisInstance();

$service = new ThisService();

$instance = make(NacosInstance::class);

$service = new ServiceModel([
    'serviceName' => 'hyperf',
    'groupName' => 'api',
    'namespaceId' => '5ce9d1c1-6732-4ccc-ae1f-5139af86a845'

$optimal = $instance->getOptimal($service);

// config/autoload/nacos.php

return [
    'enable' => true, // 是否开启自动注册 默认false
    'deleteServiceWhenShutdown' => true, // 是否开启自动注销 默认false
    'host' => '',
    'port' => '8848',
    // 服务配置 serviceName, groupName, namespaceId
    // protectThreshold, metadata, selector
    'service' => [
        'serviceName' => 'hyperf',
        'groupName' => 'api',
        'namespaceId' => 'namespace_id',
        'protectThreshold' => 0.5,
    // 节点配置 serviceName, groupName, weight, enabled,
    // healthy, metadata, clusterName, namespaceId, ephemeral
    'client' => [
        'namespaceId' => 'namespace_id', // 注意此处必须和service保持一致
        'serviceName' => 'hyperf',
        'groupName' => 'DEFAULT',
        'weight' => 80,
        'enabled' => true,
        'healthy' => true,
        'cluster' => 'DEFAULT',
        'ephemeral' => true,
        'beatEnable' => true,// 心跳
        'beatInterval' => 5,// s
    // 配置刷新
    'configReloadEnable' => false,
    'configReloadInterval' => 3,// 间隔 s
    // 远程配置合并节点, 默认 config 根节点
    'configAppendNode' => 'nacos_conf',
    'listenerConfig' => [
        // 配置项 dataId, group, tenant, type, content
            'dataId' => 'hyperf-service-config',
            'group' => 'DEFAULT_GROUP',
            'dataId' => 'hyperf-service-config-yml',
            'group' => 'DEFAULT_GROUP',
            'type' => 'yml',
php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish zxyfaxcn/nacos