PHP code example of zvive / fixer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zvive/fixer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zvive / fixer example snippets

use Zvive\Fixer\Rulesets\DefaultRuleset;
use Zvive\Fixer\SharedConfig;

$finder = LaravelProjectFinder::create(__DIR__);

return SharedConfig::create($finder, new ZviveRuleset());

    // ...
    $finder = LaravelProjectFinder::create(__DIR__)
        ->in([__DIR__ . '/custom-src-dir'])
    // ...

use Zvive\Fixer\Rulesets\SpatieRuleset;
use Zvive\Fixer\SharedConfig;

$finder = Finder::create()
        __DIR__ . '/src',
        __DIR__ . '/tests',
    ->exclude(__DIR__ . '/vendor');

return SharedConfig::create($finder, new SpatieRuleset());

use Zvive\Fixer\Rulesets\DefaultRuleset;
use Zvive\Fixer\SharedConfig;

$finder = LaravelProjectFinder::create(__DIR__);

return SharedConfig::create($finder, new ZviveRuleset([
    // existing rules can be overridden:
    'no_break_comment' => true,
    'no_closing_tag' => false,
    // new rules can be added:
    'a_new_option' => [
        'some_sub_option' => 12,

namespace Zvive\Fixer\Rulesets;

class MyCustomRulesRuleset implements RuleSet
    public function allowRisky(): bool
        return true; //this tells php-cs-fixer whether or not to permit "risky" rules.

    public static function name(): string
        return 'my_custom_rules'; //the name should omit 'ruleset' from the end.

     * @return array
    public function rules(): array
        return array_merge([
            '@PSR2' => true,
            // additional php-cs-fixer rules
        ], $this->additional); //it's important that the additional rules property is merged