PHP code example of zvermafia / transliteration

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zvermafia/transliteration library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zvermafia / transliteration example snippets

namespace Whatever\Namespace;

use Zvermafia\Transliteration\Interfaces\TransliteratorInterface;

// point #1
class MyTransliterator implements TransliteratorInterface
    // realize all the methods defined in the interface (

namespace Whatever\Namespace;

use Zvermafia\Transliteration\Abstracts\TransliteratorAbstract;
use Zvermafia\Transliteration\Interfaces\TransliteratorInterface;

// point #1
class MyTransliterator extends TransliteratorAbstract
    public function translit(): : TransliteratorInterface
        $text = $this->getText();
        // $result = ... // here translit the text

        return $this;
 Initialize the object
$transliterator = new Zvermafia\Transliteration\AlifTransliterator(); // or you can use LotinTransliterator

$transliterator->setText("Salom, dunyo!")

echo $transliterator->getResult(); // it will output: Салом, дунё!