PHP code example of zumba / json-serializer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zumba/json-serializer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zumba / json-serializer example snippets

class MyCustomClass {
	public $isItAwesome = true;
	protected $nice = 'very!';

$instance = new MyCustomClass();

$serializer = new Zumba\JsonSerializer\JsonSerializer();
$json = $serializer->serialize($instance);
// $json will contain the content {"@type":"MyCustomClass","isItAwesome":true,"nice":"very!"}

$restoredInstance = $serializer->unserialize($json);
// $restoredInstance will be an instance of MyCustomClass

$data = ['key' => '<binaryvalue>', 'anotherkey' => 'nonbinaryvalue'];
$serializer = new Zumba\JsonSerializer\JsonSerializer();
$json = $serializer->serialize($data);
// $json will contain the content {"key":"<utf8encodedbinaryvalue>","anotherkey":"nonbinaryvalue","@utf8encoded":{"key":1}}

$data = '<binaryvalue>';
$serializer = new Zumba\JsonSerializer\JsonSerializer();
$json = $serializer->serialize($data);
// $json will contain the content {"@scalar":"<utf8encodedbinaryvalue>","@utf8encoded":1}

$toBeSerialized = [
	'data' => [1, 2, 3],
	'worker' => function ($data) {
		$double = [];
		foreach ($data as $i => $number) {
			$double[$i] = $number * 2;
		return $double;

$jsonSerializer = new \Zumba\JsonSerializer\JsonSerializer();
$jsonSerializer->addClosureSerializer(new \Zumba\JsonSerializer\ClosureSerializer\OpisClosureSerializer());
$serialized = $jsonSerializer->serialize($toBeSerialized);

class MyType {
    public $field1;
    public $field2;

class MyTypeSerializer {
    public function serialize(MyType $obj) {
        return array('fields' => $obj->field1 . ' ' . $obj->field2);

    public function unserialize($values) {
        list($field1, $field2) = explode(' ', $values['fields']);
        $obj = new MyType();
        $obj->field1 = $field1;
        $obj->field2 = $field2;
        return $obj;

// map of "class name" => Custom serializer
$customObjectSerializers['MyType'] = new MyTypeSerializer();
$jsonSerializer = new Zumba\JsonSerializer\JsonSerializer(null, $customObjectSerializers);

$toBeSerialized = new MyType();
$toBeSerialized->field1 = 'x';
$toBeSerialized->field2 = 'y';
$json = $jsonSerializer->serialize($toBeSerialized);
// $json == {"@type":"Zumba\\\\JsonSerializer\\\\Test\\\\SupportClasses\\\\MyType","fields":"x y"}

$myType = $jsonSerializer->unserialize($json);
// $myType == $toBeSerialized