PHP code example of zumba / amplitude-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zumba/amplitude-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zumba / amplitude-php example snippets

// After User is Initialized in your application, set the user info in Amplitude that you want to track (minimally
// the user identifier or device identifier, and of course your Amplitude App API key)
$amplitude = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance();
$amplitude->init('APIKEY', '[email protected]')
        'dob' => '1980-11-04',
        'name' => 'Johnny 5'
    // Only call this once API Key and user ID or device ID is set

// -- Meanwhile, in another part of the code... --

// Anywhere else in your application that needs to log an event
// This will even work if called before the above code initializes Amplitude!  If that is case, it will queue it
// and send the event when logQueuedEvents() is called.  If Amplitude is already initialized, this will send the event
// to Amplitude right away (only uses a queue for early-logged events)
    ->queueEvent('EVENT TYPE');

// Can pass in an array for the second parameter to set event properties
    ->queueEvent('SECOND EVENT', ['quantity' => 1, 'price' => 15.32, 'Custom Property' => 'Widgets']);

// This is a simple example to get you started, see the rest of the readme for more examples

// Stand-alone Amplitude troubleshooting script - just change APIKEY in next line
$apikey = 'APIKEY';

// Composer Autoloader - If new to composer, see
 displays log message to the browser
class ChattyLogger extends \Psr\Log\AbstractLogger
    public function log($level, $message, array $context = [])
        echo "<p><strong>".ucfirst($level).":</strong> $message<br>";
        if (!empty($context)) {
            echo '<strong>Context:</strong><br><span class="code">'.print_r($context,true).'</span>';
        echo '</p>';

$chatty = new ChattyLogger();
// Test logging an event

// After your application has set up the session (for instance in your bootloader or similar), initialize Amplitude:
$amplitude = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance();
// Notice we are not setting second parameter here for user ID, we will do that below if it is available

// Can use the PHP session ID, or alternatively, any unique string your application uses to track sessions
$sessionId = session_id();

// Keep track of whether we have a session or user ID
$canLogEvents = false;
if (!empty($sessionId)) {
    $canLogEvents = true;
// Presumes $applicationUserId set prior to this by your application
if (!empty($applicationUserId)) {
    $canLogEvents = true;
if (!empty($userData)) {
    // If you have other user properties, set them as well...  They will be set on the first event sent to Amplitude

if ($canLogEvents) {
    // Make sure to send any events that may have gotten queued early
} else {
    // Do not have a user ID or device ID for this page load, so set `optOut`, to prevent amplitude from trying
    // to send events (since it won't work without user or device ID)

// -- Meanwhile, in another part of the code... --

// Just queue events as normal

            'name' => 'Jane',
            'dob' => $dob,
            // ...

$event = new \Zumba\Amplitude\Event();
// Method 1 - set user properties method:
        'name' => 'Rambo',
        // ...
// If you called setUserProperties() a second time, it would overwrite any properties with the same name but leave
// others intact

// Method 2 - just set the userProperties directly:
$event->userProperties = [
    'name' => 'Mary',
    // ...
// This works just like you would expect: it will reset what is already there.
// Note that prior to anything being set, $event->userProperties will be null, not an empty array

// Here, we are not using Singleton as we will only use this connection to send these batch user events, we don't
// want any user data from the Singleton instance to accidentally bleed into the first user's event
$amplitude = new \Zumba\Amplitude\Amlitude();
// Alternatively, if we wanted to re-use the same Amplitude object with the same key elsewhere in the code, could
// have used:
// $amplitude = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance('NAMED-INSTANCE');
// That will maintain the same Amplitude instance anywhere that requests that specific name.
// $userEvents might be an array your application generates with user info and events that need to be sent
foreach ($userEvents as $myUserEvent) {
    $event = $amplitude->event();
    // Notice below we are setting user ID and user data on the event itself, not inside Amplitude where it would end
    // up persisting the user ID between logged events...

    // The below assumes an array set like so:
    $myUserEvent = [
        'id' => 'user-id',
        'user_details' => [], // key/value array of user info
        'event_type' => 'EVENT', // event to log
        'event_properties' => [], // key/value array of event properties to set
    $event->userId = $myUserEvent['id'];
    $event->userProperties = $myUserEvent['user_details'];
    $event->eventType = $myUserEvent['event_type'];
    // Since we used $amplitude->event() to get event object, it will be the event to be sent when we call this
    // Above we are using logEvent instead of queueEvent since the code is not "spread out", we can ensure that
    // amplitude is already initialized and all the 

// Send just event with no event properties:

// Send event and add a property:
    ->queueEvent('EVENT-NAME', ['property1' => 'value1']);

// Get the next event that will be queued or sent:
$event = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance()->event();

// Set up the event here, by setting properties...
$event->eventType = 'EVENT-NAME';

// Queue or send the event - since we got the event using the event method, it will be the one used on the next
// queue or send, no need to pass it back in.

// First, probably the most common, you can use the magic set methods to just set the property like this:
$event->propertyName = 'property value';

// Set using set(), handy for property names that are invalid as PHP variables:
$event->set('Property name with Space', 'property value');

// Set can be chained:
$event->set('prop1', 'val1')
    ->set('prop2', 'val2')
    ->set('prop3', 'val3');

// Pass in array of properties for the first parameter:
        'prop1' => 'val1',
        'prop2' => 'val2',

// For non-standard property names, use the unsetProperty method:
$event->unsetProperty('My Location');

// Magic unset also works

$event = new \Zumba\Amplitude\Event();

// Set event properties here

// Pass the event into amplitude and queue it

$event = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance()->event();

// Set event properties here

// Send that event

$event = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance()->event();
$event->eventType = 'Complicated Event';

// -- Meanwhile, in another part of the code... --
// As long as the event has not yet been sent or queued up, you can get it and change it as needed:
$event = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance()->event();
$event->deviceId = 'DEVICE ID';

// Just remember, once finished setting up the event, call queueEvent() or logEvent() once.

// Either set it this way:
$event->eventType = 'EVENT';

// OR set it when logging/queuing the event:

$amplitude = \Zumba\Amplitude\Amplitude::getInstance()
foreach ($eventFactory->getEvents() as $event) {

// Convenience way to quickly add properties to an event, just pass in array of properties to the event method:
        'eventProp' => 'Event Value',
        'productId' => 'acme-widget-45',
        'price' => 15.32,

// The above is equivalent to:
$event = \Zumba\Zumba\Amplitude::getInstance()->event();
        'eventProp' => 'Event Value',
        'productId' => 'acme-widget-45',
        'price' => 15.32,