PHP code example of zonuexe / simple-routing

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zonuexe/simple-routing library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zonuexe / simple-routing example snippets

//    Method      Path           ReturnValue  Param => RegExp     extension (format)
$routing_map = [
    ['GET',      '/',            'index'  ],
    ['GET|POST', '/search',      'search' ],
    ['GET',      '/article/:id', 'article',  ['id' => '/\A(\d+)\z/'], '?ext' => ['', 'txt']],
    ['GET',      '/info',        'feed' ,                             '?ext' => ['rss', 'rdf', 'xml']],
     '#404'       =>             'not_found' // special

$router = new \Teto\Routing\Router($routing_map);
$action = $router->match($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

// Shorthand (but, do not use reverse routing)
$action = \Teto\Routing\Router::dispatch($routing_map, $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

//   Name         Method      Path            ReturnValue  Param => RegExp     extension (file format)
$routing_map = [
    'root'    => ['GET',      '/',            'index'  ],
    'search'  => ['GET|POST', '/search',      'search' ],
    'article' => ['GET',      '/article/:id', 'article',  ['id' => '/\A(\d+)\z/'], '?ext' => ['', 'txt']],
    'info'    => ['GET',      '/info',        'feed' ,                             '?ext' => ['rss', 'rdf', 'xml']],
    '#404'    =>                              'not_found' // special

$router = new \Teto\Routing\Router($routing_map);

$router->makePath('root');    //=> '/'
$router->makePath('search');  //=> '/search'
$router->makePath('article', ['id' => 123]);     //=> '/article/123'
$router->makePath('info',    ['?ext' => 'rss']); //=> '/info.rss'

$re_num_id    = '/\A(\d+)\z/';
$re_user_name = '/\A@([a-z]+)\z/';

$routing_map = [
    'root'    => ['GET', '/',            'index'  ],
    'search'  => ['GET', '/search',      'search' ],
    'article' => ['GET', '/article/:id', 'article',  ['id' => $re_num_id], '?ext' => ['', 'txt']],
    '#404'    =>                         'not_found' // special