PHP code example of zohocrm / php-sdk-3.0

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zohocrm/php-sdk-3.0 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zohocrm / php-sdk-3.0 example snippets


* Create an instance of TokenStore.
* host -> DataBase host name. Default "jdbc:mysql://localhost"
* databaseName -> DataBase name. Default "zohooauth"
* userName -> DataBase user name. Default "root"
* tableName -> DataBase table name. Default "oauthtoken"
* password -> DataBase password. Default ""
* portNumber -> DataBase port number. Default "3306"
// $tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())->build();
$tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())

//Parameter containing the absolute file path to store tokens
$tokenstore = new FileStore("/Users/username/Documents/php_sdk_token.txt");

namespace store;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\Token;

use com\zoho\crm\api\exception\SDKException;

use com\zoho\crm\api\UserSignature;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\TokenStore;

class CustomStore implements TokenStore
      * @param user A UserSignature class instance.
      * @param token A Token (com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken) class instance.
      * @return A Token class instance representing the user token details.
      * @throws SDKException if any problem occurs.
    public function getToken($user, $token)
      // Add code to get the token
      return null;

      * @param user A UserSignature class instance.
      * @param token A Token (com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken) class instance.
      * @throws SDKException if any problem occurs.
    public function saveToken($user, $token)
      // Add code to save the token

      * @param token A Token (com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken) class instance.
      * @throws SDKException if any problem occurs.
    public function deleteToken($token)
      // Add code to delete the token

      * @return array  An array of Token (com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken) class instances
    public function getTokens()
      //Add code to retrieve all the stored tokens

    public function deleteTokens()
      //Add code to delete all the stored tokens.

      * @param id A string.
      * @param token A Token (com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken) class instance.
      * @return A Token class instance representing the user token details.
      * @throws SDKException if any problem occurs.
    public function getTokenById($id, $token)
      // Add code to get the token using unique id
      return null;

    //Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameter
    $user = new UserSignature("[email protected]");

    * Configure the environment
    * which is of the pattern Domain::Environment
    * Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
    * Available Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()
    $environment = USDataCenter::PRODUCTION();

    * Create a Token instance that clientSecret -> OAuth client secret.
    * refreshToken -> REFRESH token.
    * accessToken -> Access token.
    * grantToken -> GRANT token.
    * id -> User unique id.
    * redirectURL -> OAuth redirect URL.
    //Create a Token instance
    // if refresh token is available
    // The SDK throws an exception, if the given id is invalid.
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

    // if grant token is available
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

    // if ID (obtained from persistence) is available
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

    // if access token is available
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

    * Create an instance of Logger Class that d. Can be configured by typing Levels "::" and choose any level from the list displayed.
    * filePath -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged.
    $logger = (new LogBuilder())

    * Create an instance of DBStore that  "localhost"
    * databaseName -> DataBase name. Default  value "zohooauth"
    * userName -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"
    * password -> DataBase password. Default value ""
    * portNumber -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306"
    * tabletName -> DataBase table name. Default value "oauthtoken"
    //$tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())->build();

    $tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())

    // $tokenstore = new FileStore("absolute_file_path");

    // $tokenstore = new CustomStore();

    * By default, the SDK creates the SDKConfig instance
    * autoRefreshFields (default value is false)
    * true - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every hour.
    * false - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(com\zoho\crm\api\util\ModuleFieldsHandler)
    * pickListValidation (default value is true)
    * A boolean field that validates user input for a pick list field and allows or disallows the addition of a new value to the list.
    * true - the SDK validates the input. If the value does not exist in the pick list, the SDK throws an error.
    * false - the SDK does not validate the input and makes the API request with the user’s input to the pick list
    * enableSSLVerification (default value is true)
    * A boolean field to enable or disable curl certificate verification
    * true - the SDK verifies the authenticity of certificate
    * false - the SDK skips the verification
    $autoRefreshFields = false;

    $pickListValidation = false;

    $enableSSLVerification = true;

    //The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.
    $connectionTimeout = 2;

    //The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute.
    $timeout = 2;

    $sdkConfig = (new SDKConfigBuilder())

     $requestProxy = (new ProxyBuilder())

    $resourcePath = "/Users/user_name/Documents/phpsdk-application";

namespace com\zoho\crm\sample\initializer;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\DBBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\FileStore;

use com\zoho\crm\api\InitializeBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\UserSignature;

use com\zoho\crm\api\dc\USDataCenter;

use com\zoho\api\logger\LogBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\logger\Levels;

use com\zoho\crm\api\SDKConfigBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\ProxyBuilder;

class Initialize
  public static function initialize()
      * Create an instance of Logger Class that nt
      * Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
      * Available Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()
    $environment = USDataCenter::PRODUCTION();

    * Create a Token instance
    * clientId -> OAuth client id.
    * clientSecret -> OAuth client secret.
    * grantToken -> GRANT token.
    * redirectURL -> OAuth redirect URL.
    //Create a Token instance
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

     * TokenStore can be any of the following
     * DB Persistence - Create an instance of DBStore
     * File Persistence - Create an instance of FileStore
     * Custom Persistence - Create an instance of CustomStore

    * Create an instance of DBStore.
    * host -> DataBase host name. Default value "localhost"
    * databaseName -> DataBase name. Default  value "zohooauth"
    * userName -> DataBase user name. Default value "root"
    * password -> DataBase password. Default value ""
    * portNumber -> DataBase port number. Default value "3306"
    * tableName -> DataBase table name. Default value "oauthtoken"
    //$tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())->build();

    $tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())

    // $tokenstore = new FileStore("absolute_file_path");

    // $tokenstore = new CustomStore();

    $autoRefreshFields = false;

    $pickListValidation = false;

    $connectionTimeout = 2;//The number of seconds to wait while trying to connect. Use 0 to wait indefinitely.

    $timeout = 2;//The maximum number of seconds to allow cURL functions to execute.

    $sdkConfig = (new SDKConfigBuilder())

    $resourcePath = "/Users/user_name/Documents/phpsdk-application";

    //Create an instance of RequestProxy
    $requestProxy = (new ProxyBuilder())

      * Set the following in InitializeBuilder
      * user -> UserSignature instance
      * environment -> Environment instance
      * token -> Token instance
      * store -> TokenStore instance
      * SDKConfig -> SDKConfig instance
      * resourcePath -> resourcePath - A String
      * logger -> Log instance (optional)
      * requestProxy -> RequestProxy instance (optional)
    (new InitializeBuilder())

  (new InitializeBuilder())

  Initializer::removeUserConfiguration($user, $environment);

namespace multiuser;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\DBBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\FileStore;

use com\zoho\crm\api\InitializeBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\UserSignature;

use com\zoho\crm\api\dc\USDataCenter;

use com\zoho\crm\api\dc\EUDataCenter;

use com\zoho\api\logger\LogBuilder;

use com\zoho\api\logger\Levels;

use com\zoho\crm\api\SDKConfigBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\ProxyBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\Initializer;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\RecordOperations;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\GetRecordsHeader;

use com\zoho\crm\api\HeaderMap;

use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;


    $autoRefreshFields = false;

    $pickListValidation = false;

    $connectionTimeout = 2;

    $timeout = 2;

    $sdkConfig = (new SDKConfigBuilder())

    $resourcePath ="/Users/user_name/Documents/phpsdk-application";

    (new InitializeBuilder())


    $environment2 = EUDataCenter::PRODUCTION();

    $user2 = new UserSignature("[email protected]");

    $token2 = (new OAuthBuilder())


    // Initializer::removeUserConfiguration($user1, $environment1);

    (new InitializeBuilder())


  public function getRecords($moduleAPIName)
      $recordOperations = new RecordOperations();

      $paramInstance = new ParameterMap();

      $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::approved(), "false");

      $headerInstance = new HeaderMap();

      $ifmodifiedsince = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));

      $headerInstance->add(GetRecordsHeader::IfModifiedSince(), $ifmodifiedsince);

      //Call getRecord method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName as parameter
      $response = $recordOperations->getRecords($moduleAPIName,$paramInstance, $headerInstance);

      echo($response->getStatusCode() . "\n");


    catch (\Exception $e)

$obj = new MultiThread();


namespace index;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\OAuthToken;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\DBStore;

use com\zoho\api\authenticator\store\FileStore;

use com\zoho\crm\api\Initializer;

use com\zoho\crm\api\UserSignature;

use com\zoho\crm\api\SDKConfigBuilder;

use com\zoho\crm\api\dc\USDataCenter;

use com\zoho\api\logger\Logger;

use com\zoho\api\logger\Levels;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\RecordOperations;

use com\zoho\crm\api\HeaderMap;

use com\zoho\crm\api\ParameterMap;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\GetRecordsHeader;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\GetRecordsParam;

use com\zoho\crm\api\record\ResponseWrapper;

figure the environment
      * which is of the pattern Domain::Environment
      * Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
      * Available Environments: PRODUCTION(), DEVELOPER(), SANDBOX()
    $environment = USDataCenter::PRODUCTION();

    //Create a Token instance
    $token = (new OAuthBuilder())

    //$tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())->build();

    $tokenstore = (new DBBuilder())

    // $tokenstore = new FileStore("absolute_file_path");

    $autoRefreshFields = false;

    $pickListValidation = false;

    $connectionTimeout = 2;

    $timeout = 2;

    $sdkConfig = (new SDKConfigBuilder())

    $resourcePath ="/Users/user_name/Documents/phpsdk-application";

    * Set the following in InitializeBuilder
    * user -> UserSignature instance
    * environment -> Environment instance
    * token -> Token instance
    * store -> TokenStore instance
    * SDKConfig -> SDKConfig instance
    * resourcePath -> resourcePath -A String
    * logger -> Log instance (optional)
    * requestProxy -> RequestProxy instance (optional)
    (new InitializeBuilder())

      $recordOperations = new RecordOperations();

      $paramInstance = new ParameterMap();

      $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::approved(), "both");

      $headerInstance = new HeaderMap();

      $ifmodifiedsince = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));

      $headerInstance->add(GetRecordsHeader::IfModifiedSince(), $ifmodifiedsince);

      $moduleAPIName = "Leads";

      //Call getRecords method that takes moduleAPIName, paramInstance and headerInstance as parameter
      $response = $recordOperations->getRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);

      if($response != null)
        //Get the status code from response
        echo("Status Code: " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n");

        //Get object from response
        $responseHandler = $response->getObject();

        if($responseHandler instanceof ResponseWrapper)
          //Get the received ResponseWrapper instance
          $responseWrapper = $responseHandler;

          //Get the list of obtained Record instances
          $records = $responseWrapper->getData();

          if($records != null)
            $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record';

            foreach($records as $record)
              //Get the ID of each Record
              echo("Record ID: " . $record->getId() . "\n");

              //Get the createdBy User instance of each Record
              $createdBy = $record->getCreatedBy();

              //Check if createdBy is not null
              if($createdBy != null)
                //Get the ID of the createdBy User
                echo("Record Created By User-ID: " . $createdBy->getId() . "\n");

                //Get the name of the createdBy User
                echo("Record Created By User-Name: " . $createdBy->getName() . "\n");

                //Get the Email of the createdBy User
                echo("Record Created By User-Email: " . $createdBy->getEmail() . "\n");

              //Get the CreatedTime of each Record
              echo("Record CreatedTime: ");



              //Get the modifiedBy User instance of each Record
              $modifiedBy = $record->getModifiedBy();

              //Check if modifiedBy is not null
              if($modifiedBy != null)
                //Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
                echo("Record Modified By User-ID: " . $modifiedBy->getId() . "\n");

                //Get the name of the modifiedBy User
                echo("Record Modified By User-Name: " . $modifiedBy->getName() . "\n");

                //Get the Email of the modifiedBy User
                echo("Record Modified By User-Email: " . $modifiedBy->getEmail() . "\n");

              //Get the ModifiedTime of each Record
              echo("Record ModifiedTime: ");



              //Get the list of Tag instance each Record
              $tags = $record->getTag();

              //Check if tags is not null
              if($tags != null)
                foreach($tags as $tag)
                  //Get the Name of each Tag
                  echo("Record Tag Name: " . $tag->getName() . "\n");

                  //Get the Id of each Tag
                  echo("Record Tag ID: " . $tag->getId() . "\n");

              //To get particular field value
              echo("Record Field Value: " . $record->getKeyValue("Last_Name") . "\n");// FieldApiName

              echo("Record KeyValues : \n" );
              //Get the KeyValue map
              foreach($record->getKeyValues() as $keyName => $value)
                echo("Field APIName" . $keyName . " \tValue : ");


    catch (\Exception $e)

    curl -sS | php