PHP code example of zofe / burp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zofe/burp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zofe / burp example snippets

//catch /user/2 (GET)
Burp::get('^/user/(\d+)$', null, array('as'=>'', function($id) {
    //show user $id

//catch /user (POST)
Burp::post('^/user$', null, array('as'=>'user.create', function() {
    //create new user

//catch /user/2 (PATCH)
Burp::patch('^/user/(\d+)$', null, array('as'=>'user.update', function($id) {
    //save changes for user $id

//catch /welcome (on any http method: GET, POST, ...)
Burp::any('^/welcome/(\w+)$', null, function($username) {
    //say welcome $username!

//catch /something?apikey=xxxx
Burp::get(null, 'apikey=(\w+)', array('as'=>'key', function($key) {
    //check api key in query string..

//will return: /currenturi?apikey=asda


//catch /user/2 (GET)  and bind it to UserController class on show method  
Burp::get('^/user/(\d+)$', null, array('as'=>'', 'uses'=>'UsersController@show'));



//widget routing - fired when url is for example:  /something/pg/2
Burp::get('pg/(\d+)', null, array('as'=>'page', function($page) {
    echo "current page is page: $page<br>";

//widget routing - fired when url is for example: /something?ord=-title
Burp::get(null, 'ord=(-?)(\w+)', array('as'=>'orderby', function($direction, $field) {
    $direction = ($direction == '-') ? "descending" : "ascending";
    echo "current sorting is on : $field ($direction)<br>";

//strict route  - fired when uri is "/"  or "/pg/2", but not when is "/something/pag/2" ...
Burp::get('^/{page?}$', null, array('as'=>'home', function() {

  echo '<hr>';
  echo '<a href="'.Burp::linkRoute('page',1).'">page 1</a><br>';
  echo '<a href="'.Burp::linkRoute('page',2).'">page 2</a><br>';

  echo '<a href="'.Burp::linkRoute('orderby',array('','title')).'">sort title up</a><br>';
  echo '<a href="'.Burp::linkRoute('orderby',array('-','label')).'">sort label down</a><br>';

  echo '<hr>';

//404 route  - fired only if there are defined strict routes (i.e.: ^/$ or ^.*$)  
//but all uncatched
Burp::missing(function() {
    header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
    echo '404 - Resource Not Found';

//where all began

Burp::pattern('number', '(\d+)');
Burp::pattern('page', 'pg/(\d+)');
Burp::pattern('slug', '([a-z0-9-]+)');


#in your laravel routes.php add

Route::pattern('pg', 'pg/(\d+)');
Route::get('/articles/list/{pg?}', array('as'=>'art','uses'=>'ArticleController@getList'));

//define some general purpose events on uri-segments
Burp::pattern('pg', 'pg/(\d+)');
Burp::get('{pg}', null, array('as'=>'page', function($page) {
     \Event::queue('page', array($page));
//define some general purpose events on query-string
Burp::get(null, 'ord=(-?)(\w+)', array('as'=>'orderby', function($direction, $field) {
    $direction = ($direction == '-') ? "DESC" : "ASC";
    \Event::queue('sort', array($direction, $field));


#in your controller 
class ArticleController extends BaseController {

public function __construct()
    //starting from a clean query builder
    $this->articles = new Article;
    //listen for burp defined events
    \Event::listen('sort', array($this, 'sort'));
    \Event::listen('page', array($this, 'page'));
    //flush queued events

public function sort($direction, $field)
    $this->articles = $this->articles->orderBy($field, $direction);
public function page($page)

public function getList()
    $articles = $this->articles->paginate(20);
    //fix links to use custom defined pagination-uri (instead classic 'page=?')
    $links = $articles->links();
    $links = preg_replace('@href="(.*\?page=(\d+))"@U', 
                          'href="'.Burp::linkRoute('page', '$2').'"', $links);

    return view('articles.list', compact('articles','links'));
