PHP code example of zmark / seo-plugin

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zmark/seo-plugin library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zmark / seo-plugin example snippets

public function boot()
    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.listTypes', function() {
        return [
            'acme-post' => 'Post page',

    Event::listen('pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo', function($type) {
        if ($type == 'acme-post')
            return YourModel::getMenuTypeInfo($type);

public static function getMenuTypeInfo($type)
    $result = [];

    if ($type == 'acme-post') {
        $references = [];
        $posts = self::get();
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $references[$post->id] = $post->title;
        $result = [
            'references'   => $references

    return $result;

Event::listen('zmark.seo.mapSeoData', function($type, $reference) {
    if ($type == 'acme-post') {
        return YourModel::mapSeoData($reference);

public static function mapSeoData($reference)
    $item = self::find($reference);

    $seo_data = [
        'title' => $item->title,
        'description' => str_limit(strip_tags($item->description), 155),
        'image' => $item->image,

    return $seo_data;

class Post
    public $implement = ['Zmark.Seo.Behaviors.SeoModel'];

    //tab, default is 'primary'
    public $seoTab = 'secondary';

public function onRun()
    $slug = $this->param('slug');

    $post = new YourModel;

    $post = YourModel::where('slug', $slug)->first();

    $this->page['post'] = $post;

protected static function resolveMenuItem($item, $url, $theme)
    if ($item->type == 'acme-post') {

        $post = self::find($item->reference);

        $page = Page::loadCached($theme, $item->cmsPage);

        $defaultLocale = \RainLab\Translate\Models\Locale::getDefault()->code;

        $pageUrl = \Zmark\Seo\Models\Sitemap::getPageLocaleUrl($page, $post, $defaultLocale, ['slug' => 'slug']);

        $alternateLocales = array_keys(\RainLab\Translate\Models\Locale::listEnabled());

        if (count($alternateLocales) > 1) {
            foreach ($alternateLocales as $locale) {
                $result['alternate_locale_urls'][$locale] = \Zmark\Seo\Models\Sitemap::getPageLocaleUrl($page, $menuItem, $locale, ['slug' => 'slug']);

        $result['title'] = $post->title;
        $result['url'] = $pageUrl;
        $result['mtime'] = $post->updated_at;

        return $result;

    return [$result];