PHP code example of zjkiza / sql-twig-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zjkiza/sql-twig-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zjkiza / sql-twig-bundle example snippets

   return [
       // other bundles
       Zjk\SqlTwig\ZJKizaSqlTwigBundle::class =>  ['all' => true],

namespace App\Example;

use Zjk\SqlTwig\Contract\SqlTwigInterface;

class MyRepository {
    private SqlTwigInterface $sqlTwig;
    public function __construct(SqlTwigInterface $sqlTwig) 
        $this->sqlTwig = $sqlTwig;
    public function allMedia(): array
        return $this->sqlTwig->executeQuery('@media/all_media.sql.twig', [
                'user' => true,
                'ids' => ['60b16643-d5e0-468a-8823-499fcf07684a', '60b16643-d5e0-468a-8823-499fcf07684b'],
                 'ids' => ArrayParameterType::STRING,
    public function withTransaction(): array
        $result = $this->manager->transaction(
            static fn (SqlTwigInterface $manager): Result => $manager->executeQuery('@query/media_id_title.sql.twig'),
        return $result->fetchAllAssociative();