PHP code example of zitec / rule-engine-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zitec/rule-engine-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zitec / rule-engine-bundle example snippets

namespace MyBundle/RuleEngine/Context;

use Zitec/RuleEngineBundle/Service/ContextBase;

class MyFirstContext extends ContextBase
    protected $dataSource;
    // Using a custom name will help you identify the context in built expressions.
    public function getContextObjectKey(): string
        return 'my-name';
    // The context will need a data source to read from. We will set the data source when we evaluate the expression.
    public function setMyDataSource($dataSource)
        $this->dataSource = $dataSource;
    // Added a parameter.
    public function getMyParameter(): string
        return $this->dataSource->getTheData();

namespace MyBundle/RuleEngine/Conditions;

use Zitec/RuleEngineBundle/Conditions/AbstractArrayCondition;

class MyParameter extends AbstractArrayCondition
    // When we ask the context object for the method for this condition name, 
    // it should respond with getMyCondition, since the ContextBase does simple snake_case to getCamelCase.
    protected $name = 'my_parameter';
    // This is the name the users will see in admin pages.
    protected $label = 'My Parameter';
    // A help text displayed in the condition builder if the user selects this parameter.
    protected $description = 'Set conditions for my parameter';
    // Here is where we decide on the operators that will be available for this parameter.
    protected function getOperatorDefinitions(): array
        $options = [
            ['key' => 'one', 'label' => 'Option one'],
            ['key' => 'two', 'label' => 'Option two'],
        // Details about the operator definition structure can be found in the Operator definition section.
        return [
                'label'     => 'match ANY of the following',
                'name'      => $this::INTERSECTING,
                'fieldType' => 'select',
                'fieldOptions' => [
                    'multiple'  => true,
                    'options'   => $options,
                'label'     => 'match NONE of the following',
                'name'      => $this::DISJOINT,
                // Details about the autocomplete feature in the Autocomplete section of this readme.
                'fieldType' => 'autocomplete',
                'fieldOptions' => [
                    'autocomplete' => 'my_autocomplete_key',

class EmailAddress implements RuleInterface
    use RuleTrait;
    // Your entity's properties and getters/setters follow. 

class EmailAddressAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
    use RuleAdminTrait;

    protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
        // Add the rule admin, using the method from the trait:
        // Add the rest of your fields.

    protected function configureListFields(ListMapper $list)
        // Add the columns from the rule entity. On dev environments, the generated espression will also be visible.
        // Add the rest of your columns and actions.

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use MyBundle\RuleEngine\Context\MyFirstContext;
use Zitec\RuleEngineBundle\Service\RuleEvaluator;

class RecipientChooserService
     * The entity repository for your EmailAddress entity
     * @var EntityRepository
    protected $emailAddressRepository;

     * @var RuleEvaluator
    protected $evaluator;

     * @var MyFirstContext
    protected $context;

    public function __construct(
        EntityRepository $emailAddressRepository,
        RuleEvaluator $evaluator,
        MyFirstContext $context
    ) {
        $this->emailAddressRepository = $emailAddressRepository;
        $this->evaluator = $evaluator;
        $this->context = $context;

    public function getRecipientAddresses($myDataSource)
        // Load and filter email addresses.
        /** @var EmailAddress[] $emailAddresses */
        $emailAddresses = $this->emailAddressRepository->findAll();

        // Determine the applicable addresses.
        $recipients = [];
        foreach ($emailAddresses as $entity) {
            if ($this->evaluator->evaluate($entity->getRule(), $this->context)) {
                $recipients[] = $entity->getEmail();

        return $recipients;

use MyBundle\Entity\MyEntity;
use Zitec\RuleEngineBundle\Autocomplete\AbstractAutocompleteEntity;

class MyEntityAutocomplete extends AbstractAutocompleteEntity
    protected function getEntityClass(): string
        return MyEntity::class;

    protected function getIdField(): string
        return 'id'; // This will be the value used in the built expression

    protected function getTextField(): string
        return 'name'; // This will be the value displayed to the user.