PHP code example of zingchart / php_wrapper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download zingchart/php_wrapper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


zingchart / php_wrapper example snippets

use ZingChart\PHPWrapper\ZC;

$datay = array();
$a = 6.619;
$b = 0.113;
$index = 0;
for ($x = 50; $x < 600; $x += 50, $index++) {
    array_push($datay, $a + $b*$x);

$zc = new ZC("myChart");
$zc->setTitle("PHP 5.6 render");
$zc->setSeriesData(0, $datay);

$zc = new ZC("myChart");
$data = $zc->query($mySqlQuery, true);

$zc = new ZC("myChart");

$zc = new ZC("chartDiv");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", "line");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", "line", "dark");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", "line", "dark", "600");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", "line", "dark", "600", "400");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", null, "dark");
$zc = new ZC("chartDiv", "bar", null, 600, 400);


$chart1Script = $zc->getRenderScript();// This stores the script, to be printed later
echo $chart1Script;// This will render the chart



$queryStr = "SELECT timestamp, unitsSold, expected, anotherMetric FROM feed_data";
$zc->query($queryStr, true);

$queryStr = "SELECT unitsSold, expected, anotherMetric FROM feed_data";
$zc->query($queryStr, false);

$fieldNames = $zc->getFieldNames();

$zc->setTitle("Sandwiches Consumed");

$zc->setSubtitle("March 1 thru March 31, 2016");

$zc->setLegendTitle("Sandwich Types");



$zc->setScaleXLabels(array("Mar 1", "Mar 2", "Mar 3));


$zc->setSeriesData(0, [5,7,11]);
$zc->setSeriesData([[3,7,1], [20,32,37], [1,25,48]]);

$zc->setSeriesText(["BLT","Tuna","Club"]); // applies "BLT" to series[0], "Tuna" to series[1],..
$zc->setSeriesText(0, "BLT");              // applies "BLT" to series[0]


$zc->setChartWidth("600"); // in pixels

$zc->setChartHeight("400"); // in pixels

















$chartTitle = $zc->getTitle();

$chartSubtitle = $zc->getSubtitle();

$legendTitle = $zc->getLegendTitle();

$config = $zc->getConfig();

$xAxisTitle = $zc->getScaleXTitle();

$yAxisTitle = $zc->getScaleYTitle();

$xAxisLabels = $zc->getScaleXLabels();

$yAxisLabels = $zc->getScaleYLabels();

$plotValues = $zc->getSeriesData();

$plotSeriesText = $zc->getSeriesText();

$zc->setConfig("legend.header.background-color", "red");
$zc->setConfig("series[1].values", array(5,9,13,10,22,39));

$legendConfig = array(
    "header" => array(
        "background-color" => "red"
    "marker" => array(
        "border-color" => "orange",
        "border-width" => "3px",
        "shadow-angle" => "115"

$zc->setConfig("legend", $legendConfig);

$myConfig = array(
    "legend" => array(
        "header" => array(
            "background-color" => "red"
        "marker" => array(
            "border-color" => "orange",
            "border-width" => "3px",
            "shadow-angle" => "115"
    "series" => array(
            "values" => array(33,45,27,32,15),
            "text"   => "Apples"
            "values" => array(1,5,9,3,7),
            "text"   => "Oranges"

$jsonString = <<< EOT


$zc = new ZC("myChart", "area", "light", 600, 400);