PHP code example of ziffmedia / nova-select-plus

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ziffmedia/nova-select-plus library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ziffmedia / nova-select-plus example snippets

use ZiffMedia\NovaSelectPlus\SelectPlus;

    // setup model like normal:
    public function statesLivedIn()
        return $this->belongsToMany(State::class, 'state_user_lived_in')->withTimestamps();

    // add Nova Resource Field
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class),

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

// Using php 7.4 short functions:
SelectPlus::make('States Visited', 'statesVisited', State::class)
    ->label(fn ($state) => $state->name . " <span class=\"text-xs\">({$state->code})</span>")

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
  ->usingIndexLabel(fn($models) => $models->first()->name ?? ''),

SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
  ->usingIndexLabel(fn($models) => $models->pluck('name')),

    // assuming in the User model:
    public function statesVisited()
        return $this->belongsToMany(State::class, 'state_user_visited')

    // inside the Nova resource:
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)

    // inside the Nova resource (exclude all states that start with C)
    SelectPlus::make('States Lived In', 'statesLivedIn', State::class)
        ->optionsQuery(function (Builder $query) {
            $query->where('name', 'NOT LIKE', 'C%');

    SelectPlus::make('States Visited', 'statesVisited', State::class)
        ->ajaxSearchable(function ($search) {
            return StateModel::where('name', 'LIKE', "%{$search}%")->limit(5);