PHP code example of ziffmedia / laravel-ksql

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ziffmedia/laravel-ksql library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ziffmedia / laravel-ksql example snippets

$client = new Ziffmedia\LaravelKsql\Client("http://my.ksqldb.server:8088");

$client = new Ziffmedia\LaravelKsql\Client("http://my.ksqldb.server:8088", "myusername", "mypassword");

$client = app(ZiffMedia\LaravelKsql\KsqlClient::class)

return [
    "endpoint" => env("KSQL_ENDPOINT"),
    "auth" => [
        "username" => env("KSQL_USERNAME"),
        "password" => env("KSQL_PASSWORD")
    "consumer_queries" => [ // examples lass

class QueryResult
    public string $query; // the sql string used to produce this result
    public array $columns; // an associative array keyed by column names in the result, with values equal to the data type for that column
    public string|null $name; // the convenience name key used for this query. Value will be null unless this result was produced from multiplexing
    public array $data; // an associative array of column name to column value. This will represent one row of a results data set.
class KsqlStreamChanged
    public QueryResult $result;

$client = new Ziffmedia\LaravelKsql\Client("http://my.ksqldb.server:8088");

// full synchronous query returning an array of QueryResult objects
/** @var QueryResult[] $result */
$result = $client->query("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE LIMIT 5");

// use an optional row handler
$client->query("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE LIMIT 5", function(QueryResult $row) {

// emit events using the built-in event class
$client->query("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE LIMIT 5", true);

// emit events using a custom event class
$client->query("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE LIMIT 5", App\Event\MyTableChanged::class);

$client = new Ziffmedia\LaravelKsql\Client("http://my.ksqldb.server:8088");

// emit events using the built-in event class

// use an optional row handler
$client->stream("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE EMIT CHANGES", function(QueryResult $row) {

// emit events using a custom event class
$client->stream("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE EMIT CHANGES", App\Event\MyTableChanged::class);

$client = new Ziffmedia\LaravelKsql\Client("http://my.ksqldb.server:8088");

       ->query('mytable', "SELECT * FROM MYTABLE EMIT CHANGES")
       ->query('yourtable', 'SELECT * FROM YOURTABLE EMIT CHANGES')
$> php artisan ksql-consumer